Sci-fi, Adventure, Rescue Wu Jing, Qu Chuxiao, Li Guangjie In recent years, scientists have discovered that the Sun is rapidly aging and expanding. In a short period of time, the entire solar system, including Earth, will be engulfed by the Sun. In order to save themselves, humanity proposed a bold plan called the "Wandering Earth," which involves using the collective efforts of the world to build tens of thousands of engines and steering engines...
Sci-fi, Romance, War Lu Han, Shu Qi In a future world, extraterrestrial dark forces launch a sudden attack on Earth, and Shanghai becomes humanity's last hope. College student Jiang Yang follows Commander Lin Lan and becomes a commander in Shanghai Fortress. The extraterrestrial forces launch relentless and fierce assaults. Lin Lan is tasked with protecting the secret weapon to repel the aliens, while Jiang Yang and his...
Sci-fi, Action, Fantasy Yang Mi, Wallace Huo, Shih-Chieh King As a single mother, Xia Tian works as a senior researcher at the Physics Research Institute. Together with the director, she developed a technology that allows organisms to travel through wormholes for time travel. When the research made a breakthrough, her son Dou Dou was kidnapped by a mysterious kidnapper named Cui Hu, who threatened Xia Tian to hand over the particle technology...
Sci-fi, Adventure, Action Wu Jing, Andy Lau, Li Xuejian With the sun on the verge of destruction, mankind has built a giant propulsion device on the surface of the Earth in search of a new home. However, the path of the universe is full of crises, and in order to save the Earth, the young people of the Wandering Earth era have once again stepped up to fight for their lives...
Action, Sci-fi, Adventure Louis Koo, Sean Andy, Carina Lau A meteor suddenly impacts the Earth, bringing extremely powerful extraterrestrial creatures that cause the death of 5.6 million people. The fate of humanity is in jeopardy, and Commander Li Sheng dispatches an elite team led by soldier Tai Laito carry out a transformation plan. However, the team is violently attacked, and only Tai Lai and the communications soldier Guang Zai survive....
Fantasy, Adventure, Family Leo Wu, Joe Chen Two children encounter a strange rainbow in Auckland and travel to China through the energy fluctuations of the rainbow. Because of their reckless actions, they cause an imbalance of energy in the world. With help from China, they eventually overcome many obstacles to restore the world to its original form, and at the same time gain growth and friendship.
Adventure, Action, Sci-fi Jason Statham, Wu Jing Jonas Taylor and scientist Zhang Jiuming join forces as a heroic duo to embark on an exploration mission into the depths of the ocean, reaching a depth of 7,000 meters. Unexpectedly, they encounter an attack from the ancient colossal creatures, the dominant rulers of the ocean, a swarm of megalodon sharks. They are also set to battle against a group of fierce and dangerous ancient monsters....
Sci-fi, Comedy, Drama Wang Baoqiang, Xiao Shenyang, Dong Chengpeng Tang Liguo, who is in a slump in his life and career, lives in depression and regret. One day, an "extraterrestrial creature" from the planet Kepler comes to Earth to collect human samples and intrudes into Tang Liguo's life, causing a series of bizarre and funny events to occur. Wang Ruoshui, who is both Tang Liguo's brother and boss, falls into a trap and owes a huge amount of high-interest...
Sci-fi, Comedy Yang Haoyu, Ai Liya Tang Zhijun is the chief editor of a science fiction magazine called "Cosmic Exploration" which was born in the 1980s. Nowadays, the magazine is in decline, and Tang Zhijun has become a lonely and destitute person. However, he is still obsessed with the search for extraterrestrial civilizations, which he has been pursuing for decades. One day, he received an anomalous signal that seemed...