2024 Chinese Drama List

The Princess Royal – Zhao Jinmai, Zhang Linghe

The Princess Royal is a historical romance drama directed by Gao Yijun, starring Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe, with supporting actors Chen Heyi, Liu Xuwei, Chengguo, He Qiu, Yu Jinwei, Zhao Ke, Wang Bowen, and featuring special appearances by Yi Daqian and Sun Rui.

Adapted from Mo Shubai's novel "Zhang Gong Zhu / 长公主," the drama tells the story of Princess Li Rong of the Da Xia Dynasty and the current Grand Chancellor Pei Wenxuan. They transition from a love-hate relationship filled with mutual antagonism to becoming soulmates after marriage. Both adversaries and allies, they seek the truth amidst the turmoil of their era, ultimately mending their broken relationship and finding their way back to each other.



The Princess Royal

English Title: The Princess Royal
Chinese Title: 度华年
Other Titles: 长公主
Genre: Historical, Fantasy, Romance, Drama
Episodes: 40
Duration: 45 min.
Director: Gao Yijun
Writer: Rao Jun
Producer: Yuan Yumei, Hu Ke
Released Date: 2024-06-26
Broadcast Website: Youku



Princess Li Rong of the Da Xia Dynasty and the current Grand Chancellor Pei Wenxuan journey back to their youthful years in their dreams. They transform from enemies to close confidants, and from confidants to lovers. Trusting and supporting each other, they finally mend their broken relationship, embarking on their ventures together, uncovering the truth together, and ultimately discovering love together.


On a cold night at the end of winter, the bright moon hung high above Hanqiu Palace, illuminating the dense crowd gathered in front of the palace. Empress Shangguan Ya led the ministers in seeking an audience with the Emperor but was blocked by a regiment of vigilant Imperial Guards. These guards, clad in armor and holding long spears, stood like statues in the cold wind, forming an impenetrable barrier until the arrival of the Grand Chancellor of the Daxia Dynasty, Pei Wenxuan, caused a slight break in their ranks.

Though the situation was urgent, Empress Shangguan Ya did not dare confront Pei Wenxuan directly. Pei Wenxuan went alone to see the bedridden Emperor Li Chuan, having prepared an edict for the succession. On his deathbed, Li Chuan ordered Pei Wenxuan to depose the Crown Prince Li Xin and establish the First Prince Li Ping as the heir, further instructing him to suppress the power of the noble families, especially that of the Eldest Princess Li Rong. If Li Rong harbored rebellious intentions, Pei Wenxuan was to eliminate her on behalf of the humble scholars.

In the Eldest Princess's mansion, Li Rong was suffering from a chronic illness, with Su Rongqing often attending to her bedside. He was the steward of the mansion and the person Li Rong trusted and relied on the most. As the struggle for the throne intensified, Li Rong knew that the noble families were a significant threat to her brother Li Chuan. Therefore, she decided to establish the Empress's son, Li Xin, as the heir before Pei Wenxuan could act, to ensure the safety of the noble families.

Although Pei Wenxuan was the Eldest Princess's consort, he and Li Rong were only superficially amicable and had always been at odds, to the point of being mortal enemies. Tonight, Pei Wenxuan's sudden visit to the Princess's mansion was undoubtedly about the succession issue. Li Rong did not refuse to see him but forced herself to negotiate with him despite her illness.

In his youth, Pei Wenxuan was exceptionally handsome, and even at his current age, he exuded a maturity that young men lacked. Unfortunately, Pei Wenxuan's heart belonged to someone else. Since Li Rong discovered that his beloved was Concubine Qin Zhenzhen and learned about his subsequent actions, she no longer had any affection for him as her husband.

Pei Wenxuan harbored resentment towards Su Rongqing, so Li Rong found an excuse to send Su Rongqing away, pretending to be unaware of court affairs and casually responding to Pei Wenxuan. She emphasized that the eldest legitimate son should be established as the heir, while also noticing the sachet hanging from Pei Wenxuan's waist. Their conversation was unproductive, and before leaving, Pei Wenxuan warned Li Rong to withdraw in time and mocked her for valuing Su Rongqing, who had undergone palace punishment, making Li Rong so angry that she felt a sudden severe stomach pain after taking medicine and then spat out a mouthful of blood.

Su Rongqing was stunned for a moment and then hurriedly called for the imperial physician. The physician diagnosed that she had been poisoned by Xiang Meiren. Upon hearing this, Li Rong connected the sachet on Pei Wenxuan's waist with Qin Zhenzhen's cause of death, feeling a deep sorrow. That night, Li Rong ordered Su Rongqing to assemble elite guards to ambush Pei Wenxuan on his way back to his mansion, intending to take his life. When Pei Wenxuan heard that the assassins were sent by the Princess, he was shocked and saddened, dying with his eyes wide open.

Before her death, Li Rong regretted missing Su Rongqing, but before she could finish her words, she lost consciousness. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself in her old palace, Chang Le Palace, from her youth, and surprisingly, her personal maid Jing Lan, who had "died and come back to life," was by her side. After a conversation, Li Rong confirmed that she had been reborn at the age of eighteen.

In that year, her father was choosing a husband for her, and Li Rong, following the arrangement, married the humble scholar Pei Wenxuan. Pei Wenxuan was handsome and gentle, the eldest legitimate son of the noble Pei family, and even comparable to the first noble son of Huajing, Su Rongqing. However, after his father's early death, he gradually became impoverished within the noble circle.

Originally, Li Rong had thought that if Pei Wenxuan was a good man, they might spend their lives together. But after marriage, this supposedly gentle man showed an unknown side, making her realize what a "smiling tiger" truly was. The events that followed were things Li Rong dared not think about or wanted to change, so she decided to prevent her marriage to Pei Wenxuan.

After dressing up, Li Rong went to the palace to see her father. Seeing the person she hadn't seen in ten years, she was overwhelmed with mixed emotions. As the Emperor's legitimate daughter, Li Rong naturally had a noble status, and before the age of eighteen, she and her father had a relatively good relationship. She cherished the familial bonds within the royal family and still wondered if, given another chance, they could simply be a father and daughter from an ordinary family.

Unfortunately, the next moment, the Emperor Li Ming's suspicion and distance shattered the warm atmosphere of their reunion. Li Ming had someone bring four portraits of young men for Li Rong to choose from. Three of them were handsome but of poor character, with only Pei Wenxuan having a decent reputation. Li Ming did this deliberately to suppress the power of Li Rong's maternal family. Li Rong cleverly avoided the issue of choosing a husband, using the pretext of organizing a spring banquet to invite the four young men and other noble youths.

Meanwhile, Pei Wenxuan was surprised to find himself back in the twenty-fourth year of Yongning. That year, his family faced a crisis leading to poverty, and Qin Zhenzhen, greedy for wealth, broke off their engagement. Coincidentally, the Emperor arranged a marriage for him, giving him the status of a consort, allowing the Pei family to reestablish their position in the court. So, when Pei Wenxuan received the spring banquet invitation from the Princess's mansion, he was not as flattered as in his previous life but accepted with pleasure. On the surface, they seemed to care for each other, but in reality, they were each plotting and competing.

On the day of the Spring Banquet, besides the four candidates chosen by the Emperor, other sons and daughters of noble families arrived one after another in grand style. Among them, the carriage of the Su family was particularly eye-catching. Su Rongqing, representing the Su family, wore a white brocade robe and a jade hairpin, his extraordinary temperament making him the focal point of the event. In contrast, Pei Wenxuan appeared somewhat plain, even impoverished.

Reflecting on past events, Pei Wenxuan's disdain for Su Rongqing had become almost instinctual, given Su Rongqing's interference in his relationship with Li Rong. However, Li Rong's evident admiration for Su Rongqing was hard to ignore. Su Rongqing stood with a smile, slightly bowing to Li Rong, a gesture that, despite being the same person and the same words, felt completely different due to the passage of time.

Now in his prime, Su Rongqing, as the eldest son of the Su family, enjoyed the Emperor's favor and stood with unyielding confidence even before a princess. Because of this, Pei Wenxuan felt uneasy seeing Li Rong's admiring gaze towards Su Rongqing, knowing the Emperor would never allow Li Rong to marry into a powerful noble family.

Since his rebirth, Pei Wenxuan noticed many things were unfolding differently. There was no Spring Banquet in the previous life, and thus no encounter between Li Rong and Su Rongqing today. But if Li Rong showed interest in Su Rongqing and insisted on marrying into the Su family, the consequences could be dire.

After a moment of thought, Pei Wenxuan stepped forward to greet Li Rong, but she ignored him. Sensing the strange atmosphere, Su Rongqing pretended not to notice and followed Li Rong into the courtyard. Walking side by side, Su Rongqing's talents and demeanor touched Li Rong's heart, as if she were back in the princess's residence, grateful to meet him earlier in this life.

The Spring Banquet officially began. Li Rong, dressed in grand attire, played and enjoyed herself with the nobles, using the game of floating cups to test the noble sons. Lu Yu, though foolish, was pure-hearted; Yang Quan, immersed in the military, was violent; Cui Yulang was debauched, often frequenting brothels. Only Su Rongqing seemed suitable as the princess's consort, winning Li Rong's favor with his excellent archery skills, and she gifted him a fine inkstone.

Princess Hua Le was fascinated by Lu Yu's bun-eating performance, while Concubine Xiao Rou advised her not to provoke Li Rong. Concubine Ning's sister, Yang Wan, hoped to elevate their family's status by securing the consort position for her brother Yang Quan, but the Emperor refused. As the floating cup stopped before Pei Wenxuan, Li Rong suddenly claimed fatigue and left the table, giving him no chance to perform. Jing Lan was ordered to take Su Rongqing to the study, hinting that if he entered the princess's residence, he would enjoy endless prosperity.

Li Rong felt delighted seeing Pei Wenxuan's frustration, but Pei Wenxuan sent a message, warning her that choosing Su Rongqing would leave her with two choices: marrying into a foreign land or facing death. The eighteen-year-old Li Rong was still somewhat naive and kind-hearted, but the current Li Rong was more thoughtful and had to take Pei Wenxuan's warning seriously.

Pei Wenxuan, weary from suspicion and conflict in the past life, now felt more responsible than affectionate towards Li Rong, filled with regret rather than longing. To prevent Li Rong from making a wrong choice, Pei Wenxuan secretly stirred up trouble, causing Yang Quan to injure someone. When Li Rong publicly rejected Yang Quan's proposal, he took the opportunity to have Lu Yu taken away by the servants, intending to sabotage her plan to choose another consort.

However, Li Rong had already seen through Pei Wenxuan's tricks, publicly exposing him and angrily ordering him to be thrown into the water. Watching Pei Wenxuan's sorry state, Li Rong vented her frustration, but then reconsidered, thinking it was like bullying a child. She ordered her servants to pull him out of the water.

Turning around, Li Rong saw Su Rongqing and couldn't help recalling past memories. Tentatively, she asked if he was willing to become the consort, but Su Rongqing politely declined. After Su Rongqing left, Pei Wenxuan, now in clean clothes, sat opposite Li Rong. She gazed at his familiar face, her thoughts drifting to his entanglement with Qin Zhenzhen, her anger flaring up. She ordered the maid to bring citron, to which Pei Wenxuan was allergic, and demanded he eat it all.

Pei Wenxuan hesitated, claiming he had just eaten and wasn't hungry. Li Rong, unhurried, set up a chessboard to play with him. As she started the game with a star point move, Pei Wenxuan could only smile wryly. As they played, they were stunned to realize their chess styles and strategies were identical to when they were in their thirties. At that moment, they both realized the truth: they both retained memories from their past lives.

Both already had a vague answer in their hearts, so they pretended to be calm. After their emotions settled, they thought about what to do next. Pei Wenxuan remained silent for a long time, which displeased Li Rong, who questioned him about why he was obstructing her from choosing another husband. In the moment of answering, Pei Wenxuan hesitated, further solidifying Li Rong's suspicions. The two of them openly revealed their cards about their rebirth.

Looking back on the previous life, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan did not have a good ending. They spent half their lives fighting to the death. Even though Pei Wenxuan once again expressed his intention to marry her, he was strongly rejected by Li Rong, who stated that she did not want to go through the same life of misplaced affection, scheming, and ending up alone.

Although Li Rong once thought of spending her life with Pei Wenxuan, growing old together, the matter with Qin Zhenzhen made her see that she had no place in Pei Wenxuan's heart. This arranged marriage was just a mutual use for political alliance, one relying on the princess's power to gain a foothold in the court, the other needing a powerful minister to secure her brother's throne. There was no genuine affection from the beginning.

Therefore, Li Rong gave Pei Wenxuan two choices: either declare a separation publicly and have no further contact or live separately in name only, maintaining their alliance. In the end, Pei Wenxuan chose the latter, agreeing never to betray her under penalty of death, and the outcome fulfilled this promise.

That night, like tonight, thunder roared. Even after the rain cleared, Pei Wenxuan fully understood how uncompromising Li Rong was about affection, insisting on purity and loyalty, even if it meant mutual destruction. Pei Wenxuan no longer hoped for Li Rong to agree to marry him but instead analyzed the situation for her, making final plans for her.

Currently, Li Rong's difficult position lay in the emperor's suspicion, and she also needed to protect her brother, Crown Prince Li Chuan's position as heir. Compared to Pei Wenxuan, if she had to choose among the other three candidates, Pei Wenxuan suggested focusing on the Duke of Ningguo's household. First, Cui Yulang, coming from a humble background, was useless. Second, the Yang family controlled military power, making them a thorn in the emperor's side. Only the foolish heir of the Ningguo household was relatively safe. The Duke of Ningguo was the emperor's childhood friend and had once shielded him from a sword, maintaining some friendship, which could protect the princess.

On the other hand, Crown Prince Li Chuan was dissatisfied with the emperor's choice of husband for his sister and complained to the empress. Empress Shangguan Yue patiently explained that the emperor feared the Shangguan family's power and would not agree to another noble family marriage. Now that the country was stable, noble families were the greatest threat to imperial power. The choice had to be made between the crown prince's position and the princess's happiness.

Seeing that it was late, Li Rong issued a guest expulsion order, stating that their positions had been different, past grudges were now bygones. Since heaven gave them a second chance, they need not meet again, each wishing the other well. Pei Wenxuan, with a stiff face, agreed, forcing himself to eat the citron and leave.

Watching Pei Wenxuan's receding figure, Li Rong had mixed feelings, as if she was sending off a fading memory. She immediately ordered the maids to prepare some items for him as a final gesture of dignity. Although Jing Lan didn't understand Li Rong's intentions, she complied. Seeing the box and cloak Jing Lan brought, Pei Wenxuan's anger dissipated instantly.

That night, Yang Quan sent people to ambush Li Rong, planning to stage a hero-saving-the-beauty scene to vie for the position of consort. Upon hearing the news, Pei Wenxuan guessed it was Yang Quan's men, instructing Tong Ye to report to the palace and set up roadblocks, hiding in the bushes. Yang Wan, fearing her brother's actions would be exposed, personally visited the empress and reached an agreement to keep tonight's events secret.

While Pei Wenxuan was painstakingly thwarting Yang Quan's men, Li Rong had already deduced from her secret guards that it was related to the Yang family and discovered they had planted a mole in her entourage. Li Rong disguised Jing Lan as herself, leading different teams, causing Yang Quan to mistake his target and realize too late he had been fooled. However, while Li Rong was galloping through the night, she was tripped by a rope set by Pei Wenxuan and fell unconscious. Pei Wenxuan hurriedly carried her into the woods, calling her name until she awoke.

While searching for water, the two quarreled, dredging up old grievances, shouting and gasping until they finally sat by the river roasting fish. During their conversation, Li Rong unexpectedly learned that Pei Wenxuan wore a sachet at Su Rongqing's request, otherwise, he would not be allowed into the princess's residence.

Pei Wenxuan admitted that he planted spies in the princess's residence to guard against Su Rongqing, not to harm Li Rong. He also revealed that Su Rongqing had a blood feud with the Li family. After hearing Pei Wenxuan's words, Li Rong was incredulous and fell into deep thought. Back then, the Su family conspired with Empress Shangguan Ya to enthrone the third prince, committing the crime of treason, leading to the entire Su clan's imprisonment, with the men executed and the women exiled. Despite Li Rong's pleas for Su Rongqing, he still couldn't avoid the tragic fate of being castrated.

The Su family was once noble and esteemed, but due to unfounded accusations, they were implicated and unjustly executed. Only Su Rongqing survived, dragging his crippled body through life. Li Rong couldn't stand by and watch, ignoring external gossip, and insisted on keeping Su Rongqing in the Princess's residence. Twenty years of close companionship made her believe their feelings were deep, but in the end, she lost to court politics.

Now, thinking back, everything had signs. Su Rongqing poisoned Pei Wenxuan, intending to use this to eliminate him and take over the Princess's residence's power, aiming to destroy the Li family's dynasty. Li Rong couldn't accept this and cried in sorrow. Pei Wenxuan, seeing this, didn't know how to comfort her and just reminded her that further entanglement with Su Rongqing would lead to unimaginable consequences.

Yang Wan visited Concubine Rou late at night, informing her that external changes were imminent and offering a grand gift to ally in the fight for the crown prince position. However, Xiao Rou, being highly favored, completely disregarded Yang Wan and the Empress, not wanting to get involved with them. As she left, Yang Wan warned Xiao Rou that attempting to stay neutral was futile.

Pei Wenxuan removed his outer garment to cover Li Rong, shivering alone by the fire. When he heard Li Rong's voice, he immediately moved to lie beside her without any shame. During their conversation, Li Rong reconciled with Pei Wenxuan and hoped to use this opportunity of rebirth to change the fates of Li Chuan, Su Rongqing, and others.

Pei Wenxuan pretended to sleep to avoid this topic, knowing that deep down, the person he owed the most was Princess Li Rong. Even though their marriage was political, there were still happy times in the early days. However, conflicts and arguments deepened over time, especially the scene where Li Rong bore the punishment for Su Rongqing, which made Pei Wenxuan regret not protecting her well.

As they woke up in the early morning chill, they opened their eyes to find each other's faces very close, and after a moment of surprise, they quickly sat up. Pei Wenxuan was the first to explain that he did nothing to her last night. Seeing him so serious, Li Rong lost the interest to tease him, responded briefly, and went to the river to wash up.

Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves came from afar. Pei Wenxuan quickly pulled Li Rong to hide in the nearby grass and saw that the newcomers were Crown Prince Li Chuan and Su Rongqing. Li Rong wanted to greet them but remembered past events and quickly crouched down. Pei Wenxuan, seeing her low spirits, comforted her, saying that since the Su family had not yet engaged in any factional disputes, they were still a noble family, and Su Rongqing was still a gentleman with no threats.

Hearing this, Li Rong felt better and took the initiative to step out of the grass. Li Chuan, seeing his sister safe, was finally relieved but still wary of Pei Wenxuan, warning him to keep his distance. On the way back, Li Chuan asked his sister if she had been wronged, stating that even after she married, she should consider him the most important man in her heart.

Seeing Li Chuan's smile, Li Rong felt a mix of emotions. Remembering the young emperor who changed drastically after Concubine Qin's death, she wished her brother would never change. Meanwhile, Pei Wenxuan and Su Rongqing rode behind, discussing Li Rong's deep bond with her brother. Pei Wenxuan noticed Su Rongqing's ambiguous smile and words, suspecting that he too had been reborn.

Upon arriving outside the imperial city gate, Eunuch Shan De had been waiting for a long time and was ordered to escort Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan to Weiyang Palace to see the Empress. Li Chuan returned to the Crown Prince's palace first, while Li Rong asked Pei Wenxuan to wait outside as she went alone to see her mother. Unexpectedly, the Empress's first words were about marrying her to Yang Quan.

It turned out that Concubine Rou was highly favored, and her son, Li Chang, had been made a prince at the age of ten. The Empress knew that promoting Concubine Rou's brother to King of the Northwest meant taking military power from the Yang family and giving it to Li Chang, threatening the crown prince position. The Empress, blinded by jealousy, wanted to ally with the Yang family. However, Li Rong firmly opposed this, resulting in a slap from the Empress.

Li Rong told the Empress that the Yang family's high merits and arrogance would inevitably lead to their suppression by the Emperor. She questioned whether the Empress cared only about her son's position, ignoring her daughter's life and death, and vowed to marry Pei Wenxuan, promising to protect Li Chuan without any worries, only hoping the Empress would fulfill her duty as a mother. Pei Wenxuan, seeing Li Rong's swollen face, guessed she had a disagreement with the Empress and offered a solution, proposing to marry her for mutual benefit and ensuring Li Chuan's power was secure, after which they could divorce and regain their freedom.

Later, the Empress summoned Pei Wenxuan alone. Pei Wenxuan straightforwardly asked to marry Li Rong and offered the Empress strategies, winning her favor. After leaving Weiyang Palace, Pei Wenxuan was summoned by the Emperor and saw Yang Quan outside the hall, deliberately revealing his upcoming marriage to Li Rong. Yang Quan requested to marry the princess but was rejected by the Emperor. Watching Pei Wenxuan's smug expression, Yang Quan was furious.

The Emperor summoned Pei Wenxuan alone, leading him to the back garden, ready to confront him. However, Pei Wenxuan suddenly appeared grief-stricken and began explaining how the Empress intended to form an alliance with the Yang family. He narrated that the previous day's events were merely a heroic rescue act and that he was forced to spend the night alone with the Princess, seeking the Emperor's help.

Indeed, the Emperor remained silent for a moment, encouraging Pei Wenxuan to continue. Seizing the opportunity, Pei Wenxuan analyzed the dangers the Yang family posed to the Xia dynasty. He detailed how the Yang family had been wielding power at the border for years, extorting money and troops from the court whenever there was conflict. While they appeared to be defending against enemy nations, they never truly eradicated the threat.

A folk song in the streets reflected the sentiment: "Xia has two emperors, the North Yang and the South Li," showcasing the immense power of the Yang family in the northwest. Across the court, civil and military officials both feared and respected the Yang family for their military authority and steadfast defense of the border. However, last winter, when the enemy attacked again, the Yang family surrendered without a fight, losing two cities. With 50,000 troops, they were defeated by an enemy force of 20,000. Pei Wenxuan, aware of the Emperor's secret investigation into the Yang family, boldly stated that the Yang family had been bribing the enemy with military funds and that the so-called wars were staged.

The Emperor pretended to scold Pei Wenxuan quietly, testing whether he was worthy of a significant role. Pei Wenxuan declared his loyalty, skillfully flattering the Emperor, who then decided to assign him the task of killing Yang Quan as a betrothal gift for marrying Princess Hua Le, Li Rong. After Pei Wenxuan accepted the mission and left the palace, the Emperor instructed the head eunuch to ensure Pei Wenxuan's success; if he failed, he should be silenced to cover up the meeting.

Meanwhile, Li Rong explained to Li Chuan the pros and cons of the Yang family, hoping he would maintain his current innocence while she handled the rest. After leaving the Eastern Palace, Li Rong encountered Pei Wenxuan and presented him with the Prince's sword as a token of gratitude for saving her life and a symbol of their alliance.

Upon hearing that Pei Wenxuan was favored by both the Emperor and the Empress, Yang Wan decided to have him ambushed to prevent him from hindering the Yang family's rise. Despite receiving intelligence of impending chaos in the city, Su Rongqing arrived with the Ministry of Justice guards only to find Yang Quan's body in the street, with Pei Wenxuan and Tong Ye disappearing into the crowd.

The assassination of Yang Quan shocked the court. Yang Wan, enraged, ordered the family to evacuate Huajing and sent a message to her father at the border, assigning spies to monitor the Emperor. On the other hand, Li Rong used a flower offering as an excuse to meet her father. Hearing the Emperor discussing matters with officials, she patiently waited outside and asked the maid to add another chair.

Soon, Pei Wenxuan hurried to the palace, feigning panic. Li Rong, noticing his composed demeanor, smiled confidently. When summoned by the Emperor, they both entered the hall. Pei Wenxuan, performing masterfully, recounted how he accidentally killed Yang Quan, each word causing the officials to tremble with fear.

Uncles Pei Lixian and Pei Liming were terrified, fearing that Pei Wenxuan's actions would bring disaster to the family. However, the Emperor used the Yang family's failure to defend the city as a pretext to investigate the case of Yang Quan kidnapping the princess and assassinating officials. Since powerful families avoided involvement in such disputes, Li Rong seized the opportunity to request leading the investigation, with Su Rongqing as the overseer.

With the matter settled, the Emperor calmed down, ordering everyone to leave except Li Rong. He subtly inquired about her impression of Pei Wenxuan, praising his character and appearance, suggesting that marrying him would be advantageous. Li Rong, feigning grievance, acted obediently, implicitly agreeing to the marriage.

In the corridor, Pei Wenxuan waited for Li Rong, jealously questioning her about appointing Su Rongqing as the overseer, suspecting ulterior motives. Later, Li Rong returned to clean house, investigating a maid's affair with Yang Quan, who promised to take her as a concubine once he married the princess. Li Rong, feeling regretful and heartbroken, told the maid that a woman's biggest mistake was losing to fantasies about men. Out of consideration for her years of service, she sent her to a temple to live a life of solitude.

Su Rongqing asked his father about his stance on the Yang case. Su's father bluntly stated that protecting the family meant protecting the Yang family. The next morning, officials gathered outside the palace, chatting in small groups while waiting for the Emperor's summons. Li Rong scanned the crowd but did not see who she was looking for until Pei Wenxuan arrived, yawning, indicating a sleepless night.

The officials entered the hall, except for Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan, who stayed outside. As Pei Wenxuan grew drowsy, Li Rong stood beside him, allowing him to rest on her shoulder. The Emperor briefly mentioned the Yang family's case, intending to file charges. Most officials remained silent, with some pleading for leniency for the Yang family. Given the situation, the Emperor summoned Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan to testify, confronting the officials.

In front of the civil and military officials, Pei Wenxuan spoke harshly, without any restraint, passionately condemning the Yang family for deceiving the emperor, being overbearing and disrespectful, colluding with enemy countries, and defying the law. When several leading officials rebutted and took turns accusing Pei Wenxuan, he remained fearless, continuing to argue against them alone, plunging the entire court into silence.

Initially, the emperor wanted to intervene, but seeing Pei Wenxuan’s impressive performance, he decided to sit back and watch. When no other officials had objections, the emperor handed over the Yang family's case to Li Rong for investigation, promoted Pei Wenxuan to Supervisory Censor to assist, and specifically appointed Su Rongqing, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Justice, for supervision.

Considering the Yang family's past merits, the emperor temporarily refrained from imprisoning them, placing them under house arrest instead. Li Rong first sought Su Rongqing's help to retrieve some account books from the Ministry of War. Pei Wenxuan and Su Rongqing, not being in the court, engaged in a conversation that lacked formalities but was filled with probing. Su Rongqing deliberately mentioned that Pei Wenxuan had a childhood engagement, which Pei Wenxuan avoided responding to and warned him to mention the princess less in the future to avoid overstepping bounds.

Li Rong remained calm, but Pei Wenxuan was unusually emotional. Sharing the same carriage with her, he was still jealous of Su Rongqing's interest in the princess. Even so, Li Rong showed no desire for a deep conversation and abruptly changed the topic to a moneylender named "Tuoba Yan" they had previously encountered.

This man frequently traveled between the northwest and Huajing, with businesses spanning several countries. While he appeared to be a merchant, he actually made a living through money laundering, making many connections among the Huajing nobility. Li Rong stated bluntly that Tuoba Yan’s ability to thrive in multiple countries was not just due to his business acumen but because he possessed account books as his life-saving charm. Only by finding these account books could they justify continuing to detain the Yang family.

The Crown Prince sent a secret guard, Feng Ming, to deliver an invitation and trade letters to Li Rong, revealing that Tuoba Yan held a private gathering of wealthy merchants each month. They planned for Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan to pose as a merchant couple to approach Tuoba Yan and steal the account books. To ensure Li Rong’s safety, Feng Ming decided to disguise herself as a maid, to which Li Rong agreed.

Given the comfort of Li Rong's carriage and Pei Wenxuan's sleepless night, he soon fell into a deep sleep, unresponsive to Li Rong’s attempts to wake him. Knowing Pei Wenxuan's habit of oversleeping, Li Rong recalled trying to wake him with a kiss in a previous life, and she mentioned it again deliberately. Sure enough, Pei Wenxuan immediately woke up and sat upright.

Meanwhile, Yang Wan, hearing that Li Rong was already investigating the Yang family, immediately sent a message to the frontier and went personally to Hanqiu Palace to seek an audience with the emperor. The emperor refused to see her, so Yang Wan knelt outside, loudly declaring that she would continue kneeling until the emperor met with her, using this method to force him to appear.

By nightfall, the carriage arrived at Tuoba Yan's villa. Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan, holding the invitation and accompanied by Feng Ming disguised as a servant, passed through the gate after having their invitation checked. Inside the villa, people from various countries mingled, with different accents and attires, and Persian dancers performing on stage. Amid such an environment, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan’s upright demeanor stood out, so Li Rong leaned into Pei Wenxuan, playfully flirting to blend in better.

Because Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan looked quite young, Tuoba Yan grew suspicious of their identities. However, the two worked well together and quickly dispelled his doubts. During the gathering, Pei Wenxuan, under the pretense of flower appreciation, lured Tuoba Yan to the back garden, while Li Rong feigned a stomach ache to sneak into another courtyard to steal the account books.

On her way back, Li Rong's identity was exposed, and she had to flee from pursuers, eventually being pulled into a room by Su Rongqing at a corner. With the situation urgent, Su Rongqing arranged for Li Rong to change into a dancer's costume. Despite her stunning appearance, they had to endure close physical contact to avoid detection.

Meanwhile, Pei Wenxuan, drunk after a heavy drinking session with Tuoba Yan, saw Su Rongqing and Li Rong walking together and, filled with rage, rushed over to claim Li Rong, declaring his status as the future imperial son-in-law. He took Li Rong away from Tuoba Yan's villa.

Li Rong’s mind was preoccupied with Su Rongqing’s words, questioning whether she would marry him if not bound by power. However, Pei Wenxuan, feeling unwell, especially seeing Li Rong in the revealing dancer’s attire, became even more displeased. Li Rong took Pei Wenxuan to watch fireworks on the street, their relationship quickly warming up. In a moment of passion, Pei Wenxuan kissed Li Rong. Faced with his direct confession, Li Rong wavered, and they agreed that if genuine feelings developed, Pei Wenxuan would offer his life in return.

Pei Wenxuan, after his rebirth, would still be willing to let Qin Zhenzhen enter the palace. Pei Wenxuan did not answer directly, but he hoped that Qin Lin would come out of seclusion soon to avoid a repeat of the tragedy. The two of them visited Qin Lin with their letters of introduction. As expected, Qin Lin refused to see guests, leaving them empty-handed.

Pei Wenxuan, understanding Qin Lin well, comforted Li Rong, saying that Qin Lin was inherently a great warrior who disliked war. Back then, he had broken the enemy with just eight hundred light cavalry and had been a fierce general of the northern border. However, after his father died on the battlefield, he returned to the capital in anger and secluded himself in Mount Jiulu. If not for Qin Zhenzhen's recommendation, he might never return to the battlefield.

Pei Wenxuan talked to himself, not noticing Li Rong’s exhaustion. By dusk, the mountain road was rugged, and Li Rong's steps grew slower. Noticing her struggling, Pei Wenxuan carried her on his back and rode a carriage back to the residence at the foot of the mountain, only to find dozens of people waiting outside.

The leader was Li Kui, a Senior Censor from the Department of Justice, ordered to take Pei Wenxuan back to assist in investigating a murder case involving the death of the Western Region's wealthy merchant, Tuoba Yan. After Pei Wenxuan left with Li Kui, Li Rong immediately wrote to her brother, Li Chuan, instructing him to go to Mount Jiulu to seek Qin Lin. She then went to the prison to visit Pei Wenxuan, ready to solve the current troubles.

The next morning, Li Chuan’s attempt to see Qin Lin failed again, so he sat outside and waited patiently with enough dry food in his bag. On the other hand, Su Rongqing arranged for Li Rong to access the Ministry of War's room where the accounts were kept, pulling out all accounts related to the northwest border. With so many accounts, Li Rong had to go through them one by one, taking almost half a day.

Su Rongqing, thoughtfully, brought her tea and snacks, reminding her of many past events. Li Rong took the opportunity to ask Su Rongqing why he suddenly appeared at Tuoba Yan’s residence. Su Rongqing candidly admitted that he was concerned about her. This statement left Li Rong with mixed feelings, expressing that she, being of royal blood, couldn’t avoid deception and did not want to see Su Rongqing get involved.

Su Rongqing did not respond but silently retreated behind a screen, not disturbing her while she reviewed the accounts, occasionally observing her by candlelight and sketching her profile with a smile on his lips. During this time, Li Rong had people closely monitor any movements at Tuoba Yan’s residence and regularly inquire about Li Chuan's progress at Mount Jiulu.

Soon, Li Rong cleared up the procedures and amounts of military payments allocated to the Yang family by the Ministry of War. One night, she caught Tuoba Yan and proposed a cooperation deal. As long as Tuoba Yan was willing to testify, the Princess’ residence would ensure the safety of his family. Combining the accounts from the Ministry of War, Tuoba Yan’s testimony, and the stolen private accounts, the evidence of the Yang family's embezzlement of military funds was basically complete.

After finishing these tasks, Li Rong personally went to the Ministry of Justice and chose a cell next to Pei Wenxuan’s, arranging it to be somewhat comfortable. In the eyes of outsiders, it seemed like they were a loving couple supporting each other through difficult times. Meanwhile, Li Chuan had been waiting for several days without seeing Qin Lin, feeling increasingly frustrated. However, he unexpectedly met Qin Zhenzhen, the youngest daughter of the Qin family, by a waterfall.

Although they initially fought, Li Chuan fell in love with Qin Zhenzhen at first sight, and their interactions soon blossomed into affection. Qin Zhenzhen guessed Li Chuan’s identity and truthfully revealed her own, willing to speak well of him to her brother. However, Qin Lin had other thoughts, feeling his sister was too naive.

In the cell, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan quarreled, mocking him for being rejected by the Qin family, while he insisted that the rejection was not Qin Zhenzhen’s intention. Just then, Li Chuan arrived at the prison with Qin Zhenzhen, surprising Li Rong and stirring mixed feelings within her. She decided to eavesdrop on their conversation under the guise of watching a play.

It turned out that Qin Zhenzhen had always regarded Pei Wenxuan as an older brother, without any romantic feelings, and the rejection was arranged by her through someone else. Hearing this, Li Rong couldn’t help but laugh. Qin Zhenzhen turned to look at Li Rong, suddenly remembering the purpose of her visit, and directly stated that her brother made things difficult for the crown prince to test his character, not to refuse him.

As Li Chuan and Qin Zhenzhen prepared to leave, Li Rong specifically instructed Li Chuan that tomorrow’s morning court might have their father arrange for him to supervise the northwest battle, and he must find an excuse to decline, not agreeing immediately, and to keep Qin Lin’s deployment to the front line a secret.

Once the cell was left with just Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan, Li Rong felt a twinge of concern, fearing that the early meeting between Qin Zhenzhen and Li Chuan might change everything.

Back then, when the Empress selected consorts for the Crown Prince, Shangguan Ya and Qin Zhenzhen became the main consort and secondary consort, respectively, while the other three came from different families. Upon entering the Eastern Palace, Qin Zhenzhen and Li Chuan had a distant relationship. Li Chuan was forced to accept the marriage, and his character gradually became taciturn and calm, making him more prudent and dignified in his actions. This seemed beneficial but left Li Rong uneasy.

In fact, Qin Zhenzhen came from a humble background, making it difficult to enter the royal family. If not for Qin Lin holding military power, she would never have been able to enter the Eastern Palace. As a result, Qin Zhenzhen was not well received from the beginning, often bullied, and even caught a cold because the servants withheld her winter coal allowance. Later, Pei Wenxuan learned about this through the maid Ling Er and helped her several times, eventually making Qin Zhenzhen gain Li Chuan's favor.

From then on, Li Chuan became madly in love with Qin Zhenzhen. Whether as the Crown Prince or the Emperor, he never cared for anyone else. However, the Emperor's favor can be both beneficial and harmful, often becoming a double-edged sword that hurts the one he loves. A year after Li Chuan ascended the throne, Qin Zhenzhen gave birth to Li Ping but soon died from a poison known as "beauty fragrance." Li Chuan insisted on burying her with the honors of an Empress and placed her in the imperial tomb ahead of time.

Everyone thought time would heal everything and that Li Chuan would gradually recover. Unexpectedly, the Crown Prince, known for his benevolence in his youth, became increasingly tyrannical, gradually following in his father's footsteps. Over the next twenty years, Li Chuan waged wars, exploited the common people, and became increasingly self-destructive, ruling with an iron fist and drifting apart from Li Rong.

So, Li Rong often wondered if Li Chuan would have remained hopeful like in his youth if he hadn't experienced all this. Fortunately, having been reborn, there was still a chance to make different choices. Li Rong looked at Pei Wenxuan and asked the previous question again. This time, Pei Wenxuan did not evade but believed it mainly depended on Li Rong because he was now going to become the imperial son-in-law and should fulfill his duties and responsibilities as a husband, not repeating past mistakes.

Reflecting on the past life, it seemed that apart from added sorrow and regret, there was nothing worth remembering. Li Rong felt that Pei Wenxuan had not lived his forty years in vain. If he had this awareness earlier, perhaps they could have grown old together. Moreover, Pei Wenxuan's character and abilities were unquestionable. Li Rong believed his biggest problem was his stubborn heart, mistakenly thinking he loved Qin Zhenzhen, and suddenly falling for the Princess. This led him into a contradictory reflection of being a "scumbag," difficult to accept, indirectly harming two women.

Unfortunately, Pei Wenxuan woke up too late, thinking that their relationship involved too many interests, making it hard for him to face his true feelings. Pei Wenxuan felt Li Rong should wait for him a little longer, but Li Rong laughed at this, saying she was never one to be blinded by love, nor would she fight desperately in a relationship. Being of royal blood, born in the imperial family, naturally demanded near-absolute fidelity in feelings.

The Emperor was furious because of Yang's family memorial and demanded Li Chuan's stance. Li Chuan remembered his elder sister's teachings, declined initially, then agreed to lead the expedition. To ensure everything was foolproof, Li Chuan met with Qin Lin, asking him to take his friend Cui Qinghe to the front line. With their wisdom, the hidden dangers posed by the Yang family would be resolved. Upon parting, Qin Zhenzhen gifted Li Chuan a Zhilan sword, hoping for his safe return. After bidding farewell to Li Rong, Li Chuan led the army to prepare for departure, giving Qin Zhenzhen a firefly lamp, signifying their mutual understanding.

Su Ronghua's father discovered that his eldest son, Su Ronghua, was not at home, which made him very angry. Fortunately, his younger son, Su Rongqing, was steady and obedient, always helping out. Yang Wan searched for Tuoba Yan in vain, guessing that the Emperor was determined to go against the Yang family, indicating a dangerous situation for the Yang family. Mei Xiang suggested striking first, sending a message to the family head, Yang Ye, to use the enemy's hand to eliminate the Crown Prince.

Li Chuan's victories at the front line greatly pleased the Emperor. Tuoba Yan, missing for many days, suddenly appeared outside the Ministry of Justice, publicly accusing the Yang family of corruption, treason, and collusion with the enemy. With conclusive evidence, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were released. Meanwhile, Li Chuan had someone impersonate enemy forces to deal with Yang Ye, capturing them at the right moment and bringing them back to the capital for trial.

Today's morning court session saw the Emperor personally preside over Yang Ye's trial, with civil and military officials attending. Pei Wenxuan, noticing the interaction between Li Rong and Su Rongqing, felt a pang of jealousy again. Li Rong told Pei Wenxuan that the biggest difference between him and Su Rongqing was that Su Rongqing had to bear the family's honor and legacy from birth, which taught him restraint, calmness, and patience.

In the grand hall, with all the evidence and witnesses present, the Yang family's crimes were irrefutably proven, leaving Yang Ye no chance to argue. Yang Wan, aware of her impending death, angrily accused Li Rong of being brainless and revealed the Emperor's long-standing intention to depose her and Li Chuan. The Emperor, enraged and humiliated, ordered Yang Wan's execution. Yang Wan pulled out a hairpin and lunged at Li Rong, only to be killed by a guard's sword.

Watching Yang Wan's body being dragged away, Li Rong couldn't bear it. She took off her cloak and covered Yang Wan's body, giving her one last bit of dignity. Seeing his daughter's tragic death, Yang Ye, overwhelmed with grief, confessed to all the crimes. Pei Wenxuan felt heavy-hearted. He had admired Yang Ye's poems in his youth, never imagining that such a patriotic person would meet such an end. Yang Ye, however, used his own experience to reveal the court's corruption to Pei Wenxuan.

Li Rong was born in a high position and had never, like Pei Wenxuan, walked through fields, seen mountains and rivers, or experienced the hardships of the common people. So, in Pei Wenxuan's view, Yang Ye was the pride of the humble scholars, as well as their sorrow. Watching Yang Ye gradually walk away, Pei Wenxuan slowly restrained his expression and asked Li Rong for money under the pretext of establishing a secret network.

In the previous life, Pei Wenxuan's secret network was very powerful, and he had even set up his own system within it to ensure its efficiency. Because Li Rong was worry-free for the rest of her life, much of it came from the money she invested in Pei Wenxuan early on. Even though she despised Pei Wenxuan, now she would not hold back any money and handed him the token directly.

During this process, the two inevitably bickered a bit, but Pei Wenxuan suddenly looked seriously at Li Rong and said that even if there was a next time, he would still unhesitatingly protect her from danger. He said it was always good to have someone guarding her. After saying this, Pei Wenxuan left without looking back. Li Rong quietly watched his departing figure and, for a moment, felt that although she had known him for over thirty years, she had never really understood this man.

Afterwards, Li Rong went to see her father, deliberately showing a harmonious relationship with Pei Wenxuan, which made the emperor very pleased and immediately set their wedding date. On the other hand, as soon as Pei Wenxuan returned home, he was confronted by Tong Daniu, who had come to collect the rent for the carriage. Tong Daniu demanded twenty taels and started loudly criticizing and cursing when Pei Wenxuan couldn't produce the money.

Just as Tong Ye and Tong Daniu were arguing, a servant came running to inform that someone from the palace had come to deliver an imperial decree. Hearing this, Pei Wenxuan hurriedly went to the front yard with Tong Ye and found that the Pei family had already gathered. They listened as the decree first praised Pei Wenxuan extensively and then announced that the emperor had arranged a marriage between him and the long princess. The people were suddenly enlightened, each with different thoughts.

Pei's mother, with a worried face, called Pei Wenxuan back to the room alone, fearing that he had agreed to become the prince consort out of resignation. But Pei Wenxuan firmly stated that it was a marriage he had personally sought and praised the princess for being virtuous and kind, a perfect match. This reassured Pei's mother somewhat. Thinking back on Pei Wenxuan's reaction after being rejected by the Qin family, she believed he had no feelings for Qin Zhenzhen and fully trusted his words.

After talking to his mother, Pei Wenxuan left the room and saw that Tong Daniu was still standing outside. Now that Tong Daniu knew Pei Wenxuan was the prince consort, his attitude suddenly changed, and he began flattering Pei Wenxuan with trepidation. Pei Wenxuan promised to pay the carriage rent in full within a couple of days.

With the emperor successfully removing the Yang family, he ordered Concubine Rou's brother to take over Li Chuan's command in the northwest. Concubine Rou took the opportunity to propose that Su Rongqing teach her son, intending to win over the Su family. However, the Su family had always remained neutral in the court. Su's father was not optimistic about this news, but Su Rongqing accepted it gladly, believing that as long as he kept himself clean, he did not have to worry about Concubine Rou's intentions.

The numerous pre-wedding tasks left Li Rong overwhelmed, so she asked Pei Wenxuan to choose the wedding dress for her. Pei Wenxuan carefully examined two designs and selected one. However, Li Rong chose the other, opposite to Pei Wenxuan's choice, stating that she completely distrusted men's taste. The Empress summoned Li Rong to the palace, revealing her desire to make Shangguan Ya the Crown Princess for Li Chuan. Li Rong was surprised and secretly pondered over this information.

Back in her palace, Li Rong picked out jewelry and thought about Pei Wenxuan. He must have been exhausted in recent days. Pei Wenxuan distributed wedding money to his colleagues, including Su Rongqing, who hid his displeasure behind a forced smile. Suddenly, Pei Wenxuan asked Su Rongqing a question: what he would do if his wife and family were in conflict. Su Rongqing replied that he would side with reason, not family, as his wife was also family.

Li Chuan rushed back to the capital, traveling day and night, to personally see his elder sister off for her wedding. He arrived just before the big day. Although Li Chuan hoped his sister would find a good match, he felt that Pei Wenxuan was not worthy of her. Li Rong told her brother that after everything that had happened, Pei Wenxuan was a trustworthy person.

The next day, the grand wedding took place with unprecedented splendor. Li Rong, dressed in magnificent attire, walked towards the high platform guided by attendants. After the official read the blessings, she bid farewell to her father and mother. According to the customs of the Grand Xia, on the way from the palace to the princess's residence, the whole city's people would block the carriage, and someone had to clear the way by distributing money to the people.

Crown Prince Li Chuan personally cleared the way, claiming it was to enjoy with the people. To Li Rong's surprise, Su Rongqing, acting as the best man, helped Pei Wenxuan greet the bride. With just a curtain separating them, Su Rongqing stood beside the sedan chair reciting praises, and the last two lines stunned Li Rong because they were the lyrics of a song Su Rongqing composed in the previous life.

Soon, the procession arrived at the princess's residence. In front of everyone, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan each held a red silk ribbon and entered the hall to perform the ceremonial bows. As they bowed, Pei Wenxuan recalled being hit on the forehead by the princess's headdress last time. Unexpectedly, this time, Li Rong deliberately bumped forward, causing the phoenix crown to strike him again. Given that his mother and others were present, he could not express his frustration openly.

After the ceremony, Li Rong was escorted back to the bridal chamber. Seeing this, Su Rongqing felt distressed. Li Chuan warned Pei Wenxuan to treat his sister well or face severe consequences. As Li Chuan was about to leave, Su Rongqing stopped him, expressing that the princess had unwavering affection for him and hoped he would not disappoint her. He noted that within the imperial walls and noble families, power struggles, open and covert fights, sibling rivalry, and father-son conflicts were common, and he envied the pure relationship between Li Chuan and his sister.

Meanwhile, after dismissing everyone, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan felt deflated. Li Rong, exhausted, sat on the bed and asked Pei Wenxuan to help her remove the phoenix crown. Under her threats, Pei Wenxuan had to comply. Su Rongqing drank alone in the wine cellar, feeling immense pain over seeing his beloved marry someone else. His elder brother, Su Ronghua, came looking for him and was puzzled to see him drinking so heavily. He soon guessed Su Rongqing had feelings for the princess. However, becoming Su Wang's teacher would mean opposing the princess.

Li Rong, after freshening up, collapsed directly onto the bed, feeling her exhaustion gradually ease. Pei Wenxuan, with nowhere to rest and unable to sleep on the floor, sat gloomily nearby. Seeing this, Li Rong reminded him that he could sleep on the bed. Initially, Pei Wenxuan wanted to be courteous, but Li Rong ignored him, knowing that it would be inappropriate for him to go out given the numerous eyes on them during their wedding night.

At this moment, Li Rong suddenly asked Pei Wenxuan why he had Su Rongqing come to fetch her. Pei Wenxuan truthfully replied that he had met Su Rongqing before the wedding, and from their conversation, he believed that Su Rongqing had feelings for Li Rong. In fact, Pei Wenxuan knew that Li Rong also had feelings for Su Rongqing, but she was apprehensive, fearing that Su Rongqing, like before, would prioritize power and family over her.

Pei Wenxuan told Li Rong that he planned to find an opportunity to bring Su Rongqing over to Li Chuan's side and help rekindle their past romance. Li Rong, in turn, promised to find a way to prevent Qin Zhenzhen from entering the palace, thus allowing Pei Wenxuan and Qin Zhenzhen to renew their relationship. However, Pei Wenxuan tactfully declined her offer.

That night, the two of them lay on the bed in their clothes. Having weathered over twenty years of ups and downs together, they were more like allies than a married couple. Li Rong felt they were close friends, which she jokingly referred to as "sisters," leaving Pei Wenxuan speechless. Meanwhile, Li Chuan, upon leaving the Princess's residence, met with Qin Zhenzhen and shared stories from the front lines. They chatted animatedly until dawn and reluctantly parted ways.

The Emperor used Su Wang as a puppet, secretly supporting ordinary aristocrats. Any noble family that allied with Su Wang was promoted to counterbalance Li Chuan. Although Li Chuan, following Li Rong's advice, stayed away from trouble, he lacked military power and relied heavily on noble families. Consequently, the Shangguan family, with three queens in a row, became both the Empress's trump card and the Emperor's biggest concern.

Li Rong decided to stop Shangguan Ya from becoming the Crown Princess. Confident in her knowledge from her past life, she immediately sent a servant to the Wen Shi Society to look for her, only to be told that Shangguan Ya was likely at the gambling hall, Jucai Guan. Shocked, Li Rong remembered Shangguan Ya as a dignified and proper person from her previous life in the palace and couldn't believe she would be in such a disreputable place.

Pei Wenxuan, however, was not surprised and accompanied Li Rong to Jucai Guan with a look of amusement. Given the mixed crowd at the gambling hall, Pei Wenxuan protected Li Rong by keeping her close and clearing a path for her, telling everyone she was his wife.

After circling the crowd, they finally spotted Shangguan Ya disguised as a man. Shangguan Ya noticed Li Rong and immediately threw money into the air before running upstairs. Ignoring her dignity, Li Rong chased after her. Shangguan Ya jumped out of a window, landing perfectly in Su Ronghua's arms.

As her headscarf fell, revealing her long hair, Shangguan Ya's female identity was exposed. She hurriedly gave Su Ronghua a silver ingot, asking him to cover for her, and hid in a nearby basket. When Li Rong saw Su Ronghua, she inquired about Shangguan Ya's whereabouts. Just as she was about to jump down from the second floor, Pei Wenxuan caught her.

Finally, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan uncovered the basket and found Shangguan Ya, explaining their intentions and asking her to lower her guard. Li Rong felt a sense of unfamiliarity as she looked at the lively Shangguan Ya, recalling the empress's solemn and pessimistic demeanor in her past life.

The three of them then sat down in a teahouse. Li Rong directly brought up the Crown Prince's marriage, wanting to know Shangguan Ya's thoughts. She hoped Shangguan Ya, considering the Yang family's downfall, wouldn't desire to enter the palace. However, Shangguan Ya indifferently stated that she was prepared to sacrifice for her family from a young age and was confident that losing wouldn't necessarily mean losing to the Crown Prince.

Li Rong's opinion of Shangguan Ya completely changed. The woman before her was carefree and bold, unlike the elegant and dignified empress she remembered. Pei Wenxuan thought of how, in the previous life, Shangguan Ya had rebelled against her family for her lover, Su Ronghua, only to end in tragedy. He hesitated, unsure whether to share this with Li Rong.

In the days that followed, rumors spread that the Shangguan family was about to produce a fourth Crown Princess, angering the Emperor. He knew that a marriage between the Crown Prince and the Shangguan family would greatly increase their power. The Empress privately asked Li Chuan to marry Shangguan Ya, promising that if Shangguan Ya became the Crown Princess, he could take his beloved as a concubine.

Li Rong visited the Empress, advising her to abandon this hope, but the Empress refused to listen. After leaving the Weiyang Palace, Li Rong saw her brother looking dejected, recalling his changed personality, and felt a chill in her heart. Pei Wenxuan quietly cared for Li Rong, learning of her daily activities through Jing Lan and instructing her not to let Li Rong know.

Pei Wenxuan then came to play chess with Li Rong, listening to her concerns. He mentioned Princess Yun Yan, who had gone north to marry for peace but still died in the palace. Pei Wenxuan explained that Li Chuan, influenced by this event, had developed the idea of unifying the north to prevent Li Rong from becoming another Yun Yan. Unfortunately, even after conquering the kingdom, he still lost her.


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