Action, Crime, Suspense Wallace Chung, Tiffany Tang Li Shan and Ayo were once both international criminal police officers. They were dismissed from their jobs after a failed mission and became private bodyguards. In what seemed like an ordinary explosion case, the two encountered a bounty trio consisting of Lingxin, Swan, and Baobao, and after some conflicts, they formed a bounty team dedicated to apprehending criminals and maintaining...
Adventure, Action, Suspense Jing Boran, Lu Han, Wang Jingchun A down-and-out writer visited an antique shop owner named Wu Xie in search of material for his writing. Wu Xie was preparing to leave the city, and before his departure, he shared with the writer the strange history of his family of grave robbers and the bizarre events he experienced during his first adventure with his family. During that adventure, their family accidentally acquired...
Suspense, Fantasy Lay Zhang During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, in order to transfer the cultural relics hidden in an ancient tomb, Er Yue Hong set up a theatrical stage directly above the tomb, which was guarded by Japanese soldiers. Taking advantage of the relationship between the opera scenes, Er Yuehong sang and performed on the stage while engaging in a battle of wits and bravery with...
Action, Crime, Suspense Wallace Chung, Lang Yueting Chinese Guo Zhihua who returned from abroad, met Yang Xi, a psychologist who was in Seoul for academic exchange, and asked her to provide post-traumatic psychological counseling for his brother Guo Zhida, who had suffered from burn injuries and disfigurement. At the same time, there was a fierce Sino-Korean football match taking place in Seoul. During the final battle, the Chinese team...
Crime, Action, Suspense Louis Koo, Wallace Chung The notorious criminal Zhang Lixin was shot in the head, and his condition is critical. The best time for surgery is only six hours. Doctor Tong Qian is a neurosurgeon who works at the forefront of saving lives every day. In order to save the patient's life, she is willing to fight alongside police officer Chen Weilei. However, in order to cover up the fact that his colleague had illegally...
Crime, Suspense, Thriller Song Jia, Hu Ge, Cherry Ngan Twelve years after being kidnapped, a young girl, A Ying, returns to her family. Although she still has an innocent face, she is not the innocent girl she was back then. Instead of searching for her family love, she conspires with her kidnappers to devise a revenge plan to get back everything that is rightfully hers, and the target of her revenge is her family. Seeing the accidental...
Suspense, Thriller, War Ge You, Zhang Ziyi, Du Chun In 1930s Shanghai, amidst war, the prosperity of the city had faded away. The influential gang leader Mr. Lu, agreed to let the socialite Xiao Liu play the lead role in his movie. However, Xiao Liu became involved with the male lead and was asked to leave Shanghai. Mr. Lu's brother-in-law, Du Bu, brought Xiao Liu home and kept her as a sex slave. The housekeeper, Wang Ma, introduced...