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Zhao Lusi, Xu Kaicheng’s New Drama Is Hit, But The Douban Rating Is Only 4.3

Zhao Lusi Xu Kaicheng

A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College starring Zhao Lusi, Xu Kaicheng is airing. Because Zhao Lusi played the lead of the drama, this drama has become a big hit, the current view count has broken a hundred million times.


However, this drama is popular, but the reputation is not good. The uninspired plot. The acting skills of the main leads and the plot, have been criticized by many viewers. At present, the drama only gets 4.3 in the Douban rating, which is a relatively lower rating for Zhao Lusi’s works.

Douban Rating

The audience’s criticism of this drama is mainly focused on the following points:

1. The storyline isn’t attract

If the unexpected setting of “The Romance of Tiger and Rose” makes the audience feel new and interesting, “A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College” is a kind of embarrassing drama in which the scriptwriter tries hard to make the audience get the punch line.

For example, the heroine creates a variety of opportunities to send the purse to the hero. The few shots did not find any contrast, the character’s reaction is not captured, not cute, not fun, it is just like completing a normal task. After that, all the plot is in the audience’s expectations without surprise.

2. Zhao Lusi’s roles personality are fixed

A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College 1

The characters that Zhao Lusi has played since her debut are all cute and lively, which is no longer fresh for the audience. Zhao Lusi played the character of Sang Qi, whose personality is somewhat similar to Chen Qianqian. And in this drama, many audiences feel that Zhao Lusi’s acting skills have regressed.

3. Production is not attentive

Sang Qi and the lady bet, if she can’t send the purse to the hero, she will dance in public which is farfetched. The heroine has no need to bet with the lady, and the task to send the hero purse, the motive is not strong enough.

A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College Scenes

In addition, the fall into the water scene, even appeared many modern costume characters, the crew’s inattentiveness was exposed, it is no wonder that the quality of the play did not meet the expectations of the audience.

Also, when they were at a friend’s house, it was snowing heavily. But when they leave, the floor can’t find any snow.

At present, the drama has already released 12 episodes, and the Douban rating is 4.3, and it can be expected that the drama will not score high. For Zhao Lusi, many viewers expressed their hope that she can come out of her comfort zone to challenge herself.

What do you think about the low rating of Zhao Lusi, Xu Kaicheng’s New Drama?

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  1. Oh bull! I’m pretty sure majority already know why the ratings of this excellent drama has a low score. All the antis went on an anti-ZL spree and gave this drama a low score. Which is why Douban scores have lost their credibility long time ago. It’s all BS at this point. Viewers of Love Like The Galaxy can attest that the low score it got certainly do not reflect the quality of this drama. I’ve seen one drama that I know do not deserve the high score it got. Those antis are shallow and petty.

  2. Douban’s rating is all B******t. Too many anti’s and very unreliable. Some drama are not even that good and get high rates. It’s a total joke ! Why not give international fans the chance to vote as well ? We paid money for VIP just to watch dramas so it is just fair to give us the chance to rate cdrama as well.
    Female students arrived at the imperial college is one of my favourites. This is a good drama very entertaining compared with other high rated dramas which is BORING !!

  3. I have learned to like Zhao Lusi as an actress. She has a full range of emotions that I don’t grow tired of. This drama is interesting & has many funny moments. I don’t go by ratings & other people’s reactions. If the first 2 episodes don’t catch my attention, I don’t continue. I’m from the USA who watches Chinese dramas. This one is definitely a winner to me.

  4. For this case,I don’t think the score from Douban wii judge viewers in every country Because as far as I know ,Douban has antis and can hit low scores. it is an extremly unreliable platform. And I sew scores from other platforms have hight scores. Douban has no credibility at all

  5. The above criticism is completelyinreasonable because it is very biased all three criticized.Very retarted like someone who lacks consciousness. criticizes the drama nimber1 , actually .the drama is interesting since the first ep.has been attracted to watch.there is continuity,not boring at all.threr are,friendship.and the romance that the leading actors do very well in suitable for the drama,appropriate title.the title know that a comedy and romantic love drama ,cute ,curry ,funny ,lighthearted,the director made it out that was very suitable for content drama for name . the acting it was cute happy funny pecking the pillow smiling throughout the story

    1. item 2 .Heroine charactor is student in school.the girl from countryside beautiful.cute, but does not know the love of young people .personality smart ,bold ,mischievous ,but loves virtue.which Zhaolusi played avery good role .Romance of kiss is suitable for role student in school.To see if actors improve their performances or not .should look at the inner ,acting can make people like satisfied,fasinated,get in to the role a lot .Not saying that the original role. in this way,actors are not eligible for similar jobs .Is it all wrong?it’snot correct .Don’t use personal bias to criticize the is sin too much. don’t value these people.

  6. all three criticism are so wrong . I think opposite all that

  7. ellos como actores me encantan y si es cierto es la historia le falta mas chispa… pero igual la estoy viendo de todos los dramas chinos en estreno aun a pesar de todo me gusta y no me la pierdo ya pienso yo… le falto a los guionistas y al director poner su granito de arena para mejorar el drama pero ya esta igual continuare viendo ellos como actores me encantan asi bye saludos desde PERU