2024 Chinese Drama List

Cast of You Are Desire

Cast of the Chinese Drama You Are Desire
  • Sabrina ZhuangLin YujingMain Role
    Character Introduction:
    A high school girl who transferred schools due to her parents' divorce. She left her mother and entered her father's rebuilt family, facing both a stepmother and stepbrother, and entering a new high school campus. Beneath her independent and stubborn exterior lies her own strength and gentleness.
  • Zhou YiranShen JuanMain Role
    Character Introduction:
    Lin Yujing's desk mate, Shen Juan, appears aloof on the surface, with a solitary personality, but in reality, he has a warm and delicate heart.
  • Chen HeyiFu MingxiuSupport Role
    Character Introduction:
    Linyu Jing's stepbrother
  • Fan ShiranGu XiaSupport Role
    Character Introduction:
    Linyu Jing's good friend
  • Bian TianyangWang YiyangSupport Role
  • Wang ChuanHe SongnanSupport Role
  • Liao YinyueXu RuyiSupport Role
  • Jin ChaoNie XingheSupport Role
  • Zeng LiLin ZhiSupport Role
  • Yu XiaoweiMeng WeiguoSupport Role
  • Zhang YanyanGuan XiangmeiSupport Role
  • Ma SichaoLu YaoSupport Role
  • Zhang XiaochenLuo QingheSupport Role
  • Ji ChenmuShen Bo'anSupport Role
  • Liu JieyiLi LinSupport Role
  • Xu XinchiRong HuaiSupport Role
  • Xiao TianrenLittle Shen JuanSupport Role
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