Xing Fei, Daddi Tang Xiaotian -A Fake Romance Turns Real?
Starring Xing Fei, Daddi Tang, “My Little Happiness” are very popular with many people. As a decompression sweet drama, it really made viewers enjoy themself and gained good reviews.
There are many sweet and close interactions in the drama. Some fans have even summarized a collection of kissing scenes between the lead roles. And it seems that both actors are very involved.

On January 30th, it was exposed that Fair Xing and Daddi Tang fell in love with so many kissing scenes in the drama. The crew knew that they were in love at public expense. In the publicity period, their teams are avoiding marketing too close. They are afraid of the exposure of the relationship.
From the Revelations, it seems that they indeed fell in love because of the drama. Sweet drama always make actors fall in love quickly. They look very perfect for each other in reality.

In order to publicize “My Little Happiness”, Xing Fei and Daddi Tang had live streaming, in which they said they are each other’s ideal type. Then Daddi Tang touched Xing Fei’s head after listening. The gesture was also thought of as having a crush on Xing Fei, exactly like Wen Shaoqing and Cong Rong in the drama.

They were getting along exactly like a couple in love, all sorts of intimate gestures, touching heads, clasping fingers together, cuddling in their arms. They were too close without any distance.
“Together” was full of the screen, they tacitly began to play Taiji. Tang Xiaotian said, “We’re already together, aren’t we?
When Fair Xing seriously praised Daddi Tang’s acting skills: “You are really interpreting this role with your heart”. Daddi Tang replied, “Maybe it’s you, if not you, may not be so attentive”.

They are really like being in a relationship and not avoiding suspicion. A fake romance turns real?
For the Revelations, Xing Fei and Daddi Tang have not responded. What do you think of them? What do you think of their kissing scenes in the show? Do you think they’re gonna fall in love?
They both r? each other. When I saw a drama they were looking ?. I wish? both of them get married. In drama it looks real marriage
I started to realize that this romance is real at the end the way she looked at him when she said honey I love you
I hope they in love get married and have babies
They look close friend in reality But as many love Xing fei with Lin yi. They both have beautiful chemistry in Put your head on my shoulder. As I fall in love with Xing fei with Lin Yi as couple. For me Xing fei is perfect with Lin yi and Xing fei and day tang are just close friend. Hope we can see Xing fei and Lin yi in another drama to proved it Xing fei and Lin yi are ideal couple.
They look really close friends in real life. It’s Daddi Tang’s acting that made everyone convinced they’re inlove and Xing Fei is born with the acting skills. They do have chemistry on screen. They really made people fell in love with the characters in their drama. I fell, too, kissing scenes seemed real. First time to fall with Xing Fei’s partner since Put Your Head On My Shoulder, Forget Me, Remember Love, Don’t Kiss Me, Ms Crow with Mr. Lizard? myged!
I like Daddi Tang as actor. He can portray different roles. I’ ve watched “The Sword & the Brocade” and My Little Hapoiness for 3x and Way Back Into Love and currently To Get Her.
Sweet Couple! Can be go to reality!
L9ve seeing both of them together they a Match I have this love 10 times and love it every time I look at it
A quimica entre os dois estava perfeita. Os beijos pareciam muito sinceros, fiquei impressionada com o beijo na parte dos doces, eles realmente trocaram um doce de bocas no beijo, impossível ser encenação…. concordam ? vocês observaram isto.
Espero que sejam felizes e que curtam esta paixão.
Que amor sempre seja verdadeiro, isto que importa.
Maria José – São Paulo – Brasil.
They both are perfect match to eachother in the drama
I wish they will marry
Fan from india
We want one more drama for xing i n Daddi tang plzz??
Yes please more drama for them together. I love them both.
What a chemistry between Xing Fei and Daddi Tang
Watching for a second time
Regards from Mauritius
J’adore ce drama il est très beau et romantique. Bien que Daddy fait des petites remarques sur sa taille, je vois dans on regard une lueur amoureuse est le regard ne trompe pas (que se soit sur scène ou après). Oui j’aimerais qu’ils forment un couple dans la vie telle mais cela leur appartient de le décider s’ils tombent amoureux ou le sont déjà. Par contre j’aimerais une deuxième saison ou un autre drama ensemble… Une fan de France
En verdad se ven perfectos los dos juntos espero y eso de ser un drama De la serie de My little happiness, en la vida real que estén juntos hay un amor entre ellos Fair Xing y Tang Xiao Tian
same here
Iam so happy for you good luck i love both of you
youre fan from Ethiopia
Well I don’t think xing fei is going to be his girlfriend because she is very not into that type of guys. love from India??????
Hope their relationship is real… love to see them again in the movie. Good luck to both of you. Die hard fan from S.D. Ca. ???❤️❤️❤️
Yes I think daddi Tang and Xing Fei are in relationship
I love them
Yes.. they’ve perfect chemistry together in drama MLH?. But for real life boyfriend to Xing Fei.. it’s very impossible.. he’s kind of playboy type guy’s.. he make jokes of Xing Fei heights all the time in the series of MLH. Xing Fei; should look onto it.. please fine the guy who love ❤️ u the most than u do. You deserve it. Good luck and God Blessed. Your fans from California USA ?? ❤️❤️❤️
HOPEFULLY YES.. they have sooo much Chemistry and i feel the drama soo much..
Wow!.. hopefully it’s true. They’re Ml very comfortable each other.. is it XT had dated to the actress drama called Way Back? They haves interviewed and both of them said they’re relationships are more than friends.. MLH.. drama they should’ve recognized to get awards. Advance congratulations everyone. Good luck ???, your fans from California USA ??
Assisto Dramas chineses históricos, e pelo que entendi é uma questão da cultura deles o toque entre um homem e uma mulher, até médico não podia, não sei se é verdade, mas compreendi depois de conhecer esse contexto histórico pq os dramas chineses não tem cenas de beijo ou intimidade.
Enfim, acho até mais bonito ver o sentimento real que uma pessoa sente por outra do que vê filmes que mostram demais e as vezes nem demonstra o amor genuíno.