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Have A Crush On You – Peng Guanying, Wang Churan

Have A Crush On You (Love Heals) is an urban romantic drama directed by Yang Yang, starring Peng Guanying, Wang Churan, Chuo Ni, Liu Ruilin, Mao Linlin, Li Zifeng, and Zhu Junlin.

The drama is adapted from the popular novel by writer Ji Xiang Ye, with medical treatment as the background, showing the story of the hero and heroine reuniting to help and heal each other.


Have A Crush On You

English Title: Have A Crush On You
Chinese Title: 听说你喜欢我
Other Titles: Love Heals
Genre: Urban, Romance, Medical
Tag: Second Chance, Lovers Reunited, Older Man/Younger Woman, Age Gap, Arranged Marriage, Hospital Setting
Episodes: 36
Duration: 45 min.
Director: Yang Yang
Writer: Xu Su, Wang Jie, Zhang Chuyu
Producer: Zhang Meng
Product Company: Shanghai Youhug Media Co., Ltd., TENCENT PENGUIN PICTURES
Released Date: 2023-02-10
Broadcast Website: WeTV, Viki, YOUHUG MEDIA



After seven years away from home, Ruan Liuzheng returned to the city where she grew up and became an advanced training doctor in the neurosurgery department of Beiya Hospital.

In order to stay at Beiya, Ruan Liuzheng put all her energy into her work. The embarrassing thing is that her ex-husband, Ning Zhiqian, is the best neurosurgeon in Beiya. He offered to be Ruan Liuzheng’s mentor and taught her everything he can, just to make up for the damage caused by her failed marriage.

However, Ruan Liuzheng was not the fragile and timid girl she was back then, she had her own commitment and insistence, whether it was treating patients or facing emotions.

In the work, they argued, reconciled, and fought side by side, the red strings held between them by fate have never been cut.

In order to respond to the national call, they joined a medical team to aid Africa. In the process of rescuing patients, Ning Zhiqian was seriously injured by a stray bullet, and Ruan Liuzheng never left to snatch him back from death.

After a life and death test, they have a better understanding of life and life, and start a new relationship again!


In 2019, Ruan Liuzheng arrived in Africa's Darfur. She saw bullet marks on the car door and felt uneasy, but still got in the driver's car. Just as she got in, the local doctor called to ask about her situation and warned her to be careful.

The car shook on the muddy road, surrounded by flying dust. It took more than five hours to travel from the airport to the base, and many unexpected situations could happen along the way, such as gunfire. Ruan Liuzheng was dissatisfied, but she did not expect to actually encounter gunfire and be stopped on the way.

Looking back to 2012, Ruan Liuzheng was a student at Jiangzhou Medical College, secretly admiring her senior brother Ning Zhiqian. This was a secret crush, but it was also well-known. However, on this day, Ning Zhiqian scolded her harshly because she was already in her fifth year but still afraid to stand on the surgical table. Ruan Liuzheng had once said fearfully that she would never stand on the surgical table again. But now, she can calmly treat the wounded.

Thinking back, Mr. Ning Zhiqian helped Ruan Liuzheng overcome her fear. They went bungee jumping, ate fish, and watched horror movies together. Through this training, she finally had the courage to stand on the surgical table and became a doctor. Since then, Ruan Liuzheng has had great admiration for Ning Zhiqian. She mustered up the courage to invite him to dinner and dressed up carefully, but she did not expect him to bring his girlfriend.

Seeing Ning Zhiqian and his girlfriend, Ruan Liuzheng couldn't calm down, even though she forced herself to hide her feelings for him, she still couldn't hide her inner unease.

During the process of removing the bullet from the driver Jeff, Liuzheng was surrounded by the armed person. She immediately signaled that she didn't have any weapons and continued to complete the task. However, as soon as the surgery was over, she was kidnapped. Ning Zhiqian hurriedly arrived and found out from the car's recorder that Liuzheng had been kidnapped by Suo Yi Zha, the largest private armed leader in the area, who was a terrifying presence. In order to rescue Liuzheng, Ning Zhiqian decided to spare no effort, even if it meant crossing a sea of fire.

Originally, Suo Yi Zha had kidnapped Ruan Liuzheng to perform surgery for his relative. After the surgery was over, Suo Yi Zha released Ruan Liuzheng. When she saw her ex-husband Ning Zhiqian after many years, Liuzheng had no expression on her face. After arriving at the base, Liuzheng saw Ning Zhiqian's mother's statue and felt a bit emotional. Because the accommodation was full, Liuzheng had to temporarily stay in Ning Zhiqian's room.

After settling down, Liuzheng wanted to take a hot bath, but she didn't expect the faucet to stop running halfway through. Liuzheng didn't know what to do, so she had to call Ning Zhiqian for help. Ning Zhiqian rushed over and took Liuzheng to the river. The two of them talked very familiarly with each other, facing away from each other. Upon learning that Liuzheng was now working in neurosurgery, Ning Zhiqian couldn't help but laugh, because he remembered how Liuzheng was once afraid to even touch frogs.

While they were chatting, Liuzheng suddenly went silent on her end, and Ning Zhiqian became very anxious and rushed over to her. Liuzheng shook her head, not knowing what Ning Zhiqian wanted to do. Both of them were wet, and a cool breeze blew over their hearts, making the atmosphere a bit ambiguous. Ning Zhiqian dared not speak his mind and could only obediently follow her footsteps with her clothes in his hands.

Ning Zhiqiandidn't seem to know that Liuzheng had feelings for him. He only felt that Liuzheng had been acting strangely lately and was absent-minded in class. As an older brother, he had to remind Liuzheng that if she really wanted to become a doctor, it would be best to continue to study medicine. But Ning Zhijian's girlfriend Dong Miaomiao could see that Liuzheng liked him. She told Liuzheng that she used to mind if someone liked Ning Zhijian, but not anymore. When Liuzheng saw the ring on Dong Miaomiao's middle finger, she understood what she meant and quickly lowered her head to continue eating her bread.

One day, Liuzheng accidentally witnessed Ning Zhiqianarguing with Dong Miaomiao. Ning Zhiqianwanted to proceed with the wedding as planned, but Dong Miaomiao insisted on going to Milan for an art exhibition. Seeing Ning Zhijian's loneliness, Liuzheng felt a little heartbroken, but she knew she had no right to say anything.

Encouraged by her roommate, Liuzheng dressed up as Audrey Hepburn and went to the school's masquerade ball with her. Unexpectedly, she met Ning Zhiqianand his friend Cheng Zhouyu. Cheng Zhouyu immediately took a liking to Liuzheng and urged Ning Zhiqian to introduce him. Faced with Cheng Zhouyu's repeated attacks, Liuzheng seemed a bit unable to cope. Her roommate also noticed her discomfort and asked Ning Zhiqian to come forward to help. But just then, Dong Miaomiao called. When Ning Zhiqiansaw his girlfriend, he quickly ran over, apologizing continuously.

That day, Ning Zhiqian invited Liuzheng and others to his new house and asked them to help him clean up. Time flew by, and their classmates had all gone home, but Liuzheng was still in the bathroom, scrubbing the floor tiles. Just then, Ning Zhiqianand Dong Miaomiao returned. Dong Miaomiao suddenly spoke up and broke up with Ning Zhijian. No matter how Ning Zhiqiantried to hold on, Dong Miaomiao still walked away without looking back. Liuzheng felt extremely awkward and quickly left before Ning Zhiqiancould react.

Afterwards, Ning Zhiqian started going to the bar every night to drink and vent his heart. Liuzheng followed him quietly because she was worried about him. One night, she found him completely drunk and had to help him back home. When they arrived, they met Ning Zhiqian's mother, Wen Yi, who was a distinguished obstetrician and gynecologist. Wen Yi was as warm and kind as her name suggested, which made Liuzheng laugh and also learn some secrets about Ning Zhiqian.

After Liuzheng left, Wen Yi expressed her liking for Liuzheng to Ning Zhiqian and hoped they could develop a relationship. She knew Ning Zhiqian was heartbroken after his breakup, but as a mother, she wanted her son to find love.

Liuzheng came to Africa to bring Zhao Gong back home. After seeing that Zhao Gong was not seriously injured, she felt relieved. Jeff, who had undergone emergency surgery by her, also recovered well. Normally, patients who were shot would need to be observed for several days before being discharged, but Ning Zhiqian insisted that Jeff be discharged that afternoon. Liuzheng couldn't understand his decision and confronted him, but he dismissed her with just a few words. Later, when she asked Ning Zhiqian to send Zhao Gong back home, she encountered another obstacle. Ning Zhiqian disagreed with sending Zhao Gong back at that time and refused to give Liuzheng his scan.

One night, Zhao Gong suddenly had a cerebral hemorrhage, and Ning Zhiqian performed emergency surgery. Just as the surgery was about to end, Liuzheng arrived late. Ning Zhiqian looked at her every move and unconsciously acted like a senior brother. He finally couldn't help but intervene and personally performed the sutures. Afterwards, Liuzheng realized that the reason Ning Zhiqian had called her to perform the sutures was to persuade her to join his team so that Zhao Gong could stay in Daya for further treatment.

Liuzheng went to pay her respects at Wen Yi's statue while holding a bouquet of flowers and talked to Ning Zhiqian about many past events. Since Zhao Gong could not leave and his relatives were here to take care of him, Liuzheng had no reason to stay any longer. The next day, despite his heavy eye bags, Ning Zhiqian insisted on personally taking Liuzheng to the airport. Along the way, his condition was not good, so Liuzheng had to drive herself.



The car sped all the way and soon arrived at the airport. Looking at the sleeping Ning Zhiqian, Liuzheng couldn't tell what she was thinking and her face showed some sadness. At the moment of parting, Liuzheng reached out to say goodbye to Ning Zhiqian, but he didn't give her face and just pushed his luggage over and put his hands in his pockets. Liuzheng suppressed her pounding heart and pretended to be very calm as she walked away. However, a heart filled with Ning Zhiqian, how could she be willing to stop like this? Liuzheng couldn't help turning around and looking at Ning Zhiqian with reluctance in her eyes.

Two months later, Zhao Gong recovered well and took a plane back to China. That day, Liuzheng and Dean Wang went to the airport together to pick him up, unexpectedly meeting Ning Zhiqian. In order to welcome everyone, Dean Wang specially booked a private room. Since Zhao Gong couldn't run around, only Ning Zhiqian, Liuzheng, and Dean Wang were at the dinner table. Dean Wang hurriedly took a phone call and went out.

Ning Zhiqian took the opportunity to ask Liuzheng why she deleted his WeChat the moment she returned to China. Liuzheng answered calmly, as if she was talking to a stranger. Just as they were talking, Dean Wang came back and proposed that Liuzheng goes to Beiya Hospital to study. Faced with this rare opportunity, Liuzheng of course readily accepted, but she didn't expect that Dean Wang wanted Ning Zhiqian to be her teacher. Liuzheng had no choice but to pretend to be obedient, pouring him drinks and adding him on WeChat. Liuzheng was even more surprised to find out that Dean Wang was trying to match up the two divorced people.

Liuzheng arrived at Beiya Hospital early and visited the hospital with a friend's guidance. In the office, she met Ding Yiyuan. Ding Yiyuan had a higher degree than Liuzheng and was a Ph.D. She wanted to become Ning Zhiqian's disciple but was refused by him. Knowing that he brought Liuzheng, Ding Yiyuan couldn't help but ask why he refused her. Ning Zhiqian didn't answer directly but hoped that Ding Yiyuan could prove him wrong first. Hearing their conversation, Liuzheng felt a little uncomfortable. However, she soon immersed herself in work and went on rounds with Ning Zhiqian.

At that time, Dong Miaomiao asked Liuzheng out alone to inquire about Ning Zhiqian's recent situation. Liuzheng couldn't understand why Dong Miaomiao, who had such a good relationship with Ning Zhiqian, insisted on breaking up with him and even falling in love with someone else. Dong Miaomiao only said that medicine and art could not coexist. Liuzheng disagreed and stubbornly refused to tell her about the bar where Ning Zhiqian often drank.

That night, Liuzheng secretly followed Ning Zhiqian to the bar. This time, he called her over. It turned out that Ning Zhiqian had long noticed Liuzheng, but had been pretending not to know. Liuzheng drank a glass of wine and urged Ning Zhiqian to get out of the shadow of his lost love as soon as possible. But in a short while, Liuzheng was drunk and unconscious. Ning Zhiqian wanted to take her back to the dormitory, but it was closed, so he had to take her to a hotel.

Early the next morning, Liuzheng woke up on a strange bed. She hastily put on her glasses and saw Ning Zhiqian sleeping on the window sill. She felt extremely embarrassed and planned to leave quietly. Unexpectedly, Ning Zhiqian woke up at this time and helped her recall what had happened the night before. Unexpectedly, as soon as the two of them left, they met a classmate they knew. For a while, the rumors about the two of them spread throughout the school, and Liuzheng became known as a "third party" in many people's mouths. Liuzheng didn't want to explain, she just wanted to graduate smoothly. But some people who didn't mind stirring up trouble came to her door and even started a fight in public. Ning Zhiqian rushed forward to stop them. He put his shirt on Liuzheng and took her hand to leave.

After returning to the dormitory, Liuzheng fantasized about herself and Ning Zhiqian holding hands and blowing in the breeze while looking at his shirt. That day, she finally gathered the courage to express her love to Ning Zhiqian. Before Ning Zhiqian could even answer, Liuzheng hugged him. Seeing that Ning Zhiqian didn't refuse and even hugged her back, Liuzheng was extremely happy. But at this moment, the admission notice from Johns Hopkins University arrived.

On the way back from rounds, Dr. Cai asked his apprentice Ding Yiyuan to prepare for surgery with him. However, Liuzheng's mentor, Ning Zhiqian, seemed to have no intention of letting her participate in the surgery. Instead, he asked her to do something unrelated to the surgery, such as translating literature. The whole office suddenly became empty, and Liuzheng held the literature material, feeling a bit helpless.

A patient rushed into the restroom with his brain scan and looked for Ning Zhiqian, insisting that he was sick. But Ning Zhiqian bluntly stated that he was fine and left him behind when entering the elevator. Seeing this, Liuzheng kindly offered to check the patient's scan and found that he had no problem. Seeing that the patient was still worried, Liuzheng chatted with him and guessed that he might have a psychological problem.

When Ning Zhiqian returned to the office and found Liuzheng was not there, he went out to look for her. Seeing her talking with the patient, Ning Zhiqian looked serious and called her away after a phone call. Ning Zhiqian reminded Liuzheng that doctors only diagnose and treat patients, not provide emotional support. Liuzheng wanted to say something, but Ning Zhiqian interrupted her mercilessly. Helplessly, Liuzheng could only continue to do those seemingly boring tasks.

The hospital was already quiet, and Liuzheng finally turned off the computer, ending a day's work. Just as she walked out of the hospital, she saw Ning Zhiqian. He claimed that there was something to say and called Liuzheng into the car. Along the way, the two of them exchanged words like a couple in love. However, Liuzheng accidentally learned that Ning Zhiqian already had a son. The atmosphere in the car suddenly plummeted, and no one spoke to break the silence.

Liuzheng finally got the chance to go to the outpatient clinic and a smile finally appeared on her face. Even before reaching the clinic office, the entrance was already crowded. She sat down and stayed there until the end of the workday. She regretted not listening to Ning Zhiqian's advice and drinking too much water, so she had to wait until the end of the workday to use the bathroom. But on this short walk, she was surrounded by two patients who asked her to help them get an appointment with Ning Zhiqian. Ning Zhiqian didn't agree or refuse, but let Liuzheng handle the patients herself.

Because Liuzheng was Ning Zhiqian's apprentice, Ding Yiyuan always had a dislike for her and reminded her not to always ride in Ning Zhiqian's car, as it didn't look good. Liuzheng remembered what Ning Zhiqian had said and realized that it was because Ding Yiyuan was secretly bringing him food. Liuzheng became angry and reminded Ding Yiyuan not to end up with nothing in the end. Just as they were talking, news came from the emergency room and everyone rushed over. Liuzheng saw that the patient's brain was infected with parasites and planned to perform a craniotomy. But Ding Yiyuan insisted on conservative treatment and planned to inform other hospitals. Just as they were talking, the patient suddenly fell into a coma.

Do you remember a few years ago when Liuzheng suddenly told her family that she was getting married? Before the Ruans could react, Ning Zhiqian came with a gift. When Ruan's mother found out that Ning Zhiqian was a doctor at Beiyah Hospital, her attitude softened and she started to like him. As the sun gradually set, Ruan's mother had already considered Ning Zhiqian as part of the family.

When Liuzheng announced that she was going to marry Ning Zhiqian, Dong Miaomiao couldn't help but advise her that an unequal relationship would only hurt her in the end. But Liuzheng had already made up her mind about Ning Zhiqian and wanted to give it a try no matter what the future held. But over the years, Liuzheng became more and more doubtful about this relationship, feeling like she couldn't feel Ning Zhiqian's love for her. However, Liuzheng had confidence that Ning Zhiqian would fall in love with her. She declined an admission offer from Johns Hopkins University and devoted herself fully to this dream wedding.

The situation was urgent, so Liuzheng quickly performed a craniotomy on the patient. As expected, the patient was indeed infected with parasites, and if they had waited any longer, they may have suffered kidney failure. As Liuzheng walked away with a determined look on her face, Ning Zhiqian couldn't help but smile to himself, wondering what she was thinking.

Due to a parking issue, Ding Yiyuan and Cheng ZhouYu had a minor disagreement. Little did they know, they were actually colleagues. Cheng ZhouYu had just returned from a trip to the countryside, hoping to find a romantic connection, but was taken aback by Ding Yiyuan's feisty attitude. However, there was a new female colleague, and he quickly asked Ning Zhiqian to introduce him. Ning Zhiqian found it amusing and tried to persuade him that there was no connection between them.

At first, Cheng ZhouYu didn't believe it, but when he saw that the new female colleague was actually Liuzheng, he jumped up from his seat. He thought that since Ning Zhiqian and Liuzheng had divorced, he might have a chance. Ning Zhiqian didn't say much and changed the subject with a joke.

During a craniotomy, Ning Zhiqian wanted to ask Dr. Wu for assistance, but he couldn't find him anywhere. So he asked Liuzheng to come into the operating room and let her remove the tumor while he guided and observed from the side. Liuzheng was completely focused, but her hand shook uncontrollably for a moment. Luckily, the surgery went smoothly. Dr. Wu rushed back and explained that he had only slept for two hours last night and had fainted in a breakfast shop. He was grateful that Liuzheng had helped him out and congratulated her on being approved by Ning Zhiqian since he had allowed her to operate. However, Liuzheng felt a bit uneasy because Ning Zhiqian had seen her hand tremble during the surgery but hadn't said anything.

The patient gradually woke up, but their hand had no strength. Liuzheng couldn't help but blame herself and quietly cried in the hallway. Ning Zhiqian saw her sobbing and felt sorry for her. However, a neurosurgeon must face and solve these problems on their own to truly grow. Ning Zhiqian simply sent Cheng ZhouYu away when he passed by and quietly left.

Liuzheng adjusted her mood and gathered her courage to explain the situation to the patient's family. However, as soon as she arrived at the ward, she saw the patient's hand regained its mobility. Overwhelmed with joy, she kept saying thank you. Meanwhile, Ding Yiyuan had just finished dealing with a patient who had leaked urine and ran into Cheng Zhouyu. Cheng Zhouyu felt upset and sought comfort from Ding Yiyuan's mentor, Doctor Cai. With a sigh, Doctor Cai revealed that Ding Yiyuan was actually the daughter of Vice President Ding.

After the wedding, Liuzheng realized that her heel was worn out. When she returned home, Ning Zhiqian quickly brought out the medicine box and personally treated her wounds. Liuzheng smiled happily, as if she couldn't feel the pain anymore. Afterwards, she happily ran to tidy up the wedding room and took a comfortable hot bath. Ning Zhiqian was preparing a candlelit dinner outside, ready to enjoy the sweet life of newlyweds. But suddenly, a phone call came, forcing him to rush back to the hospital for an emergency surgery. With no time to explain, Ning Zhiqian hurriedly left for the hospital.

However, Liuzheng didn't hear Ning Zhiqian's words, and when she finished her bath, she couldn't find him. Frantic, she called Ning Zhiqian, unaware that his phone was lying in the storage room. Overwhelmed with emotions, she looked around the empty house, feeling uneasy. She had to put on her bathrobe and sit on the couch, waiting for Ning Zhiqian to return. Eventually, she fell asleep. When she saw Ning Zhiqian again, it was the next morning. After hearing Ning Zhiqian's explanation, all the doubts were swept away and Liuzheng smiled again.

Since getting married, Ning Zhiqian seemed to always be busy, and they hadn't yet consummated their marriage. So, Liuzheng put on sexy sleepwear and showed him her practiced dance moves, finally winning him over. They planned to go on their honeymoon to Africa together, but on the way to the airport, Ning Zhiqian received a phone call. Liuzheng knew that the honeymoon was cancelled, but she still wore a smile on her face despite feeling a bit disappointed.

During their honeymoon, the trip was interrupted when Ning Zhiqian had to undergo an emergency surgery and was brought back to the hospital. As the evening approached, Liuzheng was busy preparing dinner for Ning Zhiqian. He talked about his childhood, when his mother used to work late and he would often make instant noodles by himself, adding various ingredients to make them more interesting. Liuzheng couldn't help but feel sorry for him and vowed never to let him eat instant noodles again. After that, she bought many cookbooks and started learning how to cook different dishes.

Every time she cooked a meal, Liuzheng would immediately bring it to the hospital, hoping that Ning Zhiqian could enjoy a warm meal during his rest. At first, both of them enjoyed this sweet and caring gesture. However, Liuzheng always forgot about herself, which made Ning Zhiqian feel pressured, a kind of pressure that made him feel breathless. But seeing how happy Liuzheng was doing it, he didn't say much.

One day, after work, they went to the supermarket together to buy groceries. They saw a couple next to them holding hands, calling each other affectionate and natural nicknames. Liuzheng got lost in thought for a moment and wondered what would happen if she called Ning Zhiqian "husband." But as soon as she said the word "old," she realized something was wrong and quickly changed it back to "senior brother." Later, they went to have dessert together. Liuzheng squinted her eyes and fed Ning Zhiqian a piece of cake. Ning Zhiqian looked indulgent as he opened his mouth to eat it.

But as Ning Zhiqian got busier, he would fall asleep during movies or get called away suddenly during phone calls, and Liuzheng couldn't see him in their small apartment. One night, Liuzheng saw Dong Miaomiao sending a message to Ning Zhiqian. She didn't tell him about it, but it felt like a thorn in her heart that she couldn't remove, making her feel uneasy. The thorn seemed to spread like a tumor in Liuzheng's heart.

Liuzheng always thought that if she treated Ning Zhiqian better, even better, she wouldn't be afraid of losing him. But in their world, it seemed like she was always the one giving more. Several times, she had just finished making a hot soup, but Ning Zhiqian had already fallen asleep in bed.

After work, Ning Zhiqian suddenly called Liuzheng over and took out a pendant from his bag. Liuzheng thought he was preparing a gift for himself and couldn't help but smile. But Ning Zhiqian only asked her to help pick up his son and didn't allow her to refuse. Liuzheng had no choice but to hide her annoyance and go pick up Ning Xiang.

After Ning Xiang learned Liuzheng's name, he murmured to himself that he seemed to have seen her somewhere before but couldn't remember. He stared at Liuzheng all the way and learned that she had also been to Africa. It was then that he remembered that the person in front of him was actually his mother.

Upon hearing Ning Xiang's words, Liuzheng was shocked and hurriedly explained that she was not his mother. But Ning Xiang was very persistent and ran ahead in a hurry. Liuzheng had no choice but to follow quickly. The furnishings in the house were still the same as before, as if her past self was right in front of her. Liuzheng's heart was filled with mixed feelings.

When Ning Zhiqian came back, Ning Xiang quickly asked him if Liuzheng was his mother. Ning Zhiqian looked at Liuzheng and denied Ning Xiang's guess.

Ning Xiang was disappointed that the mother she had just found suddenly disappeared. She took out all the wedding photos and hoped to hear the answer she had been waiting for. But this made Ning Zhiqian very angry and he scolded Ning Xiang in front of Liuzheng. Liuzheng had no choice but to comfort Ning Xiang. She was also curious about who Ning Xiang's mother really was, but seeing Ning Zhiqian refusing to talk about it, Liuzheng said her goodbyes and left.

Ning Xiang couldn't resist asking Ning Zhiqian when he and Liuzheng got married. Ning Zhiquan didn't want to answer, so he urged Ning Xiang to eat quickly. This made Ning Xiang angry and he said he didn't want to go to kindergarten. But he thought about it and realized that there would be a parent-child sports event at the kindergarten in a few days, so he hinted to Ning Zhiquan to invite Liuzheng. After thinking about it, Ning Zhiquan decided to agree to Ning Xiang's request. Ning Xiang was very happy and buried his head to eat.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, Ning Zhiquan caught up with Liuzheng and wanted to invite her to participate in the parent-child sports event. However, Liuzheng thought he was going to urge her to work, so she quickly reported her work before he could speak. Even during breaks, Liuzheng didn't look up at him and insisted on avoiding suspicion. When it was finally time to go off duty, Liuzheng hurriedly ran out to the toilet, and Ning Zhiquan had to hold back what he wanted to say.

Ning Zhiquan had to pretend to meet her by chance at the bathroom door, and quickly told her about the parent-child sports event while Liuzheng was off guard. Liuzheng couldn't help but laugh and said she couldn't pretend to be Ning Xiang's mother to participate in the event. Ning Zhiquan wanted to persuade her, but Cheng Zhouyu and Ding Yiyuan suddenly appeared, so he had to give up temporarily. Seeing Ning Zhiquan and Liuzheng close together, Cheng Zhouyu, who knew the inside story, couldn't help but show a gossip smile. But Ding Yiyuan, who didn't know the situation, just thought Cheng Zhouyu was strange.

Ning Zhiquan actively invited Liuzheng to be his surgical assistant, and Liuzheng swore to perform well. So she dug out Ning Zhiquan's surgical video and carefully studied every detail. Ning Zhiquan then took her to the practice room and let her practice with a small quail egg. With Ning Zhiquan's guidance, Liuzheng became more skilled and approached perfection.

When Ning Xiang found out that Ning Zhiquan hadn't invited Liuzheng, he went to the hospital to find her. Seeing that Liuzheng still refused, Ning Xiang sat there stubbornly and said he would stay there if Liuzheng didn't agree. Afraid of causing any gossip, Liuzheng quickly agreed and urged Ning Xiang to go home. Hearing Liuzheng's answer, Ning Xiang was very happy and gave her a high-five.

Liuzheng sent Ning Xiang home, and when she left, she couldn't help but look at the familiar and strange lamp with mixed feelings in her heart. After Dong Miaomiao sent her a message, Ning Zhiqian set a password for his phone, whether intentionally or not, which puzzled Liuzheng. However, the next day, she still brought the carefully prepared lunch to Ning Zhiqian as usual, for which he was grateful, but also felt a sense of pressure.

That day, he operated until late and the food sent by Liuzheng had already turned cold, and he didn't have any appetite. When he got home, he threw the food into the trash can, but Liuzheng saw the scene. Ning Zhiqian apologized and told her not to bring him food every day because it put too much pressure on him. Tears welled up in Liuzheng's eyes, but she suppressed her emotions and simply said, "I understand." Now, she stared at the trash can in front of her, lost in thought, before leaving.

During her break, Liuzheng told her friend Tan Ya about Ning Xiang, but unexpectedly learned that he was not Ning Zhiqian's biological son, but a child he had found in the hospital corridor. Tan Ya joked that it was time for Ning Zhiqian to find a stepmother for the child, and Liuzheng, who was eating, quickly said, "No."

On the day of Parent-Child Sports Day, before even entering kindergarten, Ning Xiang introduced herself to everyone as Liuzheng's mother. Although Liuzheng felt embarrassed, she didn't want to hurt the child and could only force a smile. After losing several games due to a lack of coordination, Ning Xiang hoped to win the last game of "two people, three legs". Liuzheng tried her best, but they still lost because she accidentally fell. However, Ning Xiang felt that her dad and mom were already great.

Although Ning Zhiqian and his team lost the game, they were praised by their teacher for their perseverance during the game. At the awards ceremony, the teacher specifically praised them by name and awarded them a medal. Ning Xiang was very happy and quickly took Ning Zhiqian and Liuzheng's hands to receive the award. During the speech, Liuzheng took the paint tube from Ning Zhiqian's hand and shared her thoughts as Ning Xiang's mother.

After settling Ning Xiang down, Liuzheng planned to go home. However, Ning Zhiqian suddenly had a stomach ache, so Liuzheng had to turn around and get him some water. This scene reminded Liuzheng of how she used to pour water for Ning Zhiqian years ago. But after their argument, they hadn't talked to each other for a long time. Ning Zhiqian didn't know how to face Liuzheng, so he pretended to be busy whenever she appeared.

Whether it was his own birthday, wedding anniversary, or his brother Ruan Lang's birthday, Ning Zhiqian never forgot and never missed a gift. But Liuzheng still felt that something was missing, which made her wonder if Ning Zhiqian was just trying to maintain their marriage. Tan Ya comforted Liuzheng, saying that Ning Zhiqian had recently encountered many things at the hospital, and maybe he was just under too much pressure to pay attention to her. Liuzheng couldn't help but feel heartbroken, but as Ning Zhiqian's confidante, he had never told her about these things.

One rainy night, Liuzheng found Ning Zhiqian in a car downstairs. She asked about his recent situation, but he said he didn't tell her because he didn't want these things to affect her postgraduate exam. Liuzheng felt sad. They had been together for so long, but Ning Zhiqian had never spoken his mind to her. The former confident Liuzheng thought she knew Ning Zhiqian very well, but at this moment, she began to doubt herself and their marriage. She couldn't figure out many things, so she temporarily went to her parents' house.

During the past few days at home, Liuzheng always felt nauseous and couldn't help but wonder if she was pregnant. But when she learned that Ning Zhiqian had the opportunity to study in the United States, she began to feel conflicted. Seeing that Liuzheng was not feeling well, Ruan's mother quickly comforted her, saying that quarrels between husband and wife were nothing serious and that they could be resolved by talking things out. She didn't believe that Ning Zhiqian would bully Liuzheng. She thought that the quarrels between the couple were always over trivial matters and that these things were insignificant. Just as she was saying this, Ning Zhiqian arrived. As soon as Liuzheng saw him, her anger disappeared instantly, and a smile appeared on her face. She smiled and returned to their new home with Ning Zhiqian.

Later, Liuzheng told Ning Zhiqian about her pregnancy and planned to stay at home to take care of herself. However, just as she was prepared to welcome new life, her period arrived unexpectedly. Ning Zhiqian was overwhelmed with mixed feelings. When he first learned about Liuzheng's pregnancy, he turned down the opportunity to further his studies. Now that he knows it was just a false alarm, he can't deny that he feels regret. However, he can only pretend not to care in front of Liuzheng.

One night, Liuzheng woke up and found that Ning Zhiqian was not by her side. She went to the living room to look for him and found him sitting alone in a chair, lost in thought. When she approached him, he seemed uninterested, so she tried to comfort him and asked him to share his feelings. However, Ning Zhiqian refused to speak and just wanted to be alone. Liuzheng felt disappointed but had no choice but to return to her room alone.

After the parent-child sports day, Liuzheng began to pay attention to everything Ning Zhiqian did. When she saw him talking to a female doctor, she couldn't help feeling jealous for no reason. One day, Liuzheng went to help Ning Zhiqian pick up Ning Xiang and they painted together when they got home. While they were playing, Liuzheng's shirt was covered in paint. As night fell, Ning Xiang had fallen asleep, but Ning Zhiqian hadn't come home yet. Worried, Liuzheng decided to wash her shirt first.

Liuzheng was wearing only a vest and carefully drying her shirt with a hairdryer when Ning Zhiqian suddenly came back. Ning Zhiqian quickly found a shirt for Liuzheng to wear and humbly asked her to take care of Ning Xiang for a few days. Liuzheng readily agreed, but couldn't help wondering if Ning Zhiqian was going to meet with Dr. Huang from the internal medicine department. When Ning Zhiqian heard this, he was puzzled and quickly explained that he was just going for a consultation.

Although Ning Zhiqian had explained to Liuzheng about their relationship with Dr. Huang, Liuzheng was still angry and blamed Ning Zhiqian for inviting her to participate in the parent-child sports event. Now, Ning Xiang thinks of Liuzheng as her mother, which will affect her future matchmaking. However, Ning Zhiqian did not agree and reminded Liuzheng that he had publicly introduced himself as Ning Xiang's father. The two are arguing when Ning Xiang comes over, unsure which side to take.

Liuzheng picked up Ning Xiang and prepared to leave the place of conflict. But Ning Xiang reached out and asked her to stay. Ning Zhiqian felt a little sad, so he went to take care of Ning Xiang to sleep. But Ning Xiang didn't want to sleep and threw a tantrum, hoping Liuzheng would stay with her. Liuzheng had no choice but to agree to stay. However, Ning Xiang then asked to sleep with both her father and mother. Ning Zhiqian was delighted, but also felt a little awkward. Liuzheng didn't mind and immediately called Ning Zhiqian to bed so that Ning Xiang could sleep well.

To the gentle lullaby, the three of them fell asleep unconsciously. Many years ago, Liuzheng and Ning Zhiqian also lay on this bed. At that time, they both had their own worries. One night, Ning Zhiqian quietly got up and packed everything, then boarded a plane to go abroad. The next morning, Liuzheng searched for Ning Zhiqian at home for a long time but couldn't find him. When she calmed down, she remembered that Ning Zhiqian might have gone abroad for further studies. Liuzheng called Ning Zhiqian to ask about his situation. She was relieved to learn that he had safely arrived at the lab.

During the days when she was alone at home, Liuzheng could only turn on the TV and play their wedding video. She often sent messages to Ning Zhiqian to share her life with him. But Ning Zhiqian seemed to always be busy and rarely replied to her messages. One day, Liuzheng had severe stomach pain and had to call an ambulance. Before and after the appendectomy, she called Ning Zhiqian several times, but he never answered.

After a long time, Ning Zhiqian still did not reply to Liuzheng's messages, which made her very uneasy. She quickly booked a plane ticket and planned to fly to Ning Zhiqian to give him a surprise. But when she arrived with a bouquet of flowers, she saw him surrounded by many people and there was no room for her in his eyes. Liuzheng felt exhausted as if she was seeing this kind of smile on Ning Zhiqian's face for the first time. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she threw the bouquet into the trash can, secretly making a decision. On the way back, she sent another message to Ning Zhiqian, but this time it wasn't about caring, it was about getting a divorce.

Ning Xiang is the name of a person, and Liuzheng is the name of another person. If it wasn't for a phone call from Ruan's mother, Ning Zhiqian would never have known that Liuzheng had come to visit. But when he found the bouquet of flowers and note, it was already too late. Despite his attempts to explain, Liuzheng had already decided to end their marriage. After leaving the civil affairs bureau, Liuzheng packed her bags alone and faced the overwhelming sadness by herself. She had hoped that Ning Zhiqian would come to stop her, but he never did.

Going back in time to 2019, Liuzheng woke up in Ning Zhiqian's bed and realized she had not called her family yet. However, Ning Zhiqian had already informed her family that she was safe. But the problem was that he told the truth, leaving Liuzheng speechless. As it was almost time for work, Liuzheng had to take a ride with Ning Zhiqian. But as luck would have it, they ran into Cheng Zhouyu and Ding Yiyuan as soon as they got off the car.

Cai Mama's health was not good, and she needed surgery. But her son and daughter-in-law, who had been out of touch for a long time, suddenly showed up and wanted to take Cai Mama away. Liuzheng tried to explain the situation to them, but they disagreed and started arguing. Tan Ya quickly called Ning Zhiqian to come and mediate the situation. The son and daughter-in-law secretly carried Cai Mama on their back, intending to sneak away from the building. But Cai Mama suddenly fainted, and they were worried and scared. So, they pretended they couldn't find her and left her behind.


After their divorce, Liuzheng often went to her alma mater alone, which was filled with memories of her and Ning Xiang. However, things had changed, and now it was not her and Ning Xiang running around there, but another young couple. Ning Xiang always felt empty inside and often looked up at the sky, but no one knew what he was thinking.

When Auntie Cai fell into a coma, Ning Xiang quickly performed surgery on her after she was found in time. After Liuzheng finished examining Auntie Cai, she met her son and daughter-in-law. The son took a tough stance and approached Liuzheng, questioning her, "What happened to my mother while you weren't here these past few days?" Liuzheng told him, "Auntie Cai fell down the stairs a few days ago and is still unconscious."

Hearing this, the son became angry and spoke louder. He suspected Liuzheng and said that she must be holding a grudge and abusing his mother because of his complaints. Liuzheng couldn't persuade him, so she had to ask him to leave. But the son kept shouting louder and louder, as if he wanted Liuzheng to kneel down and apologize. At this moment, Ding Yiyuan suddenly walked over and helped Liuzheng defuse the situation. However, Ding Yiyuan was also very hot-tempered and said a few words that angered the son, and they even started fighting.

Both of them were scolded, but Ding Yiyuan felt that Ning Xiang was scolding Liuzheng on the surface but actually caring for her. Ding Yiyuan accepted Liuzheng's apology but also admitted that she wanted to pursue Ning Xiang openly. Hearing this, Liuzheng couldn't help but chuckle. After work, Liuzheng was worried that Ning Xiang, who had been working non-stop, wouldn't be able to drive, so she took the initiative to sit in the driver's seat. When Ning Xiang got in the car, he fell asleep right away, so Liuzheng carefully fastened his seat belt for him. However, this scene was caught by Auntie Cai's son, who even took a photo of it.

After dropping off Ning Xiang, Ning Zhiqian drove Liuzheng home but unexpectedly ran into Ruan's parents downstairs. The elderly couple warmly greeted Ning Zhiqian and Ning Xiang and invited them in for dinner. Ning Zhiqian couldn't refuse and followed them into the house. Watching Ning Xiang and Ruan's father having a great time, Ning Zhiqian couldn't help but smile. After the father and son left, Ruan's parents still secretly tried to set up Liuzheng and Ning Zhiqian.

Liuzheng and Ning Zhiqian's photo in the car was posted online, causing rumors to spread. The incident of violence in the hospital ward was also exposed online, and Ning Zhiqian was called in for questioning as a result. Liuzheng couldn't just sit and wait, so she quickly investigated the truth behind the incident. Luckily, she found some clues. After work that day, Liuzheng gathered the courage to clarify the situation online and prove Ning Zhiqian's innocence. When Ning Zhiqian saw it, he was deeply moved.

Suddenly, Ruan Lang gave Liuzheng a new car, which made her very happy. The next day, she drove the new car to the hospital. One good thing after another happened, and someone posted a lot of evidence online that cleared Ning Zhiqian's name. However, the opportunity for Ning Zhiqian to go on a training trip that originally belonged to him was given to someone else because of this incident. But Ning Zhiqian didn't seem to care much about it.

Patient Du Xiaoyu collapsed in the hospital and was diagnosed with a brain tumor that was not optimistic. After chatting for a while, it was discovered that Du Xiaoyu was the one who posted the video online. Du Xiaoyu had great faith in Ning Zhiqian and didn't want him to be wrongly accused, but she believed that he could save her.

After dropping Ning Xiang off at home, Liuzheng wanted to leave, but she almost collided with Ning Zhiqian's elder brother. Ning Zhiqian quickly hid Liuzheng in Ning Xiang's room and quietly cleaned up the dishes. Ning Zhiqian's elder brother asked him many questions and urged him to find a mother for Ning Xiang. Ning Zhiqian was burdened with worries, so he briefly explained and hurriedly pushed his brother out. Later, Liuzheng learned from Tan Ya that Ning Zhiqian had been set up for several blind dates, but none of them worked out. And now, Liuzheng herself has to embark on the road of blind dates.


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