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The White Castle – Peng Guanying, Tu Yansong

The White Castle is a medical drama directed by Yang Wenjun, Shi Luan, and Xie Lu, starring Peng Guanying, Tu Songyan, Gai Yuexi, Gao Xin, Xiong Ziqi, Shi Shi, and Huang Xiaolei, with Chen Shu, Zhang Zhijian, and Morni Chang in special appearances.

The drama is based on the novel of the same name by Wang Chenggang, and follows the story of Wang Yangming, an MD graduate who successfully enters the Ankang Hospital as an intern and forms the "Emergency Medicine Four" with Lu Qingqi, Zu Wenda, and Liu Fei. The four doctors with different personalities who, in the course of their work in the emergency room, collide and think about life, ideals, and life, always being optimistic, and holding on to the highest ideal of being a doctor.


The White Castle

English Title: The White Castle
Chinese Title: 白色城堡
Genre: Medical, Life, Friendship, Drama
Tag: Terminal illness, Hospital Setting, Doctor Female Lead, Doctor Male Lead, Career Change, Doctor-Patient Relationship
Episodes: 40
Duration: 45 min.
Director: Yang Wenjun
Writer: Zhang Lei
Producer: Zhang Yonghui, Ren Xu, Di Sheng, Xie Erqi, Guan Yong, Wang Yingwei, Duan Fuying, Huang Xingwei
Product Company: MGTV
Released Date: 2023-05-31
Broadcast Website: MGTV, MangoTV Monsoon



Graduation season, Wang Yangming, a medical Ph.D. graduate, entered the emergency department of Ankang Hospital as an intern.

He was forcibly assigned by the director of the emergency department, Guan Laoda, as an apprentice to Lo Qingnqi, who wanted to resign, and was despised. Liu Fei, who joined at the same time as Wang Yangming, had outstanding abilities.

The disdain from Lo Qingqi and the overwhelming dominance of Liu Fei ignited Wang Yangming's desire for victory.

He didn't miss any opportunity for training, not only successfully overcoming everyone's prejudice against research-oriented medical students but also gaining friendship and love. He formed the "Four Heroes of the Emergency Department" with Lu Qingqi, Zu Wendao, and Liu Fei.


Wang Yangming, graduated from the Medical School of Yandu University, with a doctoral degree, and participated in the fully English professional physician examination... In the busy early morning, Wang Yangming was nervously rehearsing in the bathroom at home, with a standard eight-tooth smile and a decent suit. His little nephew knocked on the door and clamored to use the bathroom. His sister Meng Huan scolded Wang Yangming for occupying the bathroom early in the morning. However, when she learned that Wang Yangming was going to participate in an interview at Ankang Hospital, her attitude suddenly changed. She quickly smiled and cheered him on, after all, Ankang University Hospital was a highly desirable hospital.

Affiliated Ankang Hospital of Yandu Medical University. When Wang Yangming arrived for the emergency department interview, he found a continuous stream of interviewees waiting in line, and cruelly, only one person would be hired for the emergency department this year. The people around him were all graduates from prestigious foreign universities, and Wang Yangming's undergraduate degree was not from Yandu University, so his educational background was not an advantage. However, his height of 1.92 meters caught the attention of the interviewer. He appeared to be in good physical shape, which was suitable for emergency department doctors who often faced high-intensity work. Dr. Guan Ling, who had resigned, went to suppress the situation in the meeting room and then called Wang Yangming and Liu Fei into the meeting room together. Guan Ling said that good physical condition was important as it was the basis for working in the emergency department, and everyone's educational backgrounds were similar. However, this year, the medical school only had one official position available, with a three-month probationary period, and after that, only one of the two of them would be selected. Liu Fei readily agreed, but for Wang Yangming, this was a difficult choice because if he didn't pass the probationary period, he would miss out on other job opportunities and would have to return to his hometown. However, Wang Yangming still chose to stay.

Wang Yangming was full of goodwill, but Liu Fei clearly didn't think they could be colleagues. However, Wang Yangming's mood remained cheerful, and in the evening, Wang Huan specially made hotpot to celebrate. But unexpectedly, there was a three-month probationary period. Wang Huan hoped that Wang Yangming would give up soon, otherwise, he would have to return to his hometown. Wang Yangming insisted on his dream, and the two had an argument, but Wang Yangming's playful and smiling face resolved the situation.

The next day, Guan Ling asked who was willing to mentor the two new interns. Everyone made excuses and left one after another. Zu Wenda reluctantly agreed to mentor, but he only chose Liu Fei. Guan Ling continued to enthusiastically promote Wang Yangming, but in the end, she had to personally take him away and brought him to Lu Qingqi's office. Lu Qingqi was the doctor who wanted to resign that day. He was now solely focused on getting Guan Ling to sign his resignation report. Guan Ling signed it but requested that he resign three months later. Lu Qingqi naturally disagreed, as he had already found a new job. However, Guan Ling was firm in her stance, and Lu Qingqi had no choice but to stay, even reluctantly agreeing to take Wang Yangming as his apprentice.

Lu Qingqi familiarized Wang Yangming with the environment. The emergency room, which was like a golden light in Wang Yangming's dream, was quickly revealed by Lu Qingqi as the real world of the emergency department. When an elderly person suddenly fainted, Lu Qingqi immediately switched into rescue mode, leaving Wang Yangming stunned for the first time, even forgetting to write the medical record. Wang Yangming had nothing to do in the emergency room, and he even seemed to be in the way. Lu Qingqi asked him to perform an 18-lead electrocardiogram, which had nothing to do with Wang Yangming's research direction and had long been forgotten by him. Wang Yangming had to ask for help by pretending to go to the bathroom because he didn't know anyone else, so he went to find Liu Fei. Compared to Wang Yangming's confusion, Liu Fei was quite skilled. The two argued, and Wang Yangming quickly went back to perform the electrocardiogram according to Liu Fei's instructions. However, due to his unfamiliarity with the technique, he was scolded, but the elderly man helped him out at that moment.

The following day, Wang Yangming was as busy as a spinning top. He unintentionally learned that Lu Qingqi had some objections to him because he couldn't get promoted due to his undergraduate degree. Wang Yangming was too busy to eat, but Lu Qingqi specially ordered takeout for everyone. Some people found him clumsy, but most were kind-hearted. When the bell rang, everyone immediately put down their chopsticks and reflexively rushed out. Wang Yangming was startled.

Everyone rushed out but found that the sound was just a medical drama the nurse was chasing. Wang Yangming showed Lu Qingqi the medical record he wrote, thinking it was well done, but Lu Qingqi criticized him and made him rewrite it. Wang Yangming happened to overhear gossip and immediately heard that there was a runaway little boy at the entrance of Liu Fei's patient's ward. Wang Yangming was worried and advised Liu Fei to investigate the possibility of pregnancy. But unexpectedly, the little girl ran away and no one answered the phone. However, soon the little girl was brought back to the emergency room by an ambulance. Wang Yangming suspected that her congenital heart disease was triggered by pregnancy, and the ultrasound confirmed his thoughts. However, the girl's family refused to believe the result. The girl couldn't be saved, and Liu Fei performed half an hour of cardiac resuscitation before Wang Yangming pulled him away. The patient's parents, upon seeing the result of their daughter's four-month pregnancy examination, were filled with hatred, and could only ask if Liu Fei's daughter had left any messages. The patient mentioned that she hated eating duck egg yolks the most because her parents had put a lot of pressure on her, and they had always saved the duck egg yolks for her. It was because she didn't want to disappoint them that she ran away.

Wang Yangming sat down with Liu Fei and realized for the first time, even though he grew up in a hospital, that death was such a terrifying thing. Wang Yangming's medical record also started to take shape, but Lu Qingqi immediately suppressed him without hesitation, saying that since he started from a low point, there was only room for improvement. But Wang Yangming also blamed himself. If he could have made the diagnosis earlier, perhaps the girl wouldn't have died. He didn't want to miss any details and received praise from the elderly man.

Finally off work, Wang Yangming planned to check on Liu Fei and sincerely thanked Lu Qingqi. It was the first day of work, and someone had already died. Liu Fei's emotions were mixed at the moment. Master Zu Wenda told him that no doctor was willing to witness a patient's death, and the true way to mourn was to do everything possible to never make the same mistake again. Wang Yangming brought two large oranges to cheer up Liu Fei, but at that moment news came of the elderly man choking. Wang Yangming, Lu Qingqi, and Liu Fei rushed over, and when Lu Qingqi made a phone call, Wang Yangming watched as the patient's blood oxygen level rapidly dropped. He made a brave decision and started the surgery on his own. When Lu Qingqi came back and saw this scene, he seemed surprised and his mood was complicated. Wang Yangming vomited but comforted Liu Fei, saying that they were feeling sick because of the greasy lunch, not because of fear!

Lu Qingqi and Zu Wenda took their respective apprentices away. Although Wang Yangming saved a person, Lu Qingqi still had to reprimand him. If there were any problems or complaints, Wang Yangming was still on probation and would definitely be kicked out immediately. But Wang Yangming didn't think too much about it. He was thinking about his parents, hoping that if they were in danger, someone would save them immediately. Besides, Lu Qingqi had also decided to perform the operation. However, Lu Qingqi had many concerns. After all, the son of the elderly couple was abroad, and if something happened, he would definitely come back to hold Lu Qingqi responsible. Although most family members were good, if they encountered an unreasonable one, they could only rely on their own luck. This was also the reason why Lu Qingqi wanted to resign. The elderly man's son specially called Wang Yangming to express his gratitude, which comforted Wang Yangming.

After sleeping for a day, Wang Yangming got up full of energy and went to work. He didn't forget to tell his sister and nephew that he saved someone on his first day of work. On the subway, Wang Yangming met Liu Fei. Liu Fei had noticed him earlier and pretended to be asleep, but Wang Yangming's enthusiasm was unstoppable, and he even wanted to go home together. Liu Fei didn't want to work the night shift, but Wang Yangming, who had never worked in a hospital before, was actually looking forward to it. Seeing a mother feeding her daughter jelly, Wang Yangming kindly reminded her but was scolded because of his wording. His good intentions were taken as meddling. Liu Fei thought he didn't need to do that, but Wang Yangming didn't see it that way.

There was a girl who had a congenital heart disease, and Wang Yangming accidentally learned from her family that she had been bitten by a dog.

Wang Yangming suspected that the girl had rabies and suggested transferring her to the infectious disease hospital. Lu Qingqi asked him to explain the situation to the girl's relative and see how they would choose. However, the relative was just the girl's cousin who had come to visit her and was afraid of being held responsible if something went wrong. So Wang Yangming acted as the messenger between the relative and Lu Qingqi. The relative's intention was to stay there and continue observing.

Liu Fei also encountered a patient, but he couldn't make a decisive decision like Wang Yangming in a critical moment. His father had said that doctors only needed to think about saving the patient's life in critical moments like yesterday's situation, and his father would definitely praise Wang Yangming. Therefore, Liu Fei was finally able to act decisively.

Wang Yangming and Liu Fei finally found time to have a meal, but Liu Fei still felt nauseous and couldn't eat. Another ambulance arrived, and Wang Yangming quickly put down his bowl of noodles and rushed to save the patient. At that moment, the girl's rabies suddenly worsened. Lu Qingqi asked Wang Yangming to wrap her in a blanket and send her to the infectious disease hospital. However, he was scolded by the relative, blaming him for not informing them earlier.

A new patient was brought in, and Lu Qingqi asked Wang Yangming to explain the situation to the patient's family. Wang Yangming remained enthusiastic. He truthfully explained the situation to the family, but their emotions were too overwhelmed to make a decision. They wanted to bring in another family member to make the decision. The patient's family hesitated even when faced with the surgery terms they needed to sign, but the patient was at risk at any moment. In a critical moment when the patient was in danger and Lu Qingqi was negotiating with the patient outside, Wang Yangming made another bold decision. Lu Qingqi didn't expect that the patient's clot had already dissolved by the time he returned. The nurse commented that she had never seen a patient as bold as Wang Yangming. Last year, there was a doctor who performed surgery without authorization and ended up being sued and losing money. It even affected the senior doctors. If it were Lu Qingqi, he would definitely hate that doctor. Lu Qingqi took Wang Yangming to meet the patient's family, hoping he understood that if something went wrong, no one could protect him. Lu Qingqi asked Wang Yangming to talk to the patient to obtain the consent form. It was crucial to ensure that they didn't know the clot had already dissolved; otherwise, they would refuse to sign it, and they would surely find ways to extort money from him.

The family insisted on coming in to see the situation, but they didn't expect to discover the truth about the clot dissolution. Facing the family's disturbance, Lu Qingqi maintained a calm attitude, but deep down, he wasn't entirely confident either. He was the one who signed the form, and if something went wrong, no one could escape the consequences. This was a case of one life lost and two lives at stake. Faced with this situation, Wang Yangming's willingness to take the blame himself was futile. Although the patient temporarily avoided the risk of dying from a heart attack, other complications couldn't be ruled out. The patient's brother apologized to Wang Yangming, appearing to be a reasonable person. The patient's wife was also understanding. When she learned that her husband could have died if the clot hadn't been dissolved, she cried even harder.

Wang Yangming asked Lu Qingqi to go back and rest for a while, while he stayed by the patient's bed. If the patient didn't wake up tomorrow morning, it would be a big problem. So both of them were feeling nervous. They spent the night like this, and finally, the patient regained consciousness. Wang Yangming breathed a sigh of relief, but the patient still didn't sign the consent form, and Lu Qingqi remained vigilant. The two of them went to the rooftop, and Wang Yangming blamed himself for causing trouble. However, Lu Qingqi planned to take him and leave immediately. He thought it was time to make some money and find a wife. He didn't want to continue living this life on the edge. Wang Yangming disagreed with this idea.

Wang Huan took Wang Yangming and their son Hami to a high-end restaurant for a meal. Wang Yangming looked puzzled, even thinking that Wang Huan had been through something. Wang Huan, on the other hand, complained that Wang Yangming lacked passion for life, not enjoying meals properly and not sleeping well. While Wang Huan took Hami to the restroom, Wang Yangming encountered a girl named Meng Jiaoyang. Little did he know, this girl was arranged by Wang Huan as a blind date. Meng Jiaoyang, 28 years old, a police officer at the local police station, had excellent conditions. According to Wang Huan, he had education and a stable job, so it was time to settle down.

Wang Yangming and Meng Jiaoyang had a candid meeting. Wang Yangming confessed that he had no money, no car, no house, and even his job didn't last long. Meng Jiaoyang felt a bit unhappy. She could have avoided the blind date altogether, but since she came, she wore an expression as if she could be executed at any moment. Wang Yangming explained that he was unaware of the blind date and that there had been an incident at the hospital that day. After listening to Wang Yangming's explanation, Meng Jiaoyang abandoned the idea of leaving and went to have a drink with him. She had a clear perspective on the matter and, even from a police officer's standpoint, she offered the best support to Wang Yangming. Though she, as a police officer, didn't endorse such actions, if she were the patient, she would hope to encounter a doctor like him. Encouraged by this, Wang Yangming regained his confidence. He wanted to become an outstanding doctor!

Wang Yangming and Meng Jiaoyang parted ways at the subway station. In fact, Meng Jiaoyang hoped that Wang Yangming would maintain his determination for a bit longer. Wang Yangming also didn't expect to meet such an excellent blind date like her today. If it weren't for his return to Inner Mongolia, he wouldn't let Meng Jiaoyang slip away. Meng Jiaoyang also had a favorable impression of Wang Yangming. However, since Wang Yangming was leaving and their lives were not meant to change, it would be better to end it there. Nevertheless, Meng Jiaoyang believed that people like Wang Yangming would not easily give up.

Lu Qingqi decided to leave the hospital immediately and once again found Guan Ling for this matter. Guan Ling learned about the thrombolysis incident, and her initial reaction was that Lu Qingqi was behind it. After all, the old Lu Qingqi would do something like this. Guan Ling knew that Lu Qingqi wanted to leave because he was reminded of his past self when he saw Wang Yangming. Wang Yangming didn't admit it, he just hoped that Guan Ling would quickly sign his resignation agreement.

The family of the patient continued to pursue the matter, believing that Wang Yangming should not have performed thrombolysis without authorization. They even demanded compensation of 480,000 yuan for the losses. With Lu Qingqi's insistence, Guan Ling still signed his resignation agreement. However, at that moment, Lu Qingqi received a phone call saying that the family was demanding 480,000 yuan from Wang Yangming. Lu Qingqi stormed into the meeting room, but softened his attitude and poured water for them. Over the years, Lu Qingqi had gained experience in dealing with such situations. His sincere attitude left the family with no reason to refute. However, even so, the family still refused to give up on holding Wang Yangming accountable. This deeply moved Wang Yangming, and in the midst of a hug, he almost strangled Lu Qingqi.

The patient's wife had no say in the matter at home. When she saw Wang Yangming, she instinctively avoided him. But Wang Yangming just wanted to give her some post-thrombolysis precautions. He could be fired at any moment, and after that, he wouldn't be able to interact with the patient anymore. He also hoped they would pay more attention to the patient's care, as it was not easy for someone to come back to life, so they shouldn't encounter any more problems. When he returned home, Wang Yangming fell asleep immediately and didn't hear what Wang Huan was saying. The next day, Wang Yangming received an unexpected piece of news – the family had signed the consent form! The one who signed it was the patient's wife. She was grateful to Wang Yangming for saving her husband's life against all odds. Although she had some selfish thoughts and hesitated, she knew she shouldn't treat such a good doctor who was wholeheartedly saving her husband like that.

Wang Yangming couldn't wait to share this news with Lu Qingqi, who was sunbathing in the yard. Lu Qingqi just said that Wang Yangming was a lucky fool and asked him to make a copy of a form on the bedside. Lu Qingqi was leaving; he left with a smile, saying he was finally free.

Wang Yangming was called into Guan Ling's office. He had only been at the hospital for a few days but had already done a few significant things. If given the chance, he would still make the same choices because he couldn't pass his own inner test and wouldn't be able to be a doctor otherwise. Although it would be best to fire Wang Yangming, Guan Ling decided to keep him and handed him over to Zu Wenda. However, from now on, he couldn't act on his own.

Wang Yangming and Liu Fei became apprentices of Zu Wenda. Compared to Liu Fei, Wang Yangming didn't have much to do. At most, he could prepare for the work and close the curtains. Wang Yangming felt frustrated about this. When he ordered takeout, he specifically showed the delivery guy to prove himself. The delivery guy even encouraged him to do well.

Zu Wenda made a phone call for a full forty minutes. Liu Fei advised him to do his best to gain Zu Wenda's trust, otherwise, he would feel oppressed. Liu Fei finally gave him an opportunity, but Zu Wenda's phone call ended, and he quickly came up to stop him from taking action. Lu Qingqi arrived at the hospital he had longed for in his dreams. Although he hadn't officially started working yet, he had a beautiful nurse to guide him. However, for Lu Qingqi, who was accustomed to efficient work, this kind of life seemed too leisurely.

In the emergency department, a patient came in with a fishing hook stuck in their nose. Liu Fei gave Wang Yangming the opportunity, but the patient thought he was inexperienced and was trembling in fear. Wang Yangming had to give up. He knew he couldn't win against Liu Fei, but he also understood that every day he stayed was another day he earned. A simple case of tinnitus required multiple examinations because if enough tests weren't conducted, the patient would think they weren't being respected. Lu Qingqi couldn't help but sigh that this work was too easy. He easily reached the end of his shift.

Back at home, Wang Yangming suddenly felt annoyed with himself for freeloading at Wang Huan's place. Sometimes he realized he was quite bothersome. Wang Huan hoped Wang Yangming would gain more experience in society since he was too naive. Wang Yangming knew that he might not be able to stay at the hospital anymore. Seeing him looking dejected, Wang Huan encouraged him, telling him not to overthink and just go for it.

Just as Wang Yangming was about to finish work, he received a call from a fellow townsperson of the delivery guy from that day, saying that the delivery guy had been experiencing heart discomfort for the past two days and seemed to be having an episode. Lu Qingqi welcomed a prestigious VIP patient who had no issues but believed she had a serious illness. Lu Qingqi earnestly educated her, but because he didn't conduct any tests, the patient thought he was irresponsible and directly requested a different doctor. Lu Qingqi was speechless, but soon he discovered the truth: the patient was vomiting red wine, not blood.

Lu Qingqi kindly reminded Mrs. Zhao to take care of her health. Mrs. Zhao was touched and praised Lu Qingqi for being refined and patient. Meanwhile, Wang Yangming was rushing to save the delivery guy. He fainted in the restroom and was at a loss, but a female police officer burst out and broke the door. To his surprise, the person was Meng Jiaoyang. After finally getting the delivery guy into the ambulance, another car blocked their way. Without hesitation, Meng Jiaoyang used a megaphone to ask the car to move, without wasting any time. They lost a lot of time on the way to the hospital, and Wang Qiang was on the verge of collapse.

Suddenly, Lu Qingqi received a call from Wang Yangming. Wang Yangming was in the ambulance, unsure of what to do about Wang Qiang's condition. Lu Qingqi advised him not to touch that "thing" because once he got involved, he wouldn't be able to escape the consequences. Lu Qingqi told Wang Yangming to get off the ambulance immediately, but Wang Yangming didn't want to leave. He couldn't bear to watch the patient die in front of him. Lu Qingqi could only remotely guide Wang Yangming through the operation in the ambulance. Wang Yangming said he was willing to accept any consequences; he couldn't watch the patient die in front of him.

At the critical moment when the patient's life was hanging by a thread and they couldn't reach the hospital for urgent treatment, Wang Yangming had to perform surgery in the ambulance under the guidance of Lu Qingqi. This required immense confidence on his part. When the ambulance suddenly braked, both Wang Yangming and Meng Jiaoyang were thrown to the side, leaving Lu Qingqi on the other end of the phone bewildered. However, Wang Yangming succeeded. He saved Wang Qiang's life in the ambulance, which left Lu Qingqi extremely excited.

Wang Yangming accompanied Wang Qiang into the hospital, while Meng Jiaoyang stood in front of the hospital, deeply moved. She immediately returned to work mode. When Mrs. Zhao came to consult Lu Qingqi with her problem, Lu Qingqi was already excitedly explaining things due to his emotional state. Mrs. Zhao mentioned that she often experienced stomach pain, which made Lu Qingqi even more excited.

As Wang Yangming made the incision, the patient needed to have the pacemaker in their body replaced, along with the removal of the shortened wire cut by Wang Yangming. Wang Qiang was out of danger, and his fellow townspeople breathed a sigh of relief, tearfully expressing their gratitude for his hard work. Wang Yangming couldn't bring himself to say anything in response. Zu Wenda didn't expect Wang Yangming to be so daring, performing the operation in the ambulance. Wang Yangming didn't want to implicate Lu Qingqi, so he claimed that he cut the wire himself. But of course, Zu Wenda suspected that Lu Qingqi had given him instructions.

Mrs. Zhao's test results came out, and she was diagnosed with gallstones. She opted for conservative treatment, and Lu Qingqi prescribed medication while patiently advising her on possible issues she might experience. Mrs. Zhao trusted him. In front of everyone, Wang Yangming faced severe criticism from Guan Ling. He knew the consequences of his actions, but he was a doctor, and he had to save lives. Wang Yangming was excited, thinking that Guan Ling had praised him just now. He couldn't wait to pull Liu Fei out and show off, claiming that it was the biggest compliment he had received since starting work at the hospital.

Afterward, Wang Yangming brought some things to visit Wang Qiang, who considered him a lifesaver. When treating a patient he had personally saved, Wang Yangming did feel a sense of responsibility. Wang Qiang mentioned that the restroom door broke while saving him, and he heard that a female police officer voluntarily compensated the landlord for the damages. After finishing work, Wang Yangming immediately went to find Meng Jiaoyang, saying that she shouldn't have paid for that money, although it was just an excuse to see her. This time, they decided to exchange WeChat contacts. However, as Meng Jiaoyang went to retrieve her phone, Wang Yangming received a call saying that Wang Qiang's condition had worsened. Wang Yangming hurriedly rushed back to the hospital and saw a crowd of people gathered around Wang Qiang's bed, attempting to save him. The patient had developed severe complications after surgery, and the doctors attributed it to Wang Yangming's improper operation in the ambulance. According to the relevant regulations, Wang Yangming was dismissed. In a daze, Wang Yangming left Ankang Hospital, while Guan Ling watched his figure, lost in thought. Wang Yangming had devoted himself entirely to the patient, and Guan Ling naturally wanted to protect him, even though Wang Yangming had no chance of saving this patient.

Wang Yangming visited Wang Qiang, who was determined to continue taking delivery orders to earn money, saying that his hands couldn't have any problems in the future. Wang Yangming concealed the grief in his eyes and told him to have a good sleep. There were no more than five doctors in the country who could perform surgery on Wang Qiang. If there were more than five, Guan Ling wouldn't give up this opportunity. But Wang Yangming couldn't just stand by. Zu Wenda asked him to go to the rooftop with him, wanting to tell Wang Yangming that they and Wang Qiang, and countless other patients, were all the same. They lived ordinary lives but faced life and death every day. They weren't gods and couldn't save every patient. He wanted Wang Yangming to accept reality so that he could fully commit to his new work. But Wang Yangming couldn't do it at the moment. After all, he chose this profession because of the emotional connection.

Wang Yangming was feeling very unhappy, but Wang Huan understood his feelings. When their grandmother was sick, he was about to take his doctorate exams, so the family kept it from him. They went from one hospital to another, but they could only watch her life slip away. Wang Yangming didn't give up and decided to expand the search range to find a doctor who could perform the surgery. The next morning, with sleepless night, Wang Yangming excitedly rushed out of the house.

Meanwhile, Lu Qingqi was attending to patients who had no significant issues. If medication or tests could be avoided, he would refrain from using them. He didn't have to be at the hospital every day because each doctor had a quota, and he had already completed his work for the following week. Nervous and uneasy, Lu Qingqi left as Wang Yangming arrived at the cardiology conference, searching for a glimmer of hope for Wang Qiang.

Wang Yangming came to the scene of the cardiology conference and found Professor Liu, telling him that he was a doctor from Ankang Hospital and asked him to take a look at the medical records in his hand. But unexpectedly, Director Cao from Ankang Hospital was also present, and the meeting was about to start. Without an invitation letter, Wang Yangming was kicked out. Lu Qingqi went fishing in the wild with advanced equipment, but he couldn't catch a single fish all day. He said he was just enjoying himself because this kind of work was so relaxing.

Wang Yangming didn't give up and kept waiting outside the venue, but Professor Liu had already left through the VIP channel. Wang Yangming hurriedly went to the parking lot to try his luck, and although Professor Liu's car had already driven away, it stopped when he saw Wang Yangming. Wang Yangming had been waiting since one o'clock in the afternoon until now, and Professor Liu was pleased. He had a son, and if his son had one-third of Wang Yangming's enthusiasm for work, Professor Liu would be satisfied. This surgery was performed by Professor Liu and another doctor, but the other doctor went to Switzerland and wouldn't be back until next month, so Professor Liu felt helpless.

Lu Qingqi happily caught eighteen fish while fishing and didn't take any of them home, giving them all to the angler next to him. In the past, Lu Qingqi always wanted to take a day off and go fishing, and now he finally achieved it. Lu Qingqi received a call saying that Mrs. Zhao specifically requested to see him, so he hurried back to the hospital. Mrs. Zhao still needed surgery, and despite her concerns, she insisted that Lu Qingqi personally perform the operation. However, Mr. Zhao arrived today and insisted on inviting a doctor from abroad, a doctor with a Ph.D. Lu Qingqi left disappointed.

Zu Wenda went to the director and hoped to take responsibility for the Wang Qiang incident. He thought Wang Yangming was reckless but made the patient feel at ease. Liu Fei also helped a lot for this matter. He felt that if Wang Yangming left, Ankang Hospital would become boring. Wang Yangming stayed by Wang Qiang's bedside, and when he woke up, Wang Qiang said he dreamt that his mother made fish stew for him. Wang Qiang seemed to understand that he was beyond saving, but Wang Yangming only told him to eat well. Wang Qiang thanked Wang Yangming again and thanked him for buying fish head pancakes for him. Just as Wang Yangming walked out of the ward, he heard the news that Wang Qiang had fallen into a coma again. Wang Yangming, feeling extremely sad, covered his face and cried in the subway. Once again, he encountered Meng Jiaoyang. Wang Yangming blamed himself. If he had saved Wang Qiang earlier, if he were an exceptional doctor, Wang Qiang could have left the hospital lively, even if it meant having fish head pancakes one more time.

Zu Wenda asked Wang Yangming to hurry back, and without saying a word, Wang Yangming rushed to the hospital. Unexpectedly, Wang Qiang had been taken to the operating room, and Professor Liu and Director Cao decided to perform the surgery together, specifically naming Wang Yangming as their assistant. Lu Qingqi returned to Ankang Hospital with the fish, but he happened to encounter this surgery, and he never expected Wang Yangming to be inside. The surgery was long and challenging, but it was completed without any major complications. Professor Liu highly praised Wang Yangming, and Lu Qingqi felt a sense of satisfaction. Lu Qingqi pleaded on Wang Yangming's behalf in front of the director, and Zu Wenda and others also spoke up, recognizing Wang Yangming as a promising candidate to become a good doctor.

After the surgery, Wang Yangming visited Wang Qiang. It turned out that Wang Qiang had recorded a video beforehand, hoping that if anything happened to him, Wang Yangming wouldn't be held responsible. He had never seen such a good doctor before. Wang Yangming was deeply moved and wished he could keep this video forever. Liu Fei was studying Professor Liu's surgery; he also wanted to learn more.

Lu Qingqi had dinner with his senior colleague. The colleague advised him that in these years, he should focus on obtaining academic qualifications and promotions. After all, there isn't much work here, and over the years, he has everything he needs. Lu Qingqi never dreamed that he could live such a life. Within two years, he had a car and a house.

Wang Yangming personally washed his white coat. Wang Huan thought he had suffered a major blow. Wang Yangming was exhausted, and since he started working at the hospital, he had been gloomy every time he returned home. But for now, Wang Yangming didn't want to say anything, so Wang Huan could only give him some alone time. Lu Qingqi struggled to speak. He wanted to leave this place and return to Ankang. When he was in Ankang, he didn't earn much, but he was already much stronger than the people around him. He felt that he should have achieved more before coming here. However, after staying here for so long, he always felt like something was missing. Doctors should be where they are needed, saving lives and performing surgeries. But his senior colleague believed that choosing different hospitals allows for different lifestyles, and this matter must be carefully considered. Lu Qingqi mentioned that he once had a disciple in Ankang who was a fool but worked hard. At that time, he was very disdainful of Wang Yangming every day. But only after leaving him did he realize that Wang Yangming was the true doctor, while he himself was just making a living wearing a white coat. Wang Yangming was about to be fired now, and he had to go back and save him.

Wang Yangming returned to Ankang Hospital once again, holding the freshly washed white coat. He came to return the clothes, but as soon as he entered, he saw Lu Qingqi. The Emergency Department was as busy as usual. Wang Yangming hurriedly changed his clothes back and even doubted if he had traveled back in time. Life returned to how it was before, busy saving lives and treating patients by Lu Qingqi's side, and Lu Qingqi also missed such days.

Liu Fei had been a bit restless lately, which annoyed Zu Wenda. He advised Liu Fei to pull himself together, or he should stay away from the patients. Wang Yangming stayed here just like that, but he was curious why he hadn't been fired. Lu Qingqi went to the cafeteria to eat, and his stomach missed the taste. There was only one month left in Wang Yangming's probation period, but Lu Qingqi didn't care. After all, if the probation period passed, it would be a normal resignation. He could go elsewhere and continue to be a good doctor. Guan Ling was also surprised. She had always wanted to use Wang Yangming to convince Lu Qingqi to stay, and she didn't expect that he would actually stay.

Wang Yangming knew very well that he couldn't compare to Liu Fei, but he still wanted to spend his last month in Ankang well. An ambulance arrived with a patient who had been impaled by a motorcycle, and the firefighters were late. Wang Yangming and Liu Fei had a difference of opinion on whether to perform immediate surgery. To avoid delaying the patient, they decided to immediately remove the lever and let the patient go in for examination. During the examination, the patient had another accident, but Wang Yangming and Liu Fei managed to hold on until the cardiovascular surgeon arrived. Liu Fei mentioned that his father wanted to invite Wang Yangming for dinner. Since they both had a day off tomorrow, they agreed to meet at 6 o'clock in the evening. Wang Yangming arrived at Liu Fei's high-end apartment and was surprised to find out that he was a rich second-generation. Wang Yangming was curious why Liu Fei didn't go abroad for further studies, but Liu Fei felt it would be a waste of time. However, Wang Yangming never expected that Professor Liu was Liu Fei's father.

During dinner, Professor Liu mentioned that it had been a long time since three people sat at the table. Liu Fei's mother used to be a doctor, but later changed careers and started doing business in other places. Wang Yangming trembled as he toasted with Professor Liu, feeling a sense of drinking with the legendary doctors Hua Tuo and Bian Que. He was visibly nervous. The surgery that day had a great impact on Wang Yangming. It was Professor Liu who saved Wang Qiang's life, and he had been thinking about the difference between doctors and other professions. He believed that the only difference between doctors was human lives. Regarding the internship of Wang Yangming and Liu Fei, Professor Liu believed that Wang Yangming would definitely win because he was a hundred percent doctor.


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