Youth, Romance, Drama Zhou Dongyu, Jackson Yee An unexpected incident on the eve of the college entrance examination changed the fate of two teenagers. Chen Nian is introverted and an exemplary student in school. Her only goal in her senior year is to study hard and get into a good university. The accidental fall of a classmate leads to a series of unknown stories, gradually pulling Chen Nian into the mix. In her loneliest moment,...
Youth, Comedy, Friendship Peng Yuchang, Darren Wang, Wei Daxun High school student Gao Yuan, who suddenly contracted muscular dystrophy, was informed by the doctor that his time was limited. Determined to fulfill one last wish before his death, he aspired to become a true man! Upon hearing this news, his two loyal friends, Xu Hao and Zhang Zhengyang, were determined to fight to the end, sparing no effort to fulfill their brother's final wish!
Youth, Drama, Fantasy Neo Hou, Peng Yuchang, Gai Yuexi Gaosilin, Zhang Ziyang, and Guo Sijia are three close friends who grew up together since childhood, despite their contrasting personalities. Due to a misunderstanding and one person's stubborn choice, a friend tragically died. However, to rectify the regret, the remaining two friends exhaust every effort to travel back in time in a desperate attempt to save their friend. Through a series...
Youth, Romance, Drama Song Weilong, Vivian Sung Zhou Linlin performed exceptionally well in the college entrance examination and entered Dongfang University. Alongside her, the top science student in the school, Fang Yuke, also entered the prestigious institution. While Lang has affection, the concubine has no intention, Fang Yuke has actually been fond of Zhou Linlin since kindergarten. Life is but a fleeting moment, and their childhood...
Youth, School, Romance Arthur Chen, He Landou Geng Geng is a skilled photographer who had a love affair with no result when she was a student, which still affects her deeply today. At the time, Geng Geng and Yu Huai became tablemates and befriended Jian Dan, Bei Ta, and Xu Yanliang. As time goes by, Geng and Yu's relationship grew step by step from their initial friendship. They made a promise to enter the same university in the...
Youth, Romance, Comedy Darren Wang, Lin Yun Yuan Xiangqin developed feelings for the talented young boy Jiang Zhishu. Just when she was about to give up after her failed confession, her father unexpectedly moved them into Zhishu's house. Yuan Xiangqin not only cherished Zhishu as her precious sweetheart but also collected various merchandise related to him. She carefully preserved things he had used, personalized stickers made...