2024 Chinese Drama List

Ryan Ding Yuxi, Esther Yu Shuxin Sweet Love Between Writer And Editor In “Moonlight”

Esther Yu Ding Yuxi

Sweet drama “Moonlight” finally came to viewers on 520, starring Esther Yu Shuxin and Ryan Ding Yuxi, both of whom have been popular artists in the last two years.


The drama has been gotten a great concern of netizens before it’s aired. After it is released, its popularity rose to the top of the Chinese drama list.

This new drama is adapted from the novel “Chu Li Lai Le”. The main story is about an amazing writer named Zhou Chuan and a new coming editor named Chu Li.

During their long encounter, they discovered that they are actually good net friends for years! After a series of setbacks, a romantic love story eventually unfolds.

Esther Yu Ding Yuxi

Esther Yu was quite popular in the talent show, not only because of her interesting personality but also because of her hard work.

Before her debut as a member of a girl group, Yu Shuxin was a very hard-working actress. She was already famous before she took part in “Youth With You 2”.

In “Find Yourself”, starring Zhang Yujian, we had seen her good acting skills! The role of cute Cai Minmin is just like Yu Shuxin herself!

Esther Yu Shuxin plays a young editor called Chu Li, who has a happy family but always feels that she should go out and make a name for herself, so she goes to Shanghai to work and try to realize her dream.

Although this kind of persona has become so common that the audience does not find it new, Yu Shuxin’s original character is a bit lively and simple, so this role suits her well and does not feel out of place. Her adorable performance fulfilled the viewer’s expectations.


Young actor Ryan Ding Yuxi, who is called ” Boyfriend of May” by viewers has been recognized for his acting skills. In “Moonlight”, he also showed his steady.

Some people say that his acting style is a bit like Edward Guo Jingming’s image. Maybe they have similar careers. Ding Yuxi played a best-selling author, so, understandably, it’s a bit like that.

He doesn’t give the character too much of his personal temperament but strictly follows the script.


THE9 – Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi are very eye-catching with their good appearance. The main characters are also very distinct and prominent in their personas.

A simple girl with a rich imagination, a rational and sincere young writer bring viewers a big surprise. Although the plot of this drama did not exceed everyone’s expectations, the sweet and charming CP made people look forward to it.

Esther Yu Weibo

Before broadcasting, Esther Yu also posted Weibo about “Moonlight” with several posters, and then @ Ding Yu Xi: Do you want to date online or let me move into your house?

After a while, Ding Yu Xi responded Yu Shuxin: I want both. Netizens laughed: It is indeed an adult’s choice. Ding Yuxi you have finally grown up, only children have to make choices.

May is the season for love, have you followed “Moonlight”, first collaborative work of Ryan Ding Yuxi and Esther Yu Shuxin?

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