Action, Drama, Crime Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Hanyu, Kris Wu Once glorious "Lao Pao Er" Mr. Six struggled to adapt to the tremendous changes in society and found himself living a boring life, lurking in the depths of the hutongs, spending his days idling, meddling, and complaining. One day, a tremendous emotional conflict erupted between Mr. Six and his son, Xiaobo, also known as "Xiao Pao Er" This conflict led Xiaobo to leave home in a fit of...
Action, Fantasy, Adventure Chen Kun, Huang Bo, Shu Qi In the late 1980s, Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi, and Shirley Yang, who were once prominent grave robbers, planned to retire and start a new life in the United States. Hu Bayi, the former legendary tomb raider, had become a street vendor, constantly pursued by the immigration authorities. Hu Bayi and his fiancée Shirley moved to the United States with the hope of living a normal life. However,...
Action, War Liu Yifei, Andy On Jacob, a British knight who suffered from the horrors of war, fled to the other end of the world in the East to escape the painful memories of the Crusades. However, when he agreed to protect the royal siblings Lian and Zhao, he found himself caught up in a new wave of violence in a distant land. Lian's elder brother, Xing, was a cruel man who seized the throne from his younger brother,...
Action, War, Military Wu Jing, Yu Nan, Ni Dahong Leng Feng, who is full of trouble, has been labeled as a hooligan and a ruffian by some, while others consider him a hero and a legend. In an operation, Leng Feng disobeys military orders and kills a terrorist, which leads to his expulsion from the team. However, he unexpectedly receives acceptance from the mysterious special forces unit, Wolf Warriors. Intending to continue causing...
Suspense, Romance, Action Li Hongyi, Chen Ruoxuan, Chen Xijun Shi Yi is a rising star driver for the SSR racing team. She is young, beautiful, full of energy, and has many admirers. Her father, a professional driver, only cares about tinkering with race cars every day and neglects his family. Since childhood, her brother A Jie has been by Shi Yi's side, taking care of her and their lives together. Their sibling bond is incredibly strong. One...
Action, Suspense, Thriller Ethan Juan, Zhou Dongyu, Yang Zishan Shanghai Beach is known as the "Adventurer's Paradise", or the "Magic City". As one of the cleverest detectives in the concession, Fan Ruyi has to deal with all sorts of people every day, getting all sorts of information from them to investigate cases, and is therefore trusted by his boss. But one day, after taking over a top-secret assignment from his boss, all sorts of unexpected...