2024 Chinese Drama List

Chinese Drama - The War of Resistance Against Japan

The War of Resistance Against Japan

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  • Best Enemy


    Action, Suspense, Thriller
    Gao Zhiting, Wang Sen, Chen Yao
    In 1939, to combat the collaborationist Wang puppet government's secret organization known as "No.76," the Military Statistics Bureau (Military Intelligence) established the Xin An Training Class. Childhood friends Chen Kehai and Fang Li joined forces with the hope of resisting the Japanese and saving their country. The harsh experiences in the training class revealed the true nature of the Military Statistics Bureau to Chen Kehai. After a failed assassination mission, Chen and Fang went their separate ways. Two years later, Chen Kehai, who had secretly joined the Communist Party, returned to Shanghai, infiltrating No.76 undercover. He discovered that Fang Li had become the head of No.76, and the two brothers embarked on radically different paths in life. Faced with Chen Kehai, Fang Li repeatedly tested him, even placing female secret agent Luo Bing by Chen Kehai's side. Chen Kehai found himself in enemy territory, surrounded by dangers and constant tests. He remained fearless, repeatedly overcoming perilous situations under the guidance of the party organization, providing valuable intelligence to the Communist Party. At the same time, Chen Kehai's actions fueled Fang Li's suspicions to the extreme. These former classmates and close friends would eventually face a final showdown in the post-war era, driven by their unwavering beliefs.
  • The Infiltrator


    Political, Crime, Suspense
    Huang Xiaoming, Jiang Xin, Wu Xiaoliang
    In 1941 Shanghai, Fang Jiashu, a member of the Chinese Communist Party, is in danger of being exposed when he lurks in No. 76, the spy headquarters of Wang's Puppet Government. At this time, his childhood fiancee, Tao Yuling, who is also an underground worker of the Party, enters his life with two children and begins a story of undercover work with him, pretending to be a family. Faced with the suspicions and tests of Li Lixing, the director of No. 76, and Ye Xingcheng, the chief of intelligence, Fang Jiashu, and Tao Yuling try their best to get all the family members to "act" in place. On the other hand, Fang Jiashu is also an agent of the spy system organized by the Military Commission of the KMT Government, and must navigate his relationships with Su Yalu, a female agent, who has a crush on him, and "Silver Fox", the head of the spy system's operations team who is secretly watching him. Even in such a complicated situation, Fang still managed to straighten out the various relationships between public and private, between the enemy and us and completed the important tasks given by the organization, such as obtaining information on coal refining oil and eliminating the executioner Li Lixing. Using the contradictions between the spy system of the Military Commission of the KMT Government, No. 76, and the Japanese, he cleverly obtained more information and benefits for our Party.
  • Youth in the Flames of War


    Youth, Military, War
    Dylan Wang, Zhou Ye
    The history of the Southwest Associated University (SWAU), a temporary merger of Tsinghua University, Peking University and Nankai University in Kunming from 1937 to 1946, recreates the cultural resistance and self-improvement of young scholars and intellectuals during the war period, and shows the perseverance and responsibility of young scholars to carry out the great mission of national rejuvenation with a heartfelt sense of family and country.
  • Infernal Affairs


    Suspense, Thriller, Drama
    Jin Dong, Wang Likun, Wang Zhiwen
    During the period of the puppet government under the rule of Wang Jingwei in the Anti-Japanese War, Lu Feng, who grew up in an orphanage, was ordered to undercover in number 76 but almost blew his cover due to the suspicious Shen Xiao. Eventually, Lu Feng successfully infiltrated number 76 with his superior intelligence and became the highest-ranking special agent. However, he did not want to become enemies with Chen Xi, whom he had once loved. After going through many misunderstandings, the two lovers finally confirmed each other's identities and cooperated with each other in several secret operations to complete a series of secret missions. During his actions, Lu Feng gradually realized the darkness within the Military Statistics Bureau and the struggles for power and interests. After experiencing betrayal from his mentor and the murder of his family members, he defected to the Chinese Communist Party and became an undercover agent of the Communist Party in the Military Statistics Bureau. He closely cooperated with the organization and engaged in a battle of wits and courage with the enemy, setting up one intricate trap after another. Through the baptism of love, family, and friendship, he won a turning point for the final victory of the Anti-Japanese War.
  • Farewell to Arms


    War, Military, Action
    Zhang Han, Jiao Junyan
    In July 1937, the situation in North China was urgent and the Japanese were preparing to launch a full-scale invasion of China. Heishi Village in Chahaer Province seemed to be calm, but in reality, it was turbulent. On the eve of his wedding with his beloved, Zhang Songling, a talent, was framed by traitors, and his family was ruined. Zhang Songling hid his pain and resolutely joined the army. After several hard battles, his military education was improved rapidly, and he understood that the responsibility of a soldier is to protect the people. Later, Zhang Songling was seriously wounded and came to the grassland, where he joined the guerrilla forces under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, uniting the people of the grassland to fight the Japanese invaders together. Zhang Songling learned the sincerity and selflessness of the Communist Party and realized that the Communist Party of China was the hope of China. He joined the Communist Party of China with honor and became the leader of the guerrilla forces and the backbone of the Red Anti-Japanese Army. Zhang Songling led the team, united the people, fought against the invaders and traitors, and finally succeeded in driving the invaders out of the grassland, despite the hardships and sacrifices.


    Political, War, Crime
    Zhu Yilong, Tong Yao, Wang Zhiwen
    In 1936, a young Renaissance Society cadre training class participant, Lin Nansheng, was taken to Shanghai by Chen Moqun, the Shanghai district chief of the Renaissance Society. Chen Moqun got a contact site of the Shanghai underground from a traitor and analyzed that Zhu Yizhen, a student of HJU, was the liaison of the Shanghai Committee of the Communist Party. Chen Moqun asks Lin Nanshang to get close to Zhu Yizhen and infiltrate into the underground party. In the process of carrying out his assignment, Lin Nansheng is constantly attracted by the sense of mission and fearless sacrifice of Gu Shenyan, Ji Zhongyuan, Zhu Yizhen, and other communists for the country and the people. Then he thinks deeply about the chaos of Kuomintang and social reality. Lin Nansheng was brave and resolute in the struggle against the intruder and the traitor, and he fought with the Communists for the overall national interest at stake. After nearly a decade of recognition and choice, on the eve of victory in the anti-Japanese war, Lin Nansheng grew up to be a Communist. In the following war of liberation, by his special status in the military spy organization, he provided great help to the underground party at some critical moments, making an important contribution to the founding of New China.
  • The Message


    Suspense, Thriller, Military
    Xu Lu, Janice Man, Zhou Yiwei
    In 1941, Gu Xiaomeng, a KMT agent, succeeds in infiltrating in Wang Jingwei's government. But because of the assassination of a senior officer of the Japanese Intelligence Department, she is captured by the Japanese secret service chief, Long Chuan Fei Yuan, and the head of the secret service of Wang Jingwei's government, Wang Tianxiang, together with his colleagues, Li Ningyu, Jin Shenghuo, Wu Zhiguo, and Bai Xiaonian. When they learn that the Chinese communist code-named "Lao Gui" is among the five, they try all the way to force "Lao Gui" to appear. But the "Lao Gui" wisely maneuvers with the Japanese and the secret agents with evil intentions, creating all sorts of illusions to confuse the enemy. She not only causes confusion within the enemy organization but also finds the spy codenamed "Huang Que" who was painstakingly hidden in the underground organization by Long Chuan Fei Yuan.
  • The Flame of Youth


    War, Suspense, Drama
    Li Jiahang, Song Yi, Niu Junfeng
    During the period from the 4-12 Incident in 1927 to the songhu anti-japanese war on January 28, 1932, Gu Xing, a young man on the Shanghai Bund, becomes a constable in the French Concession, with the intention of making a name for himself and capturing Xia Ruoning's heart. But he accidentally gets involved in a case between the counter-revolutionary forces in Shanghai and a Japanese spy organization. He finds a way to solve the unsolved case and protects the communist Zhu Xueru from persecution, but Xia Ruoning disappears because of him. He is also kidnapped. It turns out that he is mistakenly recruited by the KMT Investigation Division for reconnaissance training and later inserted into the top echelons of the northeastern warlords. With the help of Zhu Xueru's daughter Tang Buyu, he uncovers a Japanese secessionist plot and makes the warlords of the Northeast change and ensures national unity. But then Xia Ruoning unexpectedly appears, and Gu Xing finds out a secret. Under the influence of Zhu Xueru and Tang Bu Yuyu, Gu Xing becomes clear about his beliefs and takes the initiative to join the Communist Party, where he is instrumental in the Battle of Shanghai on January 28.
  • Yangko Dance


    Military, War, Thriller
    Yang Zhigang, Yang Zi
    On the eve of the War of Resistance Against Japan, a young man named Hai Mao, who lives by fortune-telling and begging, has an extremely miserable life. His parents were from the Wu and Zhao families in Hu Tou Bay, but the two families had been feuding for generations due to the "Yangko Dance" and did not marry each other. His parents sacrificed themselves to save him, Hai Mao survived by chance. On his way to Jianghu, he reappears in Hu Tou Bay, causing chaos, and at the same time forming a deep bond with two girls, Wu Ruoyun and Zhao Xiangyue. Driven by the tide of the times, Hai Mao is introduced to the revolutionary team by Wang Tiankai, a member of the Chinese Communist Party. This man, who is at the forefront of the times, eventually convinces Zhao and Wu families and join forces with the pirate Hei Sha to fight the Japanese invaders.
  • My Name Is Liu Chuan Shuo


    War, Drama
    Qian Yongchen, Lan Xi
    In the summer of 1939, the Japanese army assembled heavy forces to attack Shanxi Eighth Route Army Taihang Mountains Yue Tai base, occupying Yue Tai county town. Liu Chuanshuo, a correspondent of the central county committee of the Yue Tai, was able to break through the plots of the devils one after another, making the central county committee free from the pursuit of the Japanese and successfully get out of danger, and Liu Chuanshuo became famous in one battle. The Japanese launched one crazy attack after another on the base of the Eighth Route Army in Yue Tai. Liu Chuanshuo used his wisdom and bravery to lead Jia Banxian, Wang Erhan, Cai Laopao, Zhao Yiqiang and other soldiers to fight with the cunning Ban Tian Gui Yi, repeatedly and brilliantly completing the tasks given to him by his superiors, giving his old rival SBan Tian Gui Yi a heavy blow and repeatedly making fantastic achievements. However, he shifted all these honours to his dream girl, Wang Tiange. Liu Chuanshuo hided behind Wang Tiange and had a great deal of prestige in the team even though he wss not entrusted with important duties. With his unique charm, Liu also wrote a love story with his heart and true feelings. He became an excellent revolutionary soldier under the care and love of the Party organisation.
  • The Disguiser


    War, Action, Suspense
    Hu Ge, Jin Dong, Liu Mintao
    During the anti-Japanese war, Mingtai, a young man from a wealthy family, was on his way to study at the University of Hong Kong. He was kidnapped by Wang Tianfeng, a senior officer of the National Military Council Research and Statistics, and taken to the training course, where he underwent a tough training program and became a good agent of the National Military Council Research and Statistics. Afterward, Mingtai and his partner Yu Manli go to Shanghai to carry out a series of secret activities. During the "Smash Project", Mingtai teams up with Cheng Jinyun, a member of the Chinese Communist Party underground, and successfully blows up a special train transporting senior Japanese officials by Wang Jingwei’s Puppet Regime. Later, Mingtai assassinates senior officials of the Wang Wang Jingwei government and kills Japanese spies, achieving many successes. However, as Mingtai becomes disillusioned with the KMT's "making money from the disaster" initiatives, Cheng Jinyun recommends him to the Communist Party as an underground agent. In order to win the ultimate victory on the battlefield, Mingtai and his elder brother Minglou, who has a complicated identity, work together to launch the "death knell ringing" operation. They successfully confuse the Japanese army with false information and win a chance for the ultimate victory of the war.
  • Battle of Changsha


    Military, War, Romance
    Wallace Huo, Yang Zi
    In October 1938, after the Japanese army had captured Wuhan, the city of Changsha was in danger. Faced with the sudden war, people in the city were on tenterhooks and many people fled with their families. Xue Junshan, the grandson-in-law of the Hu family in Chayuan Lane, with the cooperation of his family, tried every possible means to arrange a way out for Xiangxiang and Xiaoman, the Hu family's favorite twins. He first introduces Xiangxiang to Gu Qingming, a talented soldier who has returned from overseas to defend Changsha, but unfortunately, Xiangxiang's sassy nature and Gu Qingming's arrogance are so conflicting that Xue Junshan has to choose another family. With the efforts of the whole family, the marriage was finally arranged before the war reached Changsha city. At that time, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the burning of Changsha City, and due to misdirection, Changsha burned for three days and nights, resulting in a huge disaster. In such a scorched land, heroes from all over the world came to defend this ancient city, and together with the people of Hunan, they struggled to stop the enemy's attack. The Hu family also staged a tale of sorrow and happiness in this disaster.
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