2024 Chinese Drama List

Here We Meet Again – Vin Zhang, Janice Wu

Here We Meet Again is a romantic drama directed by Huang Tianren and led by Vin Zhang Binbin and Janice Wu Qian, co-starring Huang Diyi, Nita Xia, Li Yixiao, Zhang Xilin, Liu Weiting, Zhao Heng, Shi Qingyan, Wang Zhengrui, Cui Liya, and Sun Yufan.

The drama is adapted from the novel of the same name by Er Dong Tu Zi and tells the inspiring story of the independent, strong, and determined hero and heroine who fight for their careers and grow up together.


Here We Meet Again

English Title: Here We Meet Again
Chinese Title: 三分野
Genre: Romance, Urban, Comedy, Drama
Tag: Strong Female Lead, Boss-Employee Relationship, Workplace Setting, Rich Woman/Poor Man, First Love, Steamy Kiss
Episodes: 32
Duration: 45 min.
Director: Huang Tianren
Writer: Wu Yao, Liu Yifei, Mei Qiongyu, Xu Nuo, Luo Ji, You Yi, Yang Jing, Dong Mingjian, Du Wei
Producer: Sun Hui, Li Liming
Product Company: HUACE CROTON
Released Date: 2023-05-22
Broadcast Website: WeTV, Croton MEGA HIT, Viki



Xiang Yuan, the daughter of Donghe Group, was assigned to save the Xi’an branch, which was on the verge of closing down, starting her own adventure.

Xiang Yuan met Xu Yanshi, the school charming she had been chasing for so long.

Xu Yanshi was in deep adversity, facing the unfairness of the workplace but still insisted on his dream of becoming a navigation engineer.

Xiang Yuan grew up in the process of dealing with the company’s crisis and became independent.

They supported and fell in love with each other and went on a journey together to realize the dream of Chinese BeiDou navigation research.


In the autumn of 2018, during the simulated exercise of the W Satellite monitoring and management center's third control room, the W Satellite high-precision positioning payload system was being tested. Anomalies were detected in the telemetry signals of the W Satellite. Xu Yanshi carefully pondered for a while, his fingers swiftly flying across the keyboard, and soon identified the source of the problem. It was due to inadequate parameter design, with threshold values being close to the critical state, resulting in weak anti-interference capabilities. Under specific conditions, this situation could be triggered. If everyone cooperates, the problem can be resolved before the W Satellite is launched into orbit.

Meanwhile, in another world, Xiang Yuan, the young lady of Donghe Group, was undergoing her grandfather's pressure to get married. However, she always upheld the belief of not wanting to marry and negotiated with her grandfather. Eventually, both parties reached an agreement.

Xiang Yuan decided to go to Xi'an to save the financially troubled Weilin Company, a subsidiary of Donghe Group. If she can increase Weilin's market share by ten percent next year, her grandfather will no longer pressure her to get married. Otherwise, she will lose and have to obediently accept her grandfather's arrangements. Xiang Yuan's friend, Xu Yuan, called and said she would come to the airport to see her off. While chatting and playing a mobile game with Xu Yuan, Xiang Yuan noticed a little boy sitting nearby, looking disdainful. Xiang Yuan offered him some potato chips, but he refused to eat them. When Xu Yuan arrived, Xiang Yuan casually handed the potato chips to the little boy. The boy returned to his older brother, Xu Yanshi, and complained that Xiang Yuan was the type of woman he disliked the most. Upon arrival in Xi'an, a flight attendant woke Xiang Yuan up, and she disembarked from the plane. Outside, she walked towards a taxi when a driver approached her and asked if she wanted to share a ride.

Xiang Yuan instinctively refused but then remembered her grandfather's words, so she changed her mind and said she would share a ride. The two men and a little boy she shared the ride with were walking towards her from the other side of the road. When Xiang Yuan saw the tall and handsome man, she was instantly stunned. It was Xu Yanshi. She quickly reacted and, among the group getting into the car, tightened the drawstrings on her hoodie, burying her face. The driver suggested that she should wear more clothes, but Xiang Yuan pretended not to understand in her plastic-level Cantonese. Her friend, Gao Leng, saw the news of the goddess Aixi'er retiring, and she was so shocked that she shouted inside the small car. Then Xu Yanshi's words almost made Xiang Yuan spit blood. He actually claimed to be a talking old mother hen performing online by typing on a keyboard?

Gao Leng posted a Weibo complaint about Xu Yanshi, and Xiang Yuan couldn't help but search for the keywords on Weibo, eagerly reading the content posted by this mentally unstable short man. The halfway through the journey, the driver stopped the car, and Gao Leng started imagining things. Xiang Yuan fueled the fire, nearly giving Gao Leng a cold sweat. The driver informed them that the car's tire was flat and asked them to call another car. In order to continue sharing the ride and splitting the fare, Gao Leng added Xiang Yuan on WeChat. Xiang Yuan's WeChat name was her real name, and Gao Leng casually asked about it. Xu Yanshi instinctively glanced at her and then let out a disdainful chuckle. Gao Leng seemed to be talkative, not quiet even after getting off the car. Xiang Yuan occasionally responded with perfunctory remarks, and he could keep talking to himself. The ride-hailing car they booked arrived, and Gao Leng quickly took the front seat.

Xiang Yuan was forced to sit in the back seat. During the journey, the driver didn't know the way, so Xiang Yuan had to connect her phone and project the navigation for the driver to see. Gao Leng saw this and explained to the driver the benefits of in-car navigation. The driver thought he was a car salesman. Xiang Yuan naturally assumed that Xu Yanshi was now selling cars, so she mentioned it to Xu Yuan. Unexpectedly, Xu Yuan directly called her, and the phone connected to the car's system, exposing her deliberately concealed identity instantly. Xu Yanshi greeted her calmly. Upon reaching the destination, Xu Yanshi helped her with her luggage and untied the tightly knotted hat string for her. Afterwards, Xiang Yuan and Xu Yuan had a phone call. She felt angry, annoyed, and embarrassed. Why did their reunion have to be so awkward? Gao Leng indirectly asked Xu Yanshi if he had recognized Xiang Yuan a long time ago, but Xu Yanshi ignored him.

This reunion stirred up waves in the hearts of both of them. The next day, when Xiang Yuan was about to leave, she received a call from the scheduled driver informing her that they couldn't make it on time due to a rear-end collision. She had to request another ride. Lu Dong, a man who lived in the same building, asked if she needed a ride. Xiang Yuan didn't know him well, so she politely declined. Later, she coincidentally shared a ride with a girl who happened to be going to the same destination. Xiang Yuan noticed her work badge and learned that she was an employee of Weilin Electronics. It turned out that Xiang Yuan was the "connection" from the company she had mentioned earlier.

There is still some time before work, Xiang Yuan buys breakfast and milk tea downstairs. She happens to see a girl from the sales department of Weilin Electronics, Yingying, and wants to quickly catch up with her to share a car and buy coffee together. Xiang Yuan, seeing the unfairness, stands up for Lin Qingqing and infuriates the showy girl. Carrying her things, Xiang Yuan enters the building, but the elevator door closes just as she arrives. Xu Yanshi, who is inside the elevator, catches a glimpse of Xiang Yuan outside, but for a few seconds, he thought he was mistaken. Gao Leng, as soon as he arrives at work, learns that a new team leader has been parachuted in. You Zhisha, in a serious manner, shows everyone Xiang Yuan's information, although her expertise and work in the technical department have no connection. Everyone tacitly assumes she is a beneficiary of connections.

Li, the general manager of Weilin, is a sly old fox. He knows that people coming from headquarters are either well-connected or have some background, so he flatters Xiang Yuan. Vice President Li Qin storms in and complains about the technical department to Li, completely ignoring Xiang Yuan's presence. Then Xu Yanshi enters, and Li introduces him to Xiang Yuan. When she sees him, Xiang Yuan seizes the opportunity to take out her phone and review the materials from the previous night, only to discover that Xu Yanshi happens to be the team leader of the technical group, while she herself is assigned as the team leader of the second group. Li Qin bluntly states that Xiang Yuan has come to replace Xu Yanshi. Seeing the situation, Xiang Yuan immediately denies it, expressing that she still has a lot to learn from Xu Yanshi. Li asks Xu Yanshi to familiarize Xiang Yuan with the company and also go to the administrative department to collect their ID badges and computers.

Xiang Yuan followed closely behind Xu Yanshi and walked up quickly, about to speak to him, but she accidentally kicked the corner of the sofa and stumbled, almost falling. Xu Yanshi promptly caught her, but soon released his hold, and Xiang Yuan fell to the ground. Seeing that Xu Yanshi was busy with something, Xiang Yuan said she would go to the administrative department. As she was about to take the elevator downstairs, Xu Yanshi coldly reminded her that the administrative department was on the same floor. Yingying from the sales department and her two sisters gossiped behind Xiang Yuan, trying to dig into her background. However, after Xiang Yuan was added to the group, she generously sent a sizable red envelope, causing everyone in the group to go crazy trying to grab it. Yingying's two sisters each got over a hundred, and Yingying couldn't resist grabbing one as well, ending up with the lowest amount in the group.

Xiang Yuan went to the technical department and greeted everyone warmly. Except for Lin Qingqing, who treated her slightly better, the rest of the people pretended not to see her and didn't want her to sit next to them. In the end, it was Lin Qingqing who found her a workstation. However, the workstation was directly facing Xu Yanshi's office, and Xiang Yuan had no choice but to sit there with a stiff upper lip. Xiang Yuan saw the resume her grandfather's secretary had prepared for her and called him to question it. The secretary dismissed her with just a few words. Grandfather Si Tumingtian asked the secretary about Xu Yanshi's relationship with Chen Shan, and the secretary said Xu Yanshi had snatched Chen Shan away from Xingheng during their college recruitment. At that time, Xu Yanshi, even as an undergraduate, almost signed a contract with Xingheng, indicating that he must have been outstanding back then.

The company held a work summary meeting for the third quarter. Gao Leng didn't dare to come because of the incident on social media. The CEO, Li Yongbiao, took attendance and deducted Gao Leng's performance for this month. Suddenly, Xiang Yuan stood up and said that Gao Leng had taken a leave of absence. Li Yongbiao didn't want to lose face and quickly introduced Xiang Yuan to everyone, swiftly changing the topic. The technical department also had a meeting, and Xiang Yuan requested to have Gao Leng transferred to her team. Lin Qingqing also raised her hand, and that's how Xiang Yuan added both of them to her team. On the first day of work, Xiang Yuan took the two of them out to have some fun and then officially started working. Since the company didn't approve the budget, Xiang Yuan told Xu Yanshi that she would personally fund a field survey.

Gao Leng posted on his social media moments, and Ying Yin noticed that Xiang Yuan seemed to have taken her team members on a team-building outing. So she brought a few of her girlfriends to complain to Cao Jie. After hearing about it in his office, Li Yongbiao sneered. Zhang Jun, Shi Tianyou, and You Zhi were discussing this matter and couldn't understand why Xu Yanshi, who was so frustrated in the company, didn't resign. You Zhi said it seemed like Xu Yanshi was in a five-year project team and couldn't take leave for five years. The more they talked, the more exaggerated it became, unaware that Xu Yanshi appeared behind them and gave You Zhi, the originator of the rumors, a slap on the backside. There were grievances throughout the company about Xiang Yuan's absence from work without taking leave. Xu Yanshi posted several messages in the company's WeChat group, explaining that she was conducting on-site surveys in G402 and that she would properly educate Xiang Yuan when she returned.

After Xiang Yuan and the others arrived at the road section where the driver gave the most feedback, Gao Leng discovered that it was different from the location on the map. He called Xu Yanshi to provide feedback, but the call was cut off after a few words due to poor signal. Xu Yanshi was somewhat worried and contacted Gao Leng again, but there was still no answer. After completing the on-site survey, Xiang Yuan drove the car back to the gas station, where they finally had signal reception. During this time, Xu Yanshi kept looking at the location on the computer map in his office, concerned about the safety of Xiang Yuan and the others. When he saw the location on the map, he called Gao Leng again. At that moment, Gao Leng was very sleepy and casually stuffed his phone into his pocket, accidentally pressing the answer button. Then his phone started a video call with Xu Yanshi at a strange angle, and coincidentally, the phone's camera was facing Xiang Yuan sitting in the driver's seat.

This incredible coincidence brought a smile to Xu Yanshi's face. He placed his phone beside him and spent the whole night accompanying Xiang Yuan through video in his office. When dawn broke, Xiang Yuan finally finished her work. Xu Yanshi couldn't help but say, "You've worked hard." Confused, Xiang Yuan took out Gao Leng's phone from her pocket and realized that Xu Yanshi had been on video all night. Without thinking, she immediately hung up. To cover up the awkwardness, Xiang Yuan messaged Xu Yanshi, expressing that she was here this time for serious work and that she had stopped liking him long ago. Xu Yanshi, who had been smiling, lost his smile when he saw the message.

When they returned to the company, they both brought gifts for the people in the technical department. Today was bonus day, and Xu Yanshi invited everyone to his place for a home-cooked meal.

Feeling awkward, Xiang Yuan found excuses not to go, and Lin Qingqing also didn't want to go. You Zhi called to ask where they were. Gao Leng honestly explained that these two girls didn't want to go. Xu Yanshi took the phone, delaying for some time. The taxi arrived at the tenement building where Xu Yanshi lived, and Xiang Yuan had no choice but to go. Gao Leng and Lin Qingqing went upstairs first, while Xiang Yuan accompanied Xu Yanshi to buy groceries. Unexpectedly, Xu Yanshi bought things that she loved to eat. Remembering that Xu Yanshi didn't have a gift, Xiang Yuan bought two lollipops at the supermarket, pretending that she carefully selected them as a gift for him. However, the supermarket receipt accidentally fell out, exposing her lie. Downstairs, they met Chen Shu, the head of the Sales Department, who jokingly commented on Xu Yanshi's divorce and child. Xiang Yuan quickly analyzed Chen Shu's words in her mind, and Xu Yanshi, thinking she believed it, introduced Chen Shu's identity to Xiang Yuan.

Chen Shu is Gao Leng's girlfriend. In front of his girlfriend, Gao Leng willingly referred to his crush, Aixier, as a dog. Aixier, who was nearby, rolled her eyes at his remark. They were eating together on the rooftop, enjoying themselves. Gao Leng suggested playing a game, and everyone had to answer when asked. Meanwhile, Chen Shu and Xu Yanshi went aside to discuss matters. Xiang Yuan learned from You Zhi and the others that Xu Yanshi had defended himself in the company's WeChat group, but she didn't know what message Xu Yanshi had retracted. After Chen Shu and Xu Yanshi finished their conversation, Xiang Yuan brought a can of beer to Xu Yanshi, and they didn't expect to meet each other like this again. Xu Yanshi had a dream of aerospace from a young age, and now working on in-car navigation can be considered fulfilling his dream.

Xu Yanshi had his own independent insights about in-car navigation and W Star, and he spoke about them in a romantic manner. Xiang Yuan couldn't help but recall some memories from their high school days. Back then, Xu Yanshi was considered a top student by all their classmates. He was good-looking and excelled academically. Xiang Yuan persistently pursued him and finally convinced him to tutor her.

Xiang Yuan has her own understanding of "getting what she wants," which means satisfying her current desires and needs. For this reason, she can go and have hot pot in the middle of the day if she feels like it. With the help of Xu Yanshi's tutoring, Xiang Yuan's English has improved rapidly. Her birthday is in a couple of days, and she invited him to her house to attend her birthday party. She also prepared a thoughtful gift for him. However, when Xu Yanshi saw that someone in the class had prepared a birthday cake for Xiang Yuan, he suddenly changed his mind and said he wouldn't go to her birthday party anymore. Xiang Yuan felt angry and threw the carefully prepared birthday gift at him before running away in tears. It was from that moment on that she learned from Xu Yanshi that not everything in life goes as planned.

The past is in the past, and the present is the present. Xiang Yuan is getting to know Xu Yanshi again in a whole new identity. Although she doesn't know why Xu Yanshi decided to stay in Weilin, and Xu Yanshi doesn't know why she came all the way from Shanghai to Weilin. The next day at work, Xiang Yuan went to Li Yongbiao to ask for Xu Yanshi's information and found nothing suspicious. The office restroom is often a place for gossip, and Xiang Yuan happened to overhear two assistant sisters, Yingying and Yinyin, discussing gossip about herself and Xu Yanshi. She learned a new term called "porcelain package," which means pretending to be rich and having a swollen face but empty pockets, referring to fake goods. Xiang Yuan, who was used to spending money extravagantly, realized that her bank balance was insufficient when she tried to buy a cup of expensive iced Americano.

She took out the card given to her by her brother, Xiang Jiamian, but the cashier found out that there was insufficient balance when she swiped it. Xiang Yuan's last trace of trust in Xiang Jiamian instantly vanished. She messaged Xu Yanshi to borrow money, and Xu Yanshi quickly transferred her 5,000 yuan, which was an advance from her boss. Li Qin went to see Xu Yanshi about the signal processing module issue with Mingxiong's products. Xiang Yuan, who had just arrived, didn't know the ins and outs of the matter, and Xu Yanshi didn't want to deal with it. So Xiang Yuan took it upon herself and asked everyone to stay and work overtime. However, Chen Shu insisted on having a gathering dinner, and even though Xiang Yuan tried to entice them to stay with a small treat, they still refused, except for Zhang Jun, who stayed behind. Xiang Yuan went to ask Li Qin for the contract text of Mingxiong. However, Li Qin said that Xu Yanshi and the people in the technical department were all useless.

Xiang Yuan didn't know what Xu Yanshi had experienced over the years, but when it came to supporting Xu Yanshi, she never hesitated. Li Qin, on the other hand, was somewhat surprised by her attitude. During the dinner, when they talked about Xiang Yuan, there were doubts about her identity. Yingying said that her bags were all fake, and she couldn't even afford a cup of coffee today. Xu Yanshi lost his appetite and made an excuse to leave first. Zhang Jun worked overtime until midnight and fell asleep due to exhaustion. Xiang Yuan asked him to go back first, and she would help him ask for half a day off from General Manager Li tomorrow. Xu Yanshi returned to the company, claiming that he came back to fetch something, but in reality, he stayed downstairs in the building with Xiang Yuan to work overtime, although Xiang Yuan was unaware of all this. Gao Leng and Shi Tianyou, on the other hand, had too much to drink, so Xu Yanshi wrote a fake note for them to give to Li Yongbiao.

Xiang Yuan was very angry and went to question Gao Leng about Mingxiong's matter. Gao Leng told her that it wasn't a problem with the signal processing module at all. It was because the money Mingxiong provided was only enough for Plan B, but they falsely claimed it was for Plan A and even presented evidence. In the end, they shifted the blame onto the technical department, making them the scapegoat. Xiang Yuan took the initiative to find Mingxiong's Huang Qiming and introduced herself as Xu Yanshi's assistant. Huang Qiming was notorious for being a pervert, and he asked Xiang Yuan to meet him somewhere to discuss the matter.

When Xu Yanshi returned to the technical department, he didn't see Xiang Yuan. Zhang Jun told him that Xiang Yuan had been calling Huang Qiming all day, but he didn't answer. So she went directly to Mingxiong to confront Huang Qiming.

Xu Yanshi sent a message to Xiang Yuan asking her where she was. Xiang Yuan directly sent him an address. Yin Yin secretly recorded a video of Xiang Yuan talking to Huang Qiming, and coincidentally captured Xiang Yuan agreeing with what Huang Qiming said, calling Xu Yanshi a useless person who can't do anything. Yin Yin immediately sent the video directly to Xu Yanshi. Originally, Xu Yanshi had planned to pick up Xiang Yuan and go back together, but after seeing the video, he gave up on that idea. The next day, Xiang Yuan couldn't find Xu Yanshi and asked Zhang Jun. She learned that Yin Yin had called him over, apparently because of the video. Thinking back to the gossip she overheard in the restroom last time, Xiang Yuan mistakenly believed that Xu Yanshi and Yin Yin had been together, and speculated that a small video of them had been secretly filmed. Curiously, she asked Xu Yanshi for the small video to watch.

As it turned out, it was a small video of herself and Huang Qiming, in which she was talking badly about Xu Yanshi. Xiang Yuan immediately felt embarrassed and swiftly changed the subject. Xu Yanshi calmly and coldly told her that in order to find a product that meets Mingxiong's requirements, they would need to use Fengyu's chip. Huang Qiming had already established a long-term partnership with Fengyu, so he wouldn't allow Weilin to act as an intermediary and make a profit from the price difference. Xu Yanshi's words hit the nail on the head, but they didn't discourage Xiang Yuan's enthusiasm. She sternly handed him a document to sign, and finally, Xu Yanshi softened and asked her to send him the information, instructing his employees to stay and work overtime. Early the next morning, Xu Yanshi took Xiang Yuan to meet Liang Qin, the chief consultant of Xingheng's R&D department. He shared his ideas with Liang Qin and asked him to negotiate an urgent order with the component suppliers. Xiang Yuan remained silent but unexpectedly learned that Xu Yanshi was qualified to go to Xingheng.

Xiang Yuan bought supper for everyone and returned. After finishing their meal, they continued working overtime. After finishing his tasks, Xu Yanshi also returned to the company. Before he came back, Xiang Yuan had gone to the restroom to touch up her makeup. When she appeared in front of Xu Yanshi, she exuded a youthful and energetic aura. Everyone worked tirelessly and unitedly, finally overcoming the final challenge. Xiang Yuan felt that this moment was very memorable, so she took a photo with everyone as a memento. The arrival of Xiang Yuan brought a lot of vitality to the technical department, especially for Xu Yanshi, who became much more proactive. However, Xu Yanshi felt that she shouldn't waste her time at Weilin. But Xiang Yuan turned a deaf ear to his words because she came to Weilin to turn the tide. One day, Xiang Yuan's credit card became overdue, and she had to reluctantly sell her handbag. Surprisingly, the buyer turned out to be Yin Yin.

The bag she originally bought was very expensive, and the money from selling the bag wasn't enough to pay off her credit card. When she was worried about money, she suddenly remembered Xu Yanshi's previous repost on Moments about the Xingheng Cup Beidou+Innovation Competition. She wanted to persuade Xu Yanshi to participate in the competition on behalf of the company. She tried begging and acting spoiled, but she couldn't convince Xu Yanshi. In the end, Xiang Yuan left in a huff. She didn't know that Xu Yanshi had participated in the competition every year, but he had Weilin's backing. Everyone was unwilling to give their support and votes to Weilin, so participating in the competition would only become a laughingstock in the industry. Later, Xu Yanshi inadvertently learned from Gao Leng and others that Xiang Yuan seemed to be in desperate need of money. He softened once again and took Xiang Yuan to meet his friend, Wang Qingyi. They planned to participate in the Xingheng Cup's Innovation Competition under Wang Qingyi's name, and the matter was settled with just a few words.

Xu Yanshi seemed to have mind-reading abilities and knew that Xiang Yuan was the kind of person who wanted to eat cake at 8 o'clock but would be unhappy after eating it at 9 o'clock. If they waited until the next competition, she might not want to participate anymore. As a result, Xiang Yuan unexpectedly learned that the cake she had eaten before was given by Xu Yanshi. She immediately regretted it. If she had known that the cake was from him, she wouldn't have treated her tablemate kindly at that time.

Xu Yanshi knew that she was short of money recently, so the prize money for the innovation competition was divided between Xiang Yuan and Wang Qingyi. Li Qin felt even more annoyed when she saw that the technical department had resolved the issues with Ming Xiong's batch of orders. She believed that the technical department hadn't been thinking about doing a good job before. Li Yongbiao smiled and, in his opinion, thought positively. During her free time, Xiang Yuan would chat with Xu Yanshi in a separate group about the innovation competition, which made her a bit nervous. She always felt like Lin Qingqing had discovered something. After everyone finished work, Xiang Yuan finally boldly walked into Xu Yanshi's office. They talked about the innovation competition, gossip in the restroom, and Xu Yanshi's relationship with Ying Yinyin. Later, with Xu Yanshi's reminder, they returned to discussing the competition.

Li Yongbiao saw that they were working overtime and reminded them to turn off the lights when they leave. Xu Yanshi quickly turned his computer towards him, as he couldn't let Li Yongbiao discover the details of the competition. As a result, Xiang Yuan suggested discussing it at her place and invited Wang Qingyi so they could have good food and drinks while conveniently discussing the work. However, Wang Qingyi mistakenly sent the message to the wrong group, and Xiang Yuan found out that Xu Yanshi would be going to Shanghai in a couple of days. But soon after, Wang Qingyi retracted the message, and Xu Yanshi coldly replied, "It's none of your business." Xiang Yuan was a bit angry, so she told them to come after having dinner. Xu Yanshi arrived first and seemed to know that Xiang Yuan was upset. He explained that a close friend of his in Shanghai had fallen seriously ill, and he needed to go there to visit him.

Xiang Yuan suddenly lost her anger and even introduced her uncle, who was a cardiovascular surgeon, to Xu Yanshi. Shortly after, Wang Qingyi arrived and noticed how nice the house she lived in was, so he curiously asked a few questions. Xiang Yuan evaded the topic and made up a random excuse. The three of them started working together, and Xiang Yuan would occasionally steal glances at Xu Yanshi. Whenever he caught her, she would awkwardly shift her gaze away. As they neared the end of their work, their neighbor Lu Dong came to deliver a cake. It was his son Xiao Hao's birthday today. Xu Yanshi, upon seeing this handsome and wealthy neighbor, didn't show much expression on the surface but felt a pang of jealousy in his heart. He even prevented Wang Qingyi from having a slice of cake. On the way back, Wang Qingyi brought up Xu Yanshi's future plans, and Xu Yanshi mentioned that Chen Shan would set him free next year.

Although it's said that brave men don't dwell on past glories, Xu Yanshi used to be an extremely formidable presence. Professor Liang, the overall commander of the Xingheng R&D department, brought Liang Qin to meet Xu Yanshi, sincerely inviting him to join the Xingheng Technical R&D department after graduation. However, due to some twists of fate, Xu Yanshi chose a different path. This trip to Shanghai would take some time, and Xu Yanshi half-advised and half-warned Wang Qingyi not to go to Xiang Yuan's house alone until he returned, even if she invited him. The next day, when Xiang Yuan went to work and saw that no one else had arrived, she casually picked up a box belonging to Gao Leng and was startled by the fake fingers inside. It finally dawned on her that the technical department was always empty, yet the attendance records were always complete. That's the reason behind it all.

Under Li Qin's urging, Xiang Yuan announced a brand new attendance system to everyone. After Li Qin left, Xiang Yuan mentioned that they would implement a flexible working schedule in the future, which meant no more clocking in and out. If the workload exceeded the basic requirements, she would apply for additional performance bonuses from the headquarters on their behalf. Conversely, if there was no outstanding performance, there would be no bonuses, and the base salary could be reduced accordingly. Li Chi, who used to be a second-generation wealthy individual, had some personality flaws and always felt that this policy was targeting him. He expressed his frustration during the meeting, but Xiang Yuan didn't pay much attention since Li Chi's performance had been poor.

Before Old Gui's surgery, Xu Yanshi tried various ways to contact Xiang Yuan's uncle, Gu Yan, but couldn't reach him. Later, after the surgery was over, he accidentally discovered that Gu Yan was the lead surgeon. It turned out that Xiang Yuan had informed her uncle in advance, prompting Gu Yan to end his vacation and rush back from abroad. After hearing Gu Yan's explanation, Xu Yanshi was deeply moved and immediately sent a message to thank Xiang Yuan.

Xiang Yuan received a message from Xu Yanshi and immediately made a comforting phone call. Xu Yanshi was deeply grateful. He had learned earlier that a friend of his was seriously ill, and he couldn't come back to Shanghai for the time being. Xiang Yuan promptly contacted her uncle, which indeed took quite an effort, and made her uncle return before the surgery. Although the first-class plane ticket cost her over 20,000 yuan, she was willing to spend any amount of money to help Xu Yanshi in his urgent situation. When a friend asked how Xu Yanshi got Gu Yan's phone call, Xu Yanshi said it was unexpected, the only unexpected thing in his life. Shi Tianyou blamed Li Chi for his bad attitude earlier. Li Chi showed no remorse and even warned her not to provoke him in the future, or else there would be consequences.

Li Qin came over to confront Xiang Yuan, saying that she hadn't been consulted about the reform of the attendance system in the technical department. Xiang Yuan calmly explained that she had already reported it to the headquarters, and the headquarters had approved it. Li Qin checked her email and indeed saw the response from the headquarters. She had no choice but to leave in frustration and went to instigate trouble with Li Yongbiao. Li Yongbiao's words reminded her of Xu Yanshi when he first arrived. At that time, Li Qin believed that Xu Yanshi was Chen Shan's person, so she indirectly reminded him to choose the right side and worship the right Buddha. Unfortunately, Xu Yanshi didn't appreciate it, so Li Qin always hindered him in his work. She didn't approve project funds and wanted the technical department to do all the work. As a result, Xu Yanshi gradually lost his passion for work.

Xiang Yuan decided to meet Huang Qiming tonight regarding the urgent 50% order for Mingxiong Electronics. Gao Sibo woke up, and after Xu Yanshi exchanged a few words with him, he went back to rest, leaving Zhang Yi to take care of him. Outside the hospital, Xu Yanshi saw Xiang Yuan. Xiang Yuan told him that she seemed to have caused trouble. At that moment, Xu Yanshi felt that no matter how big of a mess she had gotten herself into, he would help her. There were only two signatures left on the contract from Huang Qiming, which made Li Qin very angry. If Xu Yanshi couldn't handle the mess Xiang Yuan had created when he came back, Xiang Yuan would be fired. Chen Shu tried to explain to Xiang Yuan, but Li Qin didn't listen and warned Chen Shu not to stand on the wrong side afterwards. Xu Yanshi took Xiang Yuan to eat, and Chen Shu called Xu Yanshi.

From Chen Shu, Xu Yanshi learned about the trouble Xiang Yuan had caused. It turned out that at the dining table, Xiang Yuan was forced to drink by Huang Qiming and later went crazy, vomiting on Huang Qiming and wiping her mouth with his tie, even tying it into a bow tie. Huang Qiming became furious and left only two strokes for his signature. Xiang Yuan knew it was Chen Shu calling, appearing like a misbehaving child, but couldn't help but want to eavesdrop on what Chen Shu was saying on the phone. After all, Xiang Yuan acted that way because Huang Qiming had spoken ill of Xu Yanshi. Xu Yanshi understood this and didn't blame her. After finishing their meal and walking out, they unexpectedly ran into their former high school classmate, Li Yang, who was a big blabbermouth. Xiang Yuan wanted to pretend not to recognize him.

To their surprise, Li Yang stuck to them like gum, and Xiang Yuan and Xu Yanshi had no choice but to get into his new Maserati. Li Yang had a gut feeling that something was going on between the two of them, so he thought of giving them a push and invited them to a party together. Xiang Yuan and Xu Yanshi, with their terrible tacit understanding, couldn't agree on whether to go or not. However, in the end, they decided to go. Another person attending the party was Zhong Ling, who had admired Xu Yanshi since their school days. Xu Yanshi had to remind Xiang Yuan that Zhong Ling was Dongting's veteran green tea, so she shouldn't let Zhong Ling snatch Xu Yanshi away. Fortunately, Xu Yanshi was perceptive. When he saw that Xiang Yuan seemed upset, he used his injured hand as an excuse to politely decline helping Zhong Ling open a water bottle and instead asked Li Yang for assistance.

After dinner, they went to play games together. Xiang Yuan took Li Yang's place and played on the computer. One classmate proposed a bet: if Xiang Yuan's group lost, she would have to watch a movie with him. Upon hearing this, Xu Yanshi became serious. He and Xiang Yuan showed great synergy in the game, working together seamlessly. Zhong Ling started to cause trouble and deliberately killed Xiang Yuan twice in the game.

When Xu Yanshi saw Xiang Yuan being bullied, he didn't hesitate to directly eliminate the character Zhong Ling in the game. Xu Yanshi's swift action astonished Xiang Yuan, and she felt secretly delighted. After the game ended, Xiang Yuan accompanied Xu Yanshi to send Xu Yanshi on his way. The two of them took a stroll together on the streets of Shanghai at night. Xu Yanshi could tell that Xiang Yuan didn't like Zhong Ling because her dislike for someone was evident in her eyes. Seizing the opportunity, Xiang Yuan asked Xu Yanshi whether she liked him or not based on the way she looked at him now. Xu Yanshi didn't answer but embraced her and then used the excuse of having a car. They began discussing matters of love, and Xu Yanshi confessed that he had been in a relationship before, but it was an online relationship, and the other person was the one who initiated the breakup. Interestingly, Xiang Yuan had also been in a relationship, and her game partner was her online dating partner as well.

Xu Yanshi called a car and offered to give Xiang Yuan a ride home. Secretary Bai called Xiang Yuan, informing her that Grandpa had instructed him to investigate the people around her, particularly the unusual relationship between Xu Yanshi and Chen Shan. It turned out that back then, Chen Shan had given Xu Yanshi 1.5 million yuan, and only then did Xu Yanshi join the Weilin subsidiary. This revelation sparked resentment in Xiang Yuan's heart. When they got out of the car, her attitude suddenly made a 180-degree turn, and Xu Yanshi asked her why she was angry. Xiang Yuan lied to him. Gao Leng was watching a TV drama at Chen Shu's house, and when Chen Shu's alarm clock went off, it meant Gao Leng had to leave. Xu Yanshi worked at the hospital while accompanying Gao Sibo. The nurses at the hospital found Xu Yanshi very handsome, so they found various excuses to enter the ward repeatedly, but Gao Sibo saw through their intentions.

After the training at the headquarters, Xiang Yuan hurriedly went to catch a flight. She insisted on taking the elevator with Chairman Si Tumingtian. The employees who were watching this scene thought Xiang Yuan might have gone crazy to dare to challenge the Chairman. At the entrance of Donghe Group, Xiang Yuan saw the famous Chen Shan and suddenly changed her mind, canceling her ride-hailing trip. Chen Shan was Xiang Yuan's mother's former student, so she naturally recognized Xiang Yuan. Boldly, Xiang Yuan asked Chen Shan about her relationship with Xu Yanshi. Chen Shan was momentarily stunned and replied that Xu Yanshi had helped her a lot, but the rumors circulating in the company were not true. With her question answered, her doubts were cleared, but she had missed her flight. Shi Tianyou planned to buy indoor slippers for everyone and asked Xu Yanshi about Xiang Yuan's shoe size.

When Si Tumingtian learned that Xiang Yuan had sought the help of her uncle Gu Yan for the sake of a high school classmate, he instructed Secretary Bai to investigate and see if there was any possibility of a romantic relationship developing between his granddaughter and this high school classmate. Meanwhile, Xiang Yuan remained firm in her decision never to get married in this lifetime. Due to a flight delay, Xiang Yuan postponed her return to Xi'an by a day. She went to meet Karma, who was a renowned professional esports player known as K-shen in online gaming. In his game livestream, she acted as a lucky fan. Coincidentally, Gao Leng was also watching Karma's livestream and naturally saw Xiang Yuan there. Everyone gathered around to watch, and Xu Yanshi went out to get water. Upon hearing some key words, he returned to the office and logged onto his seldom-used Weibo account. Gao Leng asked about it, and Xu Yanshi, with an expressionless face, asked him to send him the link to the livestream.

When Xu Yanshi noticed that Gao Leng was paying attention to Karma, he guessed that Gao Leng was watching K-shen's livestream. So, Gao Leng spent money to send a barrage message, and both Xiang Yuan and Xu Yanshi saw it. Xiang Yuan messaged Xu Yanshi, and Karma asked about it without muting the microphone. Xiang Yuan casually mentioned that she was messaging her boyfriend. Xu Yanshi, who was watching the livestream, instantly lit up. The people on the computer side who were watching the livestream were puzzled. When did Xiang Yuan have a boyfriend? Xu Yanshi was in a good mood and decided to treat everyone to a late-night snack. He heard that Xiang Yuan seemed to have been scolded by the chairman for arguing with him at the headquarters, so they thought Xiang Yuan was forcing a smile during the livestream. Gao Leng took Xu Yanshi's phone and called Xiang Yuan. When the call connected, his tone was quite arrogant. Xiang Yuan was about to get angry when Xu Yanshi took the phone and asked her when she would return to Xi'an.

Xu Yanshi took the phone call. He knew Xiang Yuan would feel embarrassed, so he intentionally said he hadn't watched the livestream and didn't hear what Xiang Yuan said. Xiang Yuan felt secretly delighted and planned to ask Kama to delete the video later. The next day, Xiang Yuan flew back to Xi'an, and Xu Yanshi specially came to pick her up. When she walked out of the airport, she saw Xu Yanshi's figure and suddenly had the idea to play a prank. She deliberately put on sunglasses and pretended not to recognize him. Xu Yanshi expected this and held onto her suitcase. Xiang Yuan acted as if she had just recognized him, fully immersing herself in the role, which attracted the attention of nearby children who spoke without restraint. Xu Yanshi escorted Xiang Yuan back home, helped her tie her scarf, and when Xiang Yuan looked in the mirror at home, she found that the scarf was not tied very well.

In the afternoon, Xiang Yuan went directly to work. By chance, she overheard Ying Yinyin and her two companions causing a commotion in the technical department. They believed that Xiang Yuan's hasty request for travel expenses from the chairman not only had a very small chance of success but could also affect their year-end bonuses. Xu Yanshi stepped forward and said that Xiang Yuan was part of the technical department, so he would take responsibility for any issues that arose. Xiang Yuan prepared a plan for the reimbursement of travel expenses and sent it to Secretary Bai before calling her grandfather. Before coming to Xi'an, she had negotiated with her grandfather and obtained three opportunities for independent decision-making. This time, Xiang Yuan used one of those opportunities and successfully persuaded the headquarters to modify the travel expense terms for the Weilin branch. However, these modified terms did not apply to interns, and Ying Yinyin happened to be the only intern.

Looking at the employee classification, everyone discovered that Xiang Yuan turned out to be an A-class employee. In the entire Weilin branch, only Li Yongbiao and Li Qin were A-class, and now Xiang Yuan was also A-class. This raised numerous suspicions about her background. Gao Leng made a joke, but Chen Shu dragged him into the office. His first reaction was to apologize and beg for forgiveness. Chen Shu wasn't angry and instead gave him a shaver, which he liked and needed the most. Uncle came to Xi'an for a meeting, and Ying Yinyin took this opportunity to pour out her grievances to Uncle. Uncle advised her to behave. Ying Yinyin accidentally sent a message intended for Xu Yanshi to the group, but retracted it the next second. However, Xiang Yuan and Xu Yanshi still saw it. Xiang Yuan didn't hold back and replied with a few words, and the three words "intern" were enough to choke Ying Yinyin.

Xu Yanshi was working on programming with Wang Qingyi. Wang Qingyi asked about his progress with Xiang Yuan, and Xu Yanshi confidently stated that he had everything under control, almost certain of success. The Weilin branch was about to hold a new product launch event, and Xiang Yuan was very excited. She was looking forward to this opportunity to introduce the company's new products. Li Yongbiao smiled and reminded her that there wasn't much funding to make the event too grand. At most, it was about maintaining contact with old clients. Despite Li Yongbiao's words, Xiang Yuan showed great enthusiasm and shared her ideas with everyone, planning to focus on the freight navigation market. Clearly, she was well-prepared. After everyone listened to her, they applauded. Ying Yinyin and her two companions were once again gossiping about Xiang Yuan and Xu Yanshi in the pantry. Xiang Yuan was annoyed and deliberately came up with a plan. She made Ying Yinyin treat the entire technical department to bubble tea, and she even excitedly held Xu Yanshi's hand.

Secretary Bai called and sent a photo that made Xiang Yuan mistakenly believe that Xu Yanshi was Chen Shan's boyfriend. As a result, she did a 180-degree turn in her attitude towards Xu Yanshi. Xu Yanshi was preparing to go on a date with her and was confused by her sudden change in behavior. He checked online and thought that Xiang Yuan was playing hard to get. Chen Shu informed Xu Yanshi that Xiang Yuan had made plans with Huang Qiming for tonight, so Chen Shu suggested that Xu Yanshi join them. After all, Xiang Yuan's personality needed some patience.

Xu Yanshi called Xiang Yuan in and gave her something that was said to be a hangover remedy. He would accompany her to the evening party. That night, Xiang Yuan tactfully bought a new suit and tie, bowing and apologizing to Huang Qiming. Xu Yanshi was well versed in the culture of drinking at the table, and with just a few words, he delighted Huang Qiming. However, Xiang Yuan still needed to apologize. Huang Qiming had a glass of wine poured, and if Xiang Yuan had sincere intentions to apologize, she had to drink that glass of wine. Xu Yanshi stood up and said that Xiang Yuan had taken cold medicine, so he would drink the wine on her behalf. Xiang Yuan immediately understood that the so-called hangover remedy he gave her in the afternoon was actually cold medicine, which meant she couldn't touch a drop of alcohol tonight. Xu Yanshi was afraid that she wouldn't take it, so he deliberately said it was a hangover remedy.

At the same time, Gao Leng was also trying his best at home to prepare hangover soup for Chen Shu. Seeing Huang Qiming getting more and more excessive, and Xu Yanshi having already had quite a few drinks, Xiang Yuan deliberately whispered in Xu Yanshi's ear that there was a phone call from Ruifeng explaining next year's orders, so they could just deal with things here casually. Xiang Yuan lowered her voice, but it happened to be loud enough for Huang Qiming to hear. Huang Qiming no longer mentioned drinking and asked the waiter to serve the dishes. Xu Yanshi took action, and the deal for this order was quickly signed, leaving both parties happy. After the drinking session ended, Xu Yanshi and Xiang Yuan returned to the company to work overtime. Although Xu Yanshi had taken the hangover remedy in advance, Xiang Yuan was still worried. When Gao Leng learned that Chen Shu hadn't been drinking, Huang Qiming focused his anger on Xu Yanshi. Gao Leng took back the hangover soup and sent it to Xu Yanshi.

Xiang Yuan was concerned about Xu Yanshi, and she herself was a little tired. Xu Yanshi showed her something interesting. As a result, they had close contact, and Xiang Yuan inadvertently turned her head and kissed Xu Yanshi. That night, Xiang Yuan couldn't sleep because of this incident, and Xu Yanshi stayed in the office all night. Gao Leng had sent him hangover soup last night but waited outside his house all night without seeing Xu Yanshi. In the morning, Xiang Yuan overslept and hurriedly came to work. Chen Shu told her that Xu Yanshi had already helped her take a day off. You Zhi rushed in to inform Xu Yanshi that a pinhole camera had been found in the women's restroom, and Yingying said it was placed by Li Chi. Unaware of the camera, Xiang Yuan rushed to the restroom and was stopped by Xu Yanshi.

Xu Yanshi asked her to use the men's restroom while he stood at the door as a guard, preventing other male colleagues from entering, even Gao Leng was sent to another floor to use the restroom. When Xiang Yuan returned from the restroom, she learned about the camera from Gao Leng, but didn't know the full details, so she didn't comment. Chen Shu also went to the restroom, and Gao Leng tried the same thing but ended up being subdued by Chen Shu, almost breaking his arm. Xiang Yuan received a call from her childhood friend Yi Shi, who was getting married and invited her to attend. Xiang Yuan declined, saying she was a bit busy lately, but Yi Shi said that if she didn't come, the wedding wouldn't take place, so Xiang Yuan reluctantly agreed. Lin Qingqing happened to see that the person calling Xiang Yuan was Yi Shi, and she asked if it was Yi Shi, the boss of Jia Yi. Xiang Yuan confirmed it and mentioned that Yi Shi was her childhood friend.

Xiang Yuan handed over the completed proposal to Xu Yanshi, who learned that she would attend her childhood friend's wedding in a few days. Coincidentally, Xu Yanshi also received an invitation. Li Chi came to the office, and everyone looked at him differently. Li Chi secretly looked at Gao Leng's WeChat chat history on his computer and discovered that Yingying had slandered him for placing a camera in the women's restroom. He caused a big scene. Xu Yanshi checked the surveillance footage while the security personnel inspected Li Chi's computer but found no strange photos, only a candid picture of Chen Shu. Gao Leng became furious and punched Li Chi, indirectly causing Xiang Yuan to hit her head on the corner of the table and faint. Xu Yanshi, who was in the surveillance room, learned about the incident and immediately rushed back to the office. He carried Xiang Yuan in a princess hold and took her to the hospital. Their female colleagues were all stunned.

Chen Shu felt that Gao Leng was too impulsive and didn't consider the consequences before doing anything. Gao Leng also felt that she didn't understand him, and they ended up in a cold war. Xu Yanshi took Xiang Yuan to the hospital for examination. The doctor, seeing her severe vomiting, didn't rule out the possibility of a concussion and recommended that she stay in the hospital overnight for further tests. During this time, family members could accompany her. Xu Yanshi didn't hesitate to admit that he was Xiang Yuan's boyfriend.



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