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Be Your Own Light Recap, Plot, Synopsis

> Be Your Own Light

Be Your Own Light Synopsis

He Huan hits rock bottom when her husband runs away from home, leaves behind huge debts, suffers a career setback and her mother falls seriously ill.

With the encouragement of her friends, and after the initial experience of being at a loss, she faced all the difficulties head-on with resilience and started from scratch.

With wisdom and sincerity, she overcame the difficulties of his mother's medical treatment and the trouble given by her creditors.

And with persistence, she quickly grew from a grassroots hotline operator to a program host, returning to the peak of her career and becoming a light of her own.

After realizing her personal dream, He Huan and his colleagues began to actively explore the path of traditional media's transformation into integrated media.

With the help of online blogger Jiang Junhao, He Huan plunged into the "tide" of the times. After founding a successful self-media, she actively joined the construction of the TV station's integrated media.

While her career is getting better, He Huan faces a new decision in her emotions.

Her husband's selfishness and ruthlessness have led to He Huan's sobriety and independence.

Her relationship with Jiang Junhao has evolved from dislike, and suspicion to understanding, consideration, appreciation, and admiration. They have eventually become mutual support with tacit understanding.

Be Your Own Light Recap

Episode 1 Recap

He Huan is a white-collar worker in the city, leading a prosperous life with a happy and harmonious marriage, making her the object of envy for many. On the day of her wedding anniversary with her husband Ou Kaige, there was no significant change in their routine. He Huan watched as Ou Kaige went to work, and then she went to the television station for work herself. Zhao Yuanyuan's boyfriend, Zhou Jiaqi, wanted to meet He Huan and Ou Kaige to discuss business matters, but He Huan politely explained that she did not participate in any work-related matters involving Ou Kaige, so the matter was dropped. Part-time girl Liu Chunyan had her bottom touched by a staff member named Xiao Luo at the television station, and as a result, she accidentally spilled coffee on Xiao Jiang's bag. Xiao Jiang demanded compensation from Liu Chunyan, but He Huan intervened to help, and Xiao Jiang, out of respect for her, didn't pursue the matter further.

Later, He Huan helped Liu Chunyan by pouring a cup of coffee on Xiao Luo, and asked him to apologize to Liu Chunyan. Xiao Luo didn't dare to argue with He Huan and left apologetically. There were rumors at the station about canceling He Huan's program "Good Books to Read," but He Huan told her subordinates that it was just a rumor. Although the bottom-rank elimination system had been talked about for many years, it had never been implemented. In the evening, He Huan hosted a party at her home, preparing a special surprise for Ou Kaige. She invited her colleague Bai Yang to join her. However, Bai Yang had to work on the way to He Huan's house and couldn't make it. And for some reason, Ou Kaige was also late and nowhere to be seen. A young man named Jiang Junhao arrived at He Huan's house, asking to see Ou Kaige, and the bewildered crowd mistook him for Ou Kaige and cheered.

He Huan learned that Ou Kaige owed Jiang Junhao 3.5 million yuan, and Jiang Junhao had been unable to contact Ou Kaige. Later, He Huan received a call from Li Lutao, the office director of Haichuan Fund, and learned that Ou Kaige hadn't shown up for work all day. He Huan couldn't reach her husband through various channels, and she even discovered that all the cash in the house had been taken. Li Lutao handed He Huan a handwritten resignation letter from Ou Kaige, stating that everything was normal with the company and the business sector Ou Kaige was responsible for. He Huan reviewed the surveillance footage and decided to report to the police to find her husband, but Li Lutao said that Ou Kaige seemed to be hiding in the surveillance footage. He not only advised against reporting to the police but also said that it shouldn't be made public, as long as Ou Kaige returned within fifteen days, things could be resolved in a big or small way.

In the dressing room, Bai Yang overheard someone saying that He Huan's husband Ou Kaige had disappeared, and He Huan wasn't in good shape today. He Huan went to the nursing home to visit Ou Kaige's father and discovered that Ou Kaige had prepaid two years' worth of fees for his father at the nursing home a few days ago. The people at the television station couldn't reach He Huan, so Bai Yang went directly to He Huan's house to find her. He Huan forgot to pick up her son and had to call her father. Her father had no idea what had happened to her and suggested that Ou Zimo stay with them over the weekend. Bai Yang met He Huan and learned about the situation.

There are only two possibilities: either Ou Kaige is having an affair or there are internal issues at Haichuan Fund. He Huan firmly believed that there was no problem with her relationship with Ou Kaige, so she decided to set up an investigation team within Haichuan Fund to investigate the matter. Li Lutao refused to show her the self-investigation report, and setting up an investigation team required reporting to the board of directors, which would take at least a week. Jiang Junhao transformed into a security guard in the residential area and blocked He Huan's path into the community, but unexpectedly, she was abducted by two masked men. Jiang Junhao drove her car to intercept them and saved He Huan, and the police arrived as well. Both parties were taken to the police station, and He Huan saw a promissory note, only then realizing that Ou Kaige had borrowed two million yuan from those three people, and both they and Jiang Junhao had promissory notes with Ou Kaige's fingerprint on them.

Episode 2 Recap

Because they are all creditors of Ou Kaige, Jiang Junhao and the three of them formed a debt collection alliance. He Huan received a threatening phone call and immediately blocked the caller's number. Jiang Junhao waited at the door for He Huan to finish work and relentlessly asked about Ou Kaige's whereabouts, but He Huan explained that she didn't know. Jiang Junhao persisted, and coincidentally, Zhao Yuanyuan drove by. He Huan quickly got into her car and escaped. Zhao Yuanyuan drove He Huan back to the entrance of the residential area, and as soon as He Huan got out of the car, she saw the two men from yesterday at the entrance of the community. In a panic, she hurriedly got back into Zhao Yuanyuan's car and hastily asked her to turn around and leave. He Huan originally wanted to go to her parents' house, but she was worried about being followed and suddenly didn't know where to go. Zhao Yuanyuan brought her back to her own home.

Due to a lack of money, Jiang Junhao's restaurant couldn't stay open, and Kang Ge sent people to remove all the valuable items from the restaurant. He Huan went to pick up her son but witnessed a fight between Ou Zimo and his classmate. The classmate insulted Ou Kaige's father as a deadbeat who owed money to their family. Ou Zimo couldn't bear the insult and immediately got into a scuffle. Pan Xiaoxing's father arrived to break up the fight, apologized to He Huan, and publicly asked her to repay the money in front of everyone. He Huan felt embarrassed and said that she would discuss the matter privately, then quickly took her son and got into the car. Ou Zimo didn't know what was going on and questioned his own father if he was a deadbeat and scum. He Huan denied the accusation, stating that she would repay the money, and Ou Zimo mustn't let his grandparents know about this matter.

Zhou Jiaqi was anxious to know Ou Kaige's situation, so Zhao Yuanyuan pretended that her car had broken down and urgently needed to deal with the matter. Zhou Jiaqi went along with her and said he would buy her a new car, and he also promised to talk to his parents about their marriage in a couple of days. He Huan called the real estate agency and learned that the current value of the villa was ten million yuan, but if she chose to sell it through a time-limited entrusted agency, she could only sell it for eight million yuan. However, even if she was willing to sell it through a time-limited entrusted agency, without Ou Kaige present for notarization, the house couldn't be sold. Zhou Jiaqi took Zhao Yuanyuan to buy a new car, but he was stingy and not only didn't buy her the latest model but also planned to make her repay over five thousand yuan in monthly loan payments. Zhao Yuanyuan was very angry and after arguing with him for a few moments, she left.

Back in the residential area, He Huan happened to see someone inspecting her car, and they only offered her six hundred thousand yuan for it, even though she had originally spent over one million yuan on it. The other party took advantage of He Huan's lack of knowledge about cars and aggressively bargained. Seeing this, Zhao Yuanyuan decided to add an additional fifty thousand yuan and bought He Huan's car herself. Later, Zhao Yuanyuan gave He Huan an extra one hundred and fifty thousand yuan. She knew that He Huan was short of money recently, so she considered the additional amount as a loan to He Huan. Jiang Junhao, Chen Hong, and Tang Shaohuai were singing in a KTV when they received a text message from He Huan, inviting them to her home to discuss the debt issue. Pan Xiaoxing's father cried, and He Huan felt distressed herself. In the end, she was prevented from committing suicide by inhaling gas.

Although Jiang Junhao and the others went to the court, they weren't informed that due to Ou Kaige's disappearance, the case would take a long time. Furthermore, if He Huan could prove that this was Ou Kaige's personal debt and that the money wasn't used for their married life, then He Huan wouldn't have to bear the debt. He Huan briefly explained this, which led to the three of them arguing amongst themselves. He Huan expressed that she could repay the money to them; the villa was worth exactly ten million yuan. However, without Ou Kaige present, the house couldn't be sold.

Episode 3 Recap

Even if the court gets involved, the house can only be sealed and not auctioned, so these people won't get any money. He Huan's solution is to wait for Ou Kaige to return within two years. If he doesn't come back after two years, she can apply for a missing person declaration, and then the house can be sold. The part of the house that appreciates within two years will be considered as their interest. The four of them don't believe it and think that He Huan is playing a delaying tactic. He Huan helplessly says that she can leave the property certificate in their hands, which is the greatest sincerity she can offer. A new 22-year-old host named Qiao Qiao joins the real estate online program at Jiangdu TV. At this time, Jiangdu TV is planning to shut down programs with fewer viewers and unclear positioning. Bai Yang states that in the next comprehensive evaluation, her program "News in Progress" will return to first place.

Each person signs and seals a repayment agreement. He Huan asks about the reasons Ou Kaige borrowed money from them half a year ago and discovers that Ou Kaige gave them similar reasons. Because Ou Kaige handles millions of dollars every day, and he is generous and willing to use the villa as collateral, these people lent him money. The property certificate is taken away, and the repayment agreements are signed. He Huan enters the room and starts crying. On her way to work, people gossip about He Huan in the elevator. She immediately asks them who they are talking about, and the two women feel very embarrassed. The director tells Bai Yang that she no longer needs to report news for Lepard Company. This is a notice from the editorial board, stating that as a local company, they need to push and have tolerance for it.

He Huan records a program, and the recommended book for this episode is called "The Disappeared Lover." It reflects the current situation she is facing. She wants to change the book, but it has already been promoted, and all the materials are prepared based on that book, so she has to continue with it reluctantly. Qiao Qiao's cousin, named Lan Yu, is Zhou Jiaqi's ex-girlfriend. She doesn't show the same respect for Zhao Yuanyuan as the senior members do and her words indicate her lack of emotional intelligence. It's fortunate that Zhao Yuanyuan has a good temper and doesn't argue with her, as she is a newcomer. He Huan accidentally learns that the reason her program is at the bottom is because Bai Yang gave it the lowest score. She confronts Bai Yang about it, but Bai Yang says she did it for He Huan's own good. The two of them have an unpleasant argument because of this.

Bai Yang treats the members of the workgroup to a meal to boost morale. Even though their program was cancelled, their work has been effective. Bai Yang pays the bill and doesn't stay to eat with them. On the day they had just argued, He Huan's gift of tonic for Bai Yang arrives. This makes Bai Yang feel guilty, but He Huan is still angry and hasn't answered Bai Yang's calls. Bai Yang sends her a WeChat message but realizes that He Huan has already blocked her. Someone demands that the program "News in Progress" expose the fact that Ou Kaige and his wife owe debts and haven't paid them back. A reporter from the program "On the Spot" appears at the entrance of the TV station, so Bai Yang calls Ren Jie. Ren Jie promises her that he will no longer pursue this news and recalls the reporters he had sent out.

Bai Yang finds He Huan and explains the situation. She genuinely wants to help He Huan, but He Huan is still upset about Bai Yang giving her program a low score. He Huan receives a delivery, and inside the envelope is a photo of Ou Kaige with another woman. Jiang Junhao arranges jobs for the other three executives, and he himself plans to go undercover. He Huan finds the girl's residence in the photo, opens the door to room 701 with a key, and discovers Ou Kaige's belongings inside.

Episode 4 Recap

All the clues point to Ou Kaige's affair, and He Huan almost faints. Hindered by the presence of the landlord, she doesn't break down and calmly examines the house. By questioning the landlord, she learns that the previous tenant was the girl in the photo. On the abandoned delivery box, there is a name, Zheng Xuejian. Zheng Xuejian used to work at Biao Rong Club, and she told the landlord that she was leaving to pursue opportunities in another city. Subsequently, He Huan goes to Biao Rong Club and meets Ms. Zhu, the assistant general manager. Ms. Zhu says that Zheng Xuejian resigned last Friday without stating the reason for leaving, but it is said that she went to another city with her boyfriend. He Huan wants to ask if Ou Kaige is a member of this club, but Ms. Zhu says they cannot disclose the private information of their members.

Li Lutao calls He Huan, but at this point, she no longer needs to see Ou Kaige's self-inspection report or establish an investigation team. The owner of the club, Ye Wentian, and Li Lutao seem to be in cahoots, suggesting that He Huan's visit to the club was arranged by Ye Wentian. As for why Ou Kaige left, He Huan is convinced that he ran away with another woman, but there seems to be another possibility now. That night, He Huan drinks a lot of alcohol and mistakes Jiang Junhao for Ou Kaige, smashing a vase over his head. Jiang Junhao goes to the hospital and gets three stitches. When He Huan sobers up, she apologizes to him. However, when she finds out that he stole her key, her attitude changes dramatically. She loudly declares that she won't repay Ou Kaige's debt on his behalf anymore. It's then that Jiang Junhao realizes Ou Kaige has a mistress.

He Huan goes to see a lawyer and asks him to prepare divorce proceedings on her behalf. When she returns home, she sees Jiang Junhao sitting at her doorstep with three other executives, Yang, Pan, and Chen. Jiang Junhao pretends to be weak and beaten, making them believe that He Huan has severely assaulted him. He Huan initially intends to call the police, but doing so would let her parents know about her current situation. In the end, she refrains from calling the police and reluctantly brings Jiang Junhao into her house. She can tell that Jiang Junhao is acting, so she pours a glass of water over his face without hesitation. Jiang Junhao eavesdrops on He Huan's phone call, sneaks out, unaware that it is He Huan's scheme. She records evidence of him leaving in a hurry.

If Jiang Junhao doesn't leave, He Huan will call the police. So, shortly after he enters, he is kicked out again. He resorts to despicable tactics and sets up a tent on the lawn since He Huan won't let him in the house. He Huan follows suit and acts shamelessly. Jiang Junhao threatens to go to her parents' doorstep to cause a scene, so He Huan takes him there without hesitation, and Jiang Junhao doesn't dare to create a scene. At that moment, He Huan's mother's blood pressure rises, and she faints, requiring emergency medical attention. Worried, He Huan follows her father and boards the ambulance to the hospital. She was about to talk to her parents about Ou Kaige's situation when the doctor comes in and informs her that her mother has Asperger's syndrome. Although it's a mild case, in the current situation, He Huan can't bring herself to say anything.

When He Huan returns home, she finds that Jiang Junhao has taken all his belongings with him. Zhao Yuanyuan has been avoiding Zhou Jiaqi for several days, but he can't resist visiting her. After explaining, Zhao Yuanyuan learns that it wasn't Zhou Jiaqi who bought the car for Lan Yu, it was his father. Zhou Jiaqi sweet-talks and makes various promises, and Zhao Yuanyuan quickly calms down. He Huan finds someone to handle the villa matters, and Jiang Junhao happens to encounter her, thinking that she intends to sell the house and run away, so he snatches her ID card.

Episode 5 Recap

Jiang Junhao sold his house but still owed money to Lao Han. He Huan discovered that he was not a trustworthy person, and her previous persistent requests to make Ou Kaige pay the debt were out of helplessness. So He Huan relented and agreed to let Jiang Junhao stay in the guest room of the villa, and the previous repayment agreement they signed remained valid. She was not someone who lacked integrity and had principles, so she decided to continue repaying the debt.

Zhao Yuanyuan noticed that Qiao Qiao appeared on the weekly schedule frequently, so she asked and learned that the head of the platform had called Director Qiu yesterday, demanding to give new talents more opportunities on-screen. As a result, Director Qiu ordered that Qiao Qiao and Zhao Yuanyuan would take turns each week. Director Qiu also mentioned that Qiao Qiao would be the channel's key talent to be nurtured in the future, and she would be given priority in live shows and events.

Zhao Yuanyuan went to see Director Qiu and was told that Qiao Qiao came with a 10-million advertising resource. Zhao Yuanyuan made a deal with Director Qiu: if she could bring in 10 million worth of advertising by the end of the year, Director Qiu would transfer Qiao Qiao to other programs.

Bai Yang rented a handsome boyfriend to accompany her to a classmate reunion, intending to show off to Ren Jie. Unexpectedly, Ren Jie came alone, and he left early due to a sudden TV station meeting. When the teacher saw that Bai Yang was no longer single, she was relieved. Bai Yang honestly told the teacher that she had rented this boyfriend. The teacher was not angry and even said she would find her a better one. Bai Yang went to the restroom, still feeling emotional.

At work, Bai Yang received a call from her subordinate informing her about a collapse incident at a construction site in Shili Shop. She gave concise instructions and deployed the work. Before Jiang Junhao moved in, He Huan made a three-point agreement with him, and Jiang Junhao agreed to all of them. Zhao Yuanyuan was worried about the 10-million advertising resource but declined the dinner invitation from Tang Shaohuai, the general manager of Da Di Real Estate. She accidentally found out about a designer's annual gathering in the evening, managed to get an entry ticket through a friend, but the ticket was labeled for males. She lied to the security and got in anyway. Inside, she quickly sat at the table of Lin Du Home Furnishings, but unfortunately, the person she wanted to talk to was not their CEO, Liu Zong. When the real Liu Zong arrived, he appeared cold and refused to add Zhao Yuanyuan on WeChat.

Zhao Yuanyuan, resourceful as she was, acted and managed to get Liu Zong's contact from others at the event. Jiang Junhao kindly helped He Huan by throwing away expired food from the fridge and cleaning the range hood, but He Huan didn't thank him and even told him to leave. Jiang Junhao had a good temper and knew that He Huan was cold on the surface but kind-hearted, so he voluntarily made her a bowl of noodles. He Huan was delighted and allowed him to use the kitchen on the first floor. She also offered to let him take care of her son, and in return, she would grant him full access to the first floor, including the courtyard and garden. Jiang Junhao found this deal very beneficial and agreed readily.

The news coverage was not timely this time, so Bai Yang immediately took steps to resolve the issue of the lack of telephone operators. The editorial committee decided to close the "Good Books to Read" program on the 1st of next month, and He Huan went to inquire and confirmed that the decision was true.

In order to get close to Liu Zong, Zhao Yuanyuan made great efforts, but she still couldn't meet him. Undeterred, she used a trivial excuse to obtain the contact information of the front desk staff and found out which car belonged to Liu Zong through the security.

Episode 6 Recap

Zhao Yuanyuan was determined to meet General Liu today, so she waited anxiously near his exclusive parking spot. After receiving He Huan's mother's lung examination report, the doctor called He Huan over. He told He Huan that it was preliminarily diagnosed as lung cancer. He Huan's first reaction was to deny the result because her mother had never smoked, and there was no history of lung cancer in their family. However, based on the results of the CT scan, the chances of misdiagnosis were very low. The doctor advised her to take her mother to a top-tier hospital for further examination as soon as possible, as an early assessment of the severity of the condition would lead to an early treatment plan.

Seeing General Liu coming out, Zhao Yuanyuan intentionally bumped into his car, hoping to use this opportunity to add him on WeChat. However, General Liu didn't give her the chance and even refused to let her pay for the car repair.

The dual blow of family and career issues left He Huan in a daze, causing her to get into a car accident while crossing the pedestrian crossing, with her head bleeding. She didn't know whom to contact and had to seek help from Zhao Yuanyuan. Zhao Yuanyuan went to the hospital, and He Huan couldn't bear these blows, feeling that she had lost everything in a short period. Her husband, who used to make money and take care of the family, left with his mistress without a word. Her proud career also suffered a setback. Zhao Yuanyuan comforted her with her own experience, telling He Huan that in this world, it's common for men to cheat, careers to face setbacks, and parents to fall ill. Life's original state is that what we receive is not always proportional to what we give. The dream that Ou Kaige created for He Huan before was just an illusion. Now He Huan has truly entered the world of ordinary people.

Liu Chunyan saw that "News in Progress" was hiring a dispatch coordinator, so she volunteered and signed up, and she could start working today. Secretary Huang called He Huan to the office for a talk, implying that the program "Good Books to Read" is now outdated.

Without the protection of Ou Kaige's wife, He Huan faced great difficulties. She couldn't contact the doctors at Nanshan Hospital and realized what it meant to be abandoned by those who were once supportive. Nevertheless, she bore all these hardships alone and didn't tell her parents the truth. In the early morning, before the sun rose, He Huan went to Nanshan Hospital to queue for an appointment with a specialist. Jiang Junhao heard some noise and thought she was secretly going to see Ou Kaige. He followed her but didn't expect her to be queuing at the hospital. Someone was trying to scam money from an elderly person, claiming that they could get an appointment with the renowned doctor, Director Tong, for 800 yuan. He Huan saw through the lies and exposed the scammer, telling the old man that Director Tong wouldn't be available for consultations in the afternoon. The scammer got angry and wanted to hit He Huan, but she was more capable than him. It was only because Jiang Junhao pulled He Huan away in time that she didn't hurt the scammer.

Jiang Junhao met with Yang, the general manager, and a few others. He said that He Huan's current situation was indeed difficult – her husband ran away with a mistress, and her mother fell seriously ill. The other three general managers didn't witness it firsthand, so they naturally didn't believe Jiang Junhao's words. After recording the final episode of "Good Books to Read," the four editors of the program felt reluctant to part ways. He Huan thought they were right, and perhaps she should return to the news center as an anchor, so she submitted an application to the human resources department.

Episode 7 Recap

Director Qiu called a meeting with the heads of various departments to ask who is willing to accept He Huan. However, none of the departments are suitable for her. Although Bai Yang's program "News in Progress" lacks a female anchor, she doesn't think the current He Huan is capable of being an anchor. However, Bai Yang is willing to recommend He Huan to host a health-related program since the producer of such a program owes her a favor. Later, He Huan found out that Bai Yang had prevented her from becoming a news anchor and they had a heated argument. Bai Yang refused to let her be a news anchor simply because the current He Huan is not qualified for that position. Although He Huan's remarks were harsh, Bai Yang chose to believe her and went to talk to Director Qiu, expressing her willingness to let He Huan host the midday edition of "News in Progress."

After receiving the notice, He Huan prepared for the program overnight. The next day, when she was doing her makeup before going on air, Qiao Qiao took the lead. Once a person is down on their luck, new employees like Qiao Qiao and the young lighting technician don't take her seriously. He Huan asked the lighting technician to brighten the lights a bit, but he ignored her, claiming he didn't have time to adjust. Ten minutes before the start, the director asked the lighting technician to adjust the lights, but he said he couldn't. Live news broadcasts have a fast pace and often involve deletions and additions of news. Although He Huan is adaptable, she hasn't been on the anchor desk for over ten years, so her state is not quite right. Especially when she heard a familiar news piece, she was stunned. The director urgently asked someone to adjust the camera position to avoid major news broadcasting accidents, but Bai Yang still noticed the issue.

He Huan also realized that her state was off, so she inquired about other vacancies in the human resources department. She found out that besides the health program, there was also a vacancy for a line producer in "News in Progress." She remembered that her first job at Jiangdu TV station was as a line producer, so she decided to start from scratch and work as a hotline operator, rejuvenating her career from the grassroots level. Zhao Yuanyuan saw the script for the live show and noticed that Qiao Qiao had very few cues since she's a newcomer, and the scriptwriters were worried about her making mistakes. Tang Shaohuai invited Zhao Yuanyuan to dinner again, but she declined. Later, she received a reminder that Da Di Real Estate was launching a new project, with a promotion budget of ten million yuan. Zhao Yuanyuan changed her mind and decided to attend the dinner.

During the dinner, while hugging Tang Shaohuai, Zhao Yuanyuan was photographed by a girl delivering food. Before the dinner was over, she received a call informing her that her father had a heart attack, so she rushed to leave. He Huan reported to "News in Progress," and Bai Yang had Easton take her to the hotline operator position. Surprisingly, the first call turned out to be a tip-off about the Ocean Fund and Ou Kaige. After listening to a few words, He Huan's state instantly collapsed. Bai Yang noticed her leaving and checked the tip-off content, understanding the cause and effect. Later, Bai Yang gave He Huan fifteen minutes to adjust her emotions before she returned to work at her position. Bai Yang received a call from Teacher Yi and was introduced to a blind date.

The "Splendid World" property was launched, and Qiao Qiao didn't follow the script, repeatedly testing Min Jie's bottom line. The lighting and camera crew were kept busy by her, almost causing a live broadcast accident. Min Jie and Zhao Yuanyuan went to see the director to report the situation and suggested that Qiao Qiao be retrained until she passes the assessment before returning to work. The director didn't immediately agree but said he would seriously consider it. Bai Yang went to meet the blind date and found that the other person's photo had been excessively photoshopped, making it difficult for her to recognize him.

Episode 8 Recap

Bai Yang went on a blind date with Mr. Wang and was surprised that nowadays blind dates require preparation of financial products, credit reports, and personal health examination reports. Moreover, this Mr. Wang, full of confidence, lacked any sense of propriety and immediately started discussing the height of their future children. After realizing that this man was abnormal, Bai Yang no longer held back and they began arguing, effectively ruining the blind date. Bai Yang regretted why she even came on this blind date; it was just causing trouble for herself. Qiao Qiao disliked the makeup products in the studio and brought her own set of cosmetics. Zhao Yuanyuan noticed that her name was missing from the recent program schedules, so she first went to Min Jie, who advised her to talk to Director Qiu.

Before entering, Zhao Yuanyuan put eye drops in her eyes to pretend that she was crying and approached Director Qiu for sympathy. When the program "Property Online" just started, there were only her and Min Jie, and she did put in a lot of effort for the show. Director Qiu said it was the decision of the directing team since they thought the audience liked new faces, so this time the channel leaders decided to let Qiao Qiao host. Qiao Qiao argued with Director Qiu, but he was also helpless. This year, the channel gave the Advertising Center a two-billion-yuan advertising task, meaning he owed the channel 500,000 yuan in advertising quotas every day. Zhao Yuanyuan expressed understanding and promised to try her best to secure advertising, and Director Qiu agreed that if she completed the ten-million-yuan task, he would help her get transferred away from Qiao Qiao.

Zhao Yuanyuan told Min Jie what Director Qiu said, and Min Jie advised her not to compete with Qiao Qiao anymore. If she continued like this, she might even lose the opportunity to host the weekend edition, after all, Qiao Qiao had the support of her multi-billion-dollar family and the channel leaders. Zhao Yuanyuan was stubborn and refused to give in, after all, she had worked hard for so many years. By chance, He Huan learned from someone that her mother's condition was not just a nodule, it was definitely cancer, which was why the examination took so long. After work, He Huan ran into Ye Wentian and they exchanged WeChat contacts. Ye Wentian asked about Ou Kaige's recent situation, and He Huan didn't tell the truth. He Huan arrived at the hospital, and her father pulled her aside to inquire about her mother's condition. Her father had conducted an investigation, so He Huan couldn't hide it from him, and she had to admit that her mother indeed had lung cancer.

Zhao Yuanyuan successfully convinced the receptionist girl from Mr. Liu's company after learning that Mr. Liu liked the writer Haruki Murakami. Zhao Yuanyuan asked He Huan for help to transform herself into a literary young woman who understands Haruki Murakami, as she wanted to impress Mr. Liu at the design forum. Unfortunately, they only had three days, and He Huan did her best to summarize information about Haruki Murakami's works, classic quotes, and biography, but the rest would be up to Zhao Yuanyuan. He Huan brought her son home and told him that there was a guest at home. However, before she could introduce Jiang Junhao to her son, they were startled by two lizards on the floor. While Jiang Junhao was out, Ou Zimo secretly went into his room and released the two lizards back into the wild.

During the home design forum, He Huan and Zhao Yuanyuan communicated through phone calls, with He Huan acting as Zhao Yuanyuan's real-time strategist, dealing with all of Mr. Liu's questions. As expected, with He Huan's help, Mr. Liu started to appreciate Zhao Yuanyuan. Zhao Yuanyuan's eloquence on the topic of Haruki Murakami also caught Mr. Liu's attention. Zhao Yuanyuan skillfully steered the conversation towards promoting and advertising Lin Du Home during the forum.

Episode 9 Recap

Zhao Yuanyuan prepared an advertising proposal based on Mr. Liu's hobbies, and this time Mr. Liu agreed to take a look. Without He Huan's help, she couldn't have secured the advertising, so Zhao Yuanyuan treated her to a meal as gratitude. Tang Shaohuai called and invited her for dinner, as he planned to increase the advertising budget for the television station to two million. Zhao Yuanyuan agreed to meet him in a couple of days. After these events, He Huan changed her view of Zhao Yuanyuan. Previously, she thought Zhao Yuanyuan was a girl who only wanted to climb up the social ladder by marrying a rich second-generation man. However, now she realized that Zhao Yuanyuan was actually a generous, righteous, and principled person. Seeing that she had gotten closer to He Huan, Zhao Yuanyuan casually mentioned the collaboration between Haichuan Fund and Zhou Jiaqi's father's company, but He Huan was unaware of Ou Kaige's work.

Jiang Junhao searched the whole room but couldn't find the two lizards. When he heard movement upstairs, he thought Ou Kaige had returned and violated the agreement by going upstairs. However, Ou Zimo's words left Jiang Junhao speechless. Ou Zimo was not an ordinary child and didn't fall for Jiang Junhao's usual tactics for dealing with kids. Bai Yang had been taking care of a little bird that, like her, liked to be alone. Liu Chunyan's salary as a hotline operator was not high, and she didn't feel the need to excel at her job, so she did things half-heartedly. Senior colleagues at the television station always said that the greatest meaning of life was progress. Lin Du Home requested that Jiangdu TV's "News on Air" cover and report on their shopping festival.

However, Bai Yang couldn't meet Zhao Yuanyuan's request because she couldn't compromise the quality of the program "News on Air." Zhao Yuanyuan had to talk to Director Qiu, who then spoke to Bai Yang's immediate boss, Director Zou. That arrogant kid, Ou Zimo, made Jiang Junhao angry, and he, as an adult, couldn't help but argue with a child. He said that Ou Kaige wouldn't come back. Ou Zimo cried because of anger, and Jiang Junhao comforted him. Later, Jiang Junhao received a summons from the court as the landlord, Lao Kang, sued him. Jiang Junhao contacted Lawyer Lin, who suggested that he could file for bankruptcy. He Huan went to the hospital to visit her mother and convinced her to continue treatment at the hospital. However, she still didn't tell her parents about Ou Kaige's true situation.

Ou Zimo refused to eat the dish Jiang Junhao prepared and grabbed an instant porridge instead. When Jiang Junhao wanted to process it for him, he accidentally found a stack of red banknotes in the box, which He Huan had seen earlier. Jiang Junhao was sensible enough not to let Ou Zimo see it, so he coaxed him to eat the dish he made. After Ou Zimo fell asleep, Jiang Junhao took the box back to his room and opened each one, discovering that each box contained money. In the news center, Director Zou asked Bai Yang to cover Lin Du Home's shopping festival news, and she couldn't refuse. He Huan finished watching the live broadcast before leaving work, and after testing her, Jiang Junhao found out that she didn't know about the money in the instant porridge. She even returned three thousand yuan to each of them on the first day she received her salary.

However, the source of this money was unclear, and He Huan needed to investigate before deciding whether to use it. She asked Jiang Junhao to give her one day to find out. That night, Jiang Junhao couldn't wait to share this news in their group chat, and Yang Zong and the others found out about it. He Huan thought about it all night but still couldn't make a decision. She promised to give him a definite answer by the evening. Zhao Yuanyuan was busy following up on the editing of the news coverage for Lin Du Home's event.

Episode 10 Recap

The news segment exceeded the time limit, so Bai Yang asked Wu Yuanjia to shorten Lin Du Home's news to only thirty seconds and broadcast it at the end. Zhao Yuanyuan watched the live broadcast and noticed that there was no interview footage of the CEO of Lin Du Home. She hurriedly asked Wu Yuanjia what was going on. Bai Yang appeared and bluntly stated that they were the ones who decided the angle, approach, duration, and placement of the coverage for Lin Du Home. Zhao Yuanyuan was speechless, finally experiencing Bai Yang's heartlessness. Zhao Yuanyuan and He Huan joked about it, and He Huan said that based on her understanding of Bai Yang, she treated everyone the same way, not just Zhao Yuanyuan. He Huan suggested seeking help from Director Zou, and Bai Yang might listen to a few words from him in the entire news center.

He Huan called Zhao Yuanyuan and asked about why Zhou Jiaqi's father had approached Ou Kaige in the first place. Zhao Yuanyuan admitted that Zhou's father wanted to acquire shares of Kirin Company by a big corporation. To get a better price, Zhou's father asked Ou Kaige to help increase the stock price. As far as Zhao Yuanyuan knew, Ou Kaige's attitude was ambiguous. He neither agreed nor refused. To show sincerity, Zhou's father gave Ou Kaige a significant gift of sixty thousand yuan in cash, which was hidden in a box of instant porridge and delivered to Ou Kaige. He Huan now understood where the money in the instant porridge came from and asked Zhao Yuanyuan to help return the money to Zhou Jiaqi. Zhao Yuanyuan advised her to keep the money, but He Huan did not do so.

Zhao Yuanyuan called Zhou Jiaqi and heard a young woman's voice on his side, suspecting that Zhou Jiaqi's mother had arranged another blind date for him. Yang Zong and the others rushed to the villa to ask He Huan to return the money. He Huan admitted that she had already returned the bribe, but they suspected that there might still be more money left by Ou Kaige in the house. He Huan said that Jiang Junhao had already searched the house thoroughly, and it seemed like they had only a little left to dig. Zhao Yuanyuan went straight to the dining room and was led into the private room where Zhou Jiaqi was. She didn't tear her face with everyone and just said that she came to deliver the instant porridge to Zhou Jiaqi. When she said this, Zhou Jiaqi understood what was happening and hurriedly took her outside, where he saw the six hundred thousand yuan in cash in her car.

Zhou Jiaqi apologized and tried to deceive her, but this time Zhao Yuanyuan wasn't so easy to forgive him and forcibly took him away in the car. At least with the six hundred thousand yuan, his mother wouldn't scold him tonight. He Huan asked Jiang Junhao why he didn't keep the six hundred thousand yuan for himself, and she didn't expect Jiang Junhao to be a person with a conscience despite his delinquent appearance. He Huan went upstairs and accidentally overheard Jiang Junhao talking to a lawyer on the phone, only then did she learn that he also owed a lot of debt. Director Zou reminded Bai Yang that the news coverage for Lin Du Home's interview was too simplistic. Bai Yang admitted that she had shown some emotions yesterday, so Director Zou asked her to ensure that the news about Lin Du Home in the next few days would be done with quality.

As for the incident from yesterday, Zhao Yuanyuan still felt dissatisfied, wondering why the people from other programs at the advertising center didn't see eye to eye with her. Liu Chunyan wanted to improve, so she humbly sought advice from He Huan. He Huan helped her and also recommended many money-saving apps. Liu Chunyan was very angry that Mr. Liu deleted her WeChat in front of Zhao Yuanyuan during the first day of news promotion. Both Bai Yang and Ren Jie went to report on the financial product launch event, and their respective programs, "News on Air" and "On-Site Coverage," were competing against each other. Bai Yang intentionally took the best camera position. Unexpectedly, there was a riot at the event, and Ronghui Wealth quickly dispersed the troublemakers, giving Ren Jie and Bai Yang each a big red envelope.

Using the excuse of going to the bathroom, Bai Yang contacted Wu Yuanjia on the phone and asked her to find out about the troublemakers and also asked other colleagues to investigate a product called "Xin Lei."

Episode 11 Recap

He Huan instructed Liu Chunyan to conduct an interview and couldn't help but find her questions to the interviewees amusing. Someone called "News on Air" hotline and exposed male celebrity Wu Nuor for deceiving her. He Huan recorded the hotline but realized that there were no reporters available in the station. Bai Yang received a message informing her that the person seeking Yang Shiping's explanation was in the conference room. She immediately left the financial product launch event and Ren Jie, sensitive to news, followed her. He found Bai Yang disguised as a janitor, with her phone placed on the janitor's cleaning trolley, recording the scene inside the conference room through the window. When she was almost discovered by the security guard, Ren Jie stepped in to help her. In the end, they reached a cooperation agreement, and Bai Yang made a copy of the video for him, resolving He Huan's issue.

A female viewer called again, this time in a somewhat emotional breakdown, threatening to jump from the thirty-third floor if no reporter arrived within half an hour. The station's reporters had all been sent out by Bai Yang, so He Huan had to go personally. Liu Chunyan insisted on going with her as a human life was at stake. After the press conference, it was time for questions from the reporters. Ren Jie asked a question about Xin Lei's product, but Professor Yang Shiping refused to answer. Then, it was Bai Yang's turn, and she also hit the sore spot, but she phrased her question differently, making Yang Shiping struggle to respond. As for Zero Zero Fa's stock, Yang Shiping pretended to be clueless. As for those stock investors who bought Wei Fei's non-ferrous metal stocks and ended up losing everything, Yang Shiping had nothing to say.

Bai Yang and Ren Jie dropped the red envelopes they received earlier and had someone take the camera away. He Huan took Liu Chunyan to interview the female viewer and learned the whole story. The most serious thing was that this woman was deceived out of a large sum of money by someone claiming to be "Wu Nuor" on WeChat. Qiao Qiao asked the makeup artist and Zhao Yuanyuan which dress she should wear for hosting the party, and Zhao Yuanyuan suggested a red one. Qiao Qiao was busy with the rehearsal for the party and helped Zhao Yuanyuan host the "Real Estate Online" program on Saturday and Sunday, which Zhao Yuanyuan readily agreed to. After a busy day, Bai Yang arranged for her subordinates to organize the news report sequence. At this time, she received a call from Director Zou, ordering a halt to all news coverage related to Yang Shiping and Xin Lei products.

Without any reason, the news was stopped, and Bai Yang scolded her subordinates, not even sparing Liu Chunyan and He Huan because they were not at their posts to receive the news hotline after ten o'clock. He Huan strongly refuted her and bluntly stated that this matter had nothing to do with Liu Chunyan. If Bai Yang couldn't stand it, she could just fire her. Later, Bai Yang went to review the footage and saw the material that He Huan uploaded around one o'clock in the afternoon. Only then did she know that He Huan had gone out with Liu Chunyan to interview and expose the person involved in Wu Nuor's news. Bai Yang immediately called He Huan, and He Huan allowed her to use the material for tonight's news headline. However, the condition was that Bai Yang had to apologize to everyone she scolded earlier, including He Huan herself. Bai Yang knew that she was in the wrong, so she agreed.

He Huan came back, and everyone accepted Bai Yang's sincere apology. Afterward, He Huan immersed herself in work again, promising to edit the material in half an hour. Jiang Junhao found out that Ou Zimo lied and skipped class, but he didn't blame him and even gave him advice. Because of this, Ou Zimo's attitude towards Jiang Junhao improved significantly. He Huan finally put aside her pride and decided to sell all those luxury handbags. She was full of confidence in life, and her whole demeanor changed. Even the station's Secretary Huang praised her, and the news she reported became a hot topic, with hundreds of news media outlets reposting the "News on Air" report.

Episode 12 Recap

Bai Yang told Director Zou that the news that went viral was entirely He Huan's doing, so she suggested transferring He Huan to become a reporter. Unfortunately, Director Qiu stated that the superior had just issued a notice that no new reporters could be added to the news center. Bai Yang tried hard to persuade Director Zou to observe He Huan's performance in interviews. Although He Huan wasn't qualified to be an anchor yet, her demonstrated interviewing and editing abilities had already surpassed most reporters. Director Zou eventually agreed, and Bai Yang wrote an application for personnel, which he personally submitted to the channel center. Not long after, He Huan was promoted to a reporter, but Bai Yang didn't mention her contribution to the matter, and even said that Director Zou helped He Huan with the application.

The reason for doing this, Bai Yang said, was that having rivals would make one grow faster. He Huan headed to the anchor desk, secretly determined to return to the ranks of anchors. Zhao Yuanyuan returned home and saw the book "Kafka on the Shore," suddenly realizing how she should express her apology to Liu Chunyan. Today, Bai Yang heard the name of the salted fish from He Huan. When she got home at night, she visited He Huan's homepage and bought an expensive handbag. Recently, the Channel Editorial Committee has praised the performance of "News on Air," and Bai Yang openly credited He Huan for it. He Huan delivered two news reports every day, and the quality was exceptional. Zhao Yuanyuan's package sent to Liu Chunyan was returned intact, leaving her feeling troubled.

The first trial verdict came out, and the court denied He Huan and Ou Kaige's divorce. He Huan asked her lawyer if the result would change if she filed a second lawsuit. The lawyer said that generally, after filing a second lawsuit, the court would grant the divorce. The director of the evening party, Cao, had very demanding requirements for Qiao Qiao, so she complained to Zhao Yuanyuan. Zhao Yuanyuan kindly told her about Cao's weakness, and Qiao Qiao tried as she suggested, and it worked. Passing by a girl with a cute cat, Zhao Yuanyuan played with it, but Qiao Qiao was afraid. It turned out she was allergic to cat hair and would get rashes if she came into contact with it. Ou Zimo skipped class again, and this time He Huan left work early and found her son lying and skipping class.

He Huan was on high alert and brought her son upstairs for education, with Jiang Junhao trying to persuade her but ended up being scolded by He Huan. Ou Zimo obediently wrote a self-criticism letter, and He Huan received a phone call and went downstairs. Jiang Junhao cooked the meal and said reasonable things, so He Huan brought the meal upstairs for Ou Zimo to eat. Zhao Yuanyuan invited Cao for a meal and learned from her that the evening party was scheduled late because Qiao Qiao lacked experience. Some words involved professional terms, and Qiao Qiao frequently made mistakes, so Cao had the script revised. There were no problems during today's rehearsal, but if anything happened on the live day, it would be disastrous. While Cao was in the restroom, Zhao Yuanyuan secretly took her phone, sent the new script to her WeChat, and then deleted the sending record quietly.

Zhao Yuanyuan executed the plan without anyone noticing, and that night she diligently memorized the new script. He Huan took Ou Zimo to participate in the election for the Little Chairman and saw a different side of her son. Two hours before the evening party started, the script changed, and Qiao Qiao was very distressed. Zhao Yuanyuan provided her with a technique that was less likely to go wrong. Just as the evening party was about to start, Qiao Qiao's face suddenly broke out in rashes, making it impossible for her to go on stage. Zhao Yuanyuan had just finished hosting the weekend edition of "Real Estate Online," so Cao suggested that she replace Qiao Qiao as the host of the evening party. Zhao Yuanyuan assured everyone that she could remember all the names and titles of the guests who would appear on stage within five minutes.

Episode 13 Recap

Secretary Huang immediately decided to have Zhao Yuanyuan replace Qiao Qiao as the host of the evening party, so everyone gathered around Zhao Yuanyuan, which made Qiao Qiao feel very upset. At the same time, the election for the Little Chairman that Ou Zimo participated in was also coming to an end, and the next Little Chairman for the following year was Song Luxia, not Ou Zimo. Teacher Wang Manli said that Ou Zimo's fatal mistake was choosing Ding Yiyi instead of Zhou Hangsheng. However, He Huan didn't think it was a fatal mistake since her son chose his most trusted friend. Therefore, He Huan believed that her son should not participate in such utilitarian training classes. Zhao Yuanyuan, with her rich experience, hosted the evening party flawlessly and received praise from the entire channel.

Qiao Qiao was very dissatisfied and suspected that Zhao Yuanyuan played a trick that caused her face to break out in rashes, as she had only mentioned her allergy to animal fur to Zhao Yuanyuan. Although she thought so, she had no concrete evidence. However, Zhao Yuanyuan's attitude towards her remained unchanged, and she even warmly offered to bring her a cream for treating the rashes. Qiao Qiao contacted her cousin and asked if she could return home earlier. Zhao Yuanyuan was happy and treated He Huan to a meal. Although she didn't explicitly state it, she did use some means to reclaim her own position. She doubted if she was a bad person, but He Huan firmly told her that she was only protecting herself, not being a bad person.

He Huan decided to rent out the house and find a small house to rent. When Jiang Junhao learned that he was going to be kicked out again, he refused to agree. He Huan ignored him, and the next day, a real estate agent brought people to visit the house. Jiang Junhao told a small lie and scared the client away. When He Huan came back, she learned about the situation and playfully poured a bucket of water on Jiang Junhao's bed. Teacher Yi contacted Bai Yang and asked her to come to his home tomorrow but didn't reveal the reason. The next day, Bai Yang took a basket of fruit to Yi's home and realized it was a blind date. Ren Jie arrived later, making Bai Yang think that he was the blind date, and she immediately said she would never marry Ren Jie even if she died.

When Ren Jie learned that Yi arranged a blind date for Bai Yang, he immediately praised her in front of the blind date, trying to create a positive image for her. Later, Yi took Ren Jie away, leaving Mr. Tian alone with Bai Yang. Bai Yang told Mr. Tian a few truths, and he was quickly scared away. In front of Yi, Bai Yang argued with Ren Jie, making Yi tired of being in the middle of their argument. Ye Wentian brought some immune-boosting medicine for He Huan's mother and proposed to visit her, and He Huan naturally wouldn't refuse. Ye Wentian asked about Ou Kaige's recent situation, and this time He Huan didn't hide it and admitted that she and Ou Kaige had separated, and he had already left, abandoning his wife and son.

At the hospital, Nurse Zhang mistakenly thought Ye Wentian was He Huan's son-in-law and hurriedly called Jiang Junhao, who then informed Yang and Sun. They rushed to the hospital, burst into the ward, only to find that this man was not Ou Kaige. Ou Kaige owed money and ran away, and He Huan realized that she couldn't keep it a secret any longer, so she had to admit it. He Huan's mother's blood pressure surged, and she fainted directly. Ye Wentian called a doctor to save her. After He Huan's mother was saved, the three of them felt guilty and apologized before leaving. Jiang Junhao stayed behind and explained to He Huan's mother that the three people were talking nonsense.

Episode 14 Recap

He Huan told her parents everything about Ou Kaige. Having already overcome it, she comforted her parents, telling them not to worry about these matters. He Huan asked about her own condition, and she and her father acted to deceive her mother, saying that Director Tong praised her for recovering well. Jiang Junhao hadn't left yet, and he gave Aunt Zhang some money, asking her not to watch over Auntie anymore, but to take good care of her instead. When He Huan came out of the ward, Jiang Junhao explained and apologized, and He Huan's emotions stabilized; she was no longer angry. Ye Wentian told someone that He Huan still didn't know Ou Kaige's whereabouts. Yang Shiping encountered some trouble and missed the merger, but Ye Wentian said that there's still Lao Wang, as long as the market remains, everything is possible.

When He Huan returned home, she was once again startled by Jiang Junhao's two pet lizards, and to make matters worse, one of the lizards ran into her study. Jiang Junhao and Ou Zimo went in to search and accidentally saw two faxes sent from abroad on the computer. He Huan looked serious after reading them and checked the computer, only to discover that a year ago, Ou Kaige had used overseas financial software to buy crude oil futures. He encountered the only negative settlement price since the launch of crude oil futures and eventually went bankrupt. Ou Kaige lost over 20 million, and He Huan was completely unaware of such a big matter, feeling self-deprecating. Ou Zimo wanted the two lizards to accompany him, and Jiang Junhao agreed, patiently teaching Ou Zimo to care more for He Huan.

On the second day, Jiang Junhao told He Huan that he decided to send the two lizards away so they wouldn't scare her anymore. As for the house, He Huan said he could continue living in the guest room on the first floor as a condition for renting the house, but Jiang Junhao refused. Based on his observations of He Huan during this time, he believed that she was not the same kind of person as Ou Kaige, who owed money and ran away, so he trusted that she wouldn't be associated with him. Later, He Huan moved out, but she didn't expect Jiang Junhao to live across the hall from them. He Huan thought he deliberately came to monitor her, but Jiang Junhao said he couldn't bear to part with Ou Zimo. However, He Huan didn't believe his words at all.

The TV station received a hotline call from Mr. Lin, reporting that Dadi Chunxiao's luxury houses were using shoddy materials. Reporters Liu Jiangchun and Bai Yang from the group went to Dadi Chunxiao, but they didn't realize that Mr. Lin was just using them. After achieving his goal, Tang Shaohuai gave him money, and Mr. Lin immediately blocked the reporters without saying a word, even ignoring their calls. The two reporters reported the situation to Bai Yang, who then pretended to be from Dadi Real Estate's finance department and called Mr. Lin, confirming that he had been paid off. Then, Bai Yang asked He Huan to disguise with her and go to Dadi Real Estate for an investigation. He Huan posed as the wife of a billionaire, and Bai Yang acted as her assistant.

The two of them worked seamlessly together, with He Huan responsible for diverting the sales staff's attention while Bai Yang used a thermos cup with a hidden camera to record evidence. When they almost got caught, He Huan used a trick, and they narrowly escaped. In their more than ten years of working together, they had cooperated in undercover investigations and encountered many unbelievable things, but they always managed to turn dangers into safety. Tang Shaohuai recognized Bai Yang and He Huan from the surveillance footage and immediately realized they were journalists. Qiao Qiao intentionally put her conversation with her cousin Lan Yu on speaker for Zhao Yuanyuan to hear, falling into her trap.

Episode 15 Recap

Zhao Yuanyuan rushed to the meeting place of Zhou Jiaqi and Lan Yu. Tang Shaohuai contacted her several times, but she hung up the calls. Tang Shaohuai used his trump card, saying that he planned to invest two million in advertising at Jiangdu TV Station and asked her to contact him immediately. Zhao Yuanyuan saw the messages but didn't reply right away. When she walked in, she saw Lan Yu trying to get close to Zhou Jiaqi, and Zhou Jiaqi abandoned her without hesitation for Lan Yu. At that moment, Zhao Yuanyuan was furious, but she didn't lose her temper. Her phone vibrated, and it was Tang Shaohuai calling. After going out, she finally answered Tang Shaohuai's call and learned that he needed her help. If things worked out, he would immediately sign a two million advertising contract with Jiangdu TV Station.

Lan Yu achieved her goal, changed the topic, and distanced herself from Zhou Jiaqi. She showed him a photo of her and her fiancé, making Zhou Jiaqi give up on pursuing her. Zhao Yuanyuan's company found Tang Shaohuai and recognized the journalists He Huan in the surveillance footage and the producer and host Bai Yang of "News in Progress." Tang Shaohuai told Zhao Yuanyuan that he was in a difficult situation and had to reduce the cost of the luxury decorations for the sake of the company's profit. Initially, Zhao Yuanyuan thought what he was doing was deceptive, but this time, Tang Shaohuai did encounter a problem. He repeatedly increased the advertising fee, hoping that Zhao Yuanyuan would agree. Zhao Yuanyuan said that if she could raise the advertising budget to three million, perhaps she could convince Director Qiu to help.

Zhao Yuanyuan persuaded Director Qiu, and the two of them confronted Director Zou together. After much persuasion, Director Zou agreed to consider it. Zhao Yuanyuan worried that Director Zou might pretend to agree with them but secretly broadcast the news. Director Qiu also had this concern and rushed to the Editorial Committee for help. He called Bai Yang out and explained the situation. Bai Yang naturally disagreed with postponing the report, but right after that, the Editor-in-Chief's office called Director Qiu's phone. Bai Yang was very angry but had to obey the arrangement and temporarily suspend all reports on Dadi Real Estate. Upon learning that He Huan's mother needed targeted therapy, Bai Yang allowed He Huan to leave work early and not come in tomorrow; she would write the report herself.

The cost of one course of targeted therapy for He Huan's mother was around 50,000 yuan. During this period, He Huan's father had already used up all their savings, and there was no more money for the targeted therapy. But He Huan said she would find a way. Zhao Yuanyuan contacted Tang Shaohuai; she had successfully completed what he entrusted to her, and he also promised to sign the contract with Jiangdu TV Station and pay the money as soon as possible. Zhou Jiaqi frequently contacted Zhao Yuanyuan, and although she answered his calls, she deleted all his contact information after hearing his usual apologies. After He Huan came back from work, both Ou Zimo and Jiang Junhao could tell that she was very tired. Zhao Yuanyuan and Bai Yang couldn't reach He Huan because she was worrying about her mother's targeted therapy costs.

He Huan went to apply for a loan, but because she couldn't provide collateral, the interest rate would be higher. She didn't make an immediate decision and said she needed to think it over. Bai Yang informed her subordinates to suspend the reporting on Dadi Real Estate, and all video materials and materials were to be kept in their own hands. Her colleagues celebrated Zhao Yuanyuan's signing of a big contract, but Bai Yang publicly accused Zhao Yuanyuan of harming the interests of the news center by signing with the client. Zhao Yuanyuan met with Zhang Ke and learned from him that Bai Yang hadn't given up on the news about Dadi Real Estate. After seeing some posts exposing the inside story of Dadi Real Estate's luxury houses, Tang Shaohuai investigated and asked his subordinates about the matter.

Episode 16 Recap

Now, more than a dozen self-media outlets have set their sights on Dadi Real Estate. Tang Shaohuai is worried that the video evidence might be leaked, so he called Zhao Yuanyuan, asking her to help delete all the videos in the hands of the journalists. If she can do it, then the advertising investment of Dadi Real Estate at Jiangdu TV Station can be increased to five million. Five million is not a small amount, and Zhao Yuanyuan is tempted, saying that she will consider it. Unable to reach He Huan, Zhao Yuanyuan went to the office of "News in Progress" to find her and learned from Liu Chunyan that He Huan had taken a day off and didn't come to work today. He Huan called her back, and Zhao Yuanyuan immediately rushed to the hospital.

Zhao Yuanyuan discussed the matter with He Huan and hoped that she would delete the incriminating evidence against Dadi Real Estate. She also said that if they succeeded, she would share half of the advertising commission with He Huan. He Huan insisted on her principles and bottom line and refused Zhao Yuanyuan's request. Without her help, Zhao Yuanyuan lost an opportunity to secure her position. Feeling somewhat sorry, He Huan softened her tone and said she would consider it. The next day, a hot search about the shoddy work at a real estate construction site had gone viral. Bai Yang and Director Zou fought for this news to be broadcasted tonight, and she provided the original data. Director Qiu strongly advocated for it at the meeting, persuading the leaders to agree to air this news. But at this critical moment, the news materials and original videos disappeared without a trace.

The news was saved by He Huan, and she uploaded the materials. Bai Yang remembered that Zhao Yuanyuan had looked for He Huan today, so she naturally assumed that He Huan had deleted the news. He Huan repeatedly emphasized that she didn't delete the video materials, but misunderstood, she left expressionless and went home directly. He Huan was still angry when she encountered Jiang Junhao, who said he wanted to do a program. She angrily criticized Jiang Junhao for producing programs of low quality that compromised the audience's aesthetics. Jiang Junhao was not angry, feeling confused about the situation. From his unintentional remark, He Huan recalled that she had previously taught Liu Chunyan about physical preservation and copied the videos to a flash drive.

The Editorial Committee agreed to resume the investigation of Dadi Real Estate's luxury houses, but Bai Yang said that the undercover materials had been deleted. Following the procedures, Bai Yang submitted an application to dismiss He Huan, and whether to sign and report it was up to Director Qiu. On the other side, Director Qiu and Zhao Yuanyuan were also trying to stop the broadcast of the news about Dadi Real Estate. He Huan and Liu Chunyan found the flash drive containing the video, luckily, there were still video materials on it. Seeing this, Bai Yang put aside her grudges and asked He Huan to quickly edit this news. Zhao Yuanyuan organized the data, but Director Qiu received a WeChat message from Director Zou, learning that due to technical issues, the news about Dadi Real Estate couldn't be broadcasted as planned.

After the first news was broadcasted, He Huan finally finished editing the news. Bai Yang and Zhang Ke directly used the second set of lines to introduce the news about Dadi Real Estate's luxury houses. Zhao Yuanyuan brought the contract for Tang Shaohuai to sign, but when Tang Shaohuai was about to sign, he saw the news broadcasted on "News in Progress" and was so angry that he threw down the pen. Bai Yang revoked the application to dismiss He Huan and went to the hospital to see He Huan's mother, apologizing to He Huan as well. He Huan admitted that Zhao Yuanyuan had come to her, but she didn't agree because her original intention as a journalist had never changed. In the end, He Huan generously forgave Bai Yang. Director Qiu realized that Director Zou had played him and had a big argument with him. He Huan brought her son, who was playing at Jiang Junhao's house, back and apologized to him for her bad attitude today. At Jiang Junhao's request, He Huan reviewed his program video and pointed out the problems bluntly.

Episode 17 Recap

He Huan told Jiang Junhao that the most fatal flaw in his videos was that he didn't really understand the essence of food. He Huan has a profound literary background and is well aware of the origins of Jiang Junhao's "Three Jidi Soup," as well as "Dongpo Pork" and "Yu Xiang Rou Si." Jiang Junhao found it very novel and kept asking He Huan for advice like a knowledge-seeking elementary school student. The news was broadcasted, but the contract couldn't be signed. Zhao Yuanyuan was directly blamed and felt extremely upset. At this moment, Zhou Jiaqi was waiting for her in the parking lot of the residential area, apologizing and seeking reconciliation. However, Zhao Yuanyuan refused, stating that they had already broken up. Zhou Jiaqi regretted deeply and vowed never to break up with her. Zhao Yuanyuan returned home with a complicated mood.

The latest comprehensive evaluation came out, and "News in Progress" returned to the top position. The journalists, editors, and other program staff were very happy. The Editorial Committee held a meeting, and Director Qiu, with emotions, announced his decision to resign as the director of the Advertising Center. Director Zou explained, telling his reasons. Secretary Huang sternly criticized Director Qiu, making him realize his impulsiveness, so he withdrew his resignation. Director Qiu calmed down, and Secretary Huang reminded both the Advertising Center and the News Center's heads to balance economic benefits and social benefits. Although it's challenging, Director Qiu also understood the importance of doing so, so he no longer pursued the matter of the five million advertisements.

He Huan went to find Zhao Yuanyuan and, with a little probing, Zhao Yuanyuan revealed her true colors, admitting that she had logged into the system using He Huan's account and password and deleted the relevant videos. Zhao Yuanyuan's actions were like digging a pit for He Huan. He Huan decided to report this to Bai Yang, but when she saw the car that Zhao Yuanyuan had bought, she suddenly remembered that Zhao Yuanyuan had extended her help to her. So, in the end, she didn't tell Bai Yang that Zhao Yuanyuan did it. The next day, when she went to work, He Huan received a transfer of 30,000 yuan in her card. After inquiring with the finance department, she learned that it was the commission from Lin Du Home Furnishing. A month ago, Zhao Yuanyuan had submitted a form with He Huan's name, and He Huan immediately understood what had happened.

He Huan told Zhao Yuanyuan that she wouldn't report her and made this matter a secret between them. Zhao Yuanyuan was deeply moved. After He Huan left last night, she felt very uneasy, but not because she feared losing her job, but because she was afraid of losing He Huan as a friend. He Huan forgave her and even made an advertising plan for her, believing that this was a perfect opportunity for Zhao Yuanyuan to win the Dadi Real Estate client. Zhao Yuanyuan was deeply touched. Bai Yang's application was approved, and He Huan officially became a reporter for "News in Progress." She thanked Bai Yang for this opportunity. After the recording of "Real Estate Online," Zhao Yuanyuan received a WeChat message from Zhang Ke, who knew that she deleted the videos, and all he wanted was a date with her.

Liu Chunyan saw that Zhang Ke canceled the evening live broadcast and made many preparations for the rare date, feeling uneasy. She exposed that it was Zhao Yuanyuan who deleted the materials. He Huan asked her not to interfere in this matter anymore. Zhou Jiaqi waited for Zhao Yuanyuan to get off work, but he saw her getting into Zhang Ke's car, so he followed them in his car. Zhang Ke had carefully prepared for this rare date, and Zhao Yuanyuan, not being naive, could tell that Zhang Ke had put in a lot of effort.

Episode 18 Recap

To thank He Huan for her guidance, Jiang Junhao prepared a table of delicious dishes to express his gratitude. Seeing that one of Jiang Junhao's videos had many views and plays, He Huan couldn't help but wonder where the problem with her program was. Zhang Ke found an excellent Sichuan cuisine restaurant with an elegant setting, and he chose the best spot with the best view in the restaurant for his date with Zhao Yuanyuan. It was evident that he put a lot of thought into preparing for the date. Zhou Jiaqi followed them to the mall, searching for the restaurant floor by floor. Zhao Yuanyuan thought that Zhang Ke was being so nice to her out of concern for a friend and didn't realize that he liked her.

Jiang Junhao had become friends with He Huan and took care of Ou Zimo, helping to ease He Huan's burden. After the meal, there were desserts. Zhang Ke was considerate even with the desserts, writing a line related to Zhao Yuanyuan's name on them. In addition, there was a violin performance, and the atmosphere was set. Zhang Ke confessed his feelings to Zhao Yuanyuan. At this moment, Zhou Jiaqi rushed out and punched Zhang Ke, then brought out a canned beverage, made a hole in the can, and knelt down to propose to Zhao Yuanyuan. In the end, Zhao Yuanyuan still loved him and accepted Zhou Jiaqi's proposal. Zhang Ke, furious, left. Ou Kaige called and told Ye Wentian that he might be coming back soon. The channel leaders were not there, and no one signed, so this month's salary had not been paid, affecting everyone's work enthusiasm. He Huan applied for an extension to repay the creditor.

Director Zou went to find Director Qiu and saw the intravenous needle in his hand, knowing that he had just returned from the hospital. Lao Zou reminded him that health was the most important. Bai Yang went to find Director Zou to inquire about the salary issue. Director Zou said that it was just a delayed payment, not a non-payment. He also reminded Bai Yang that all departments in the channel were interconnected, and they should share both glory and loss. The Debt Collection Alliance held a meeting, and except for Jiang Junhao, the other three disagreed with He Huan's request for an extension to repay the debt. Zhao Yuanyuan went for an outside recording and went to the dressing room to do her makeup. Her chat with Xiao Jiang was overheard by Qiao Qiao. After learning that Zhao Yuanyuan and Zhou Jiaqi had reconciled and that Zhou Jiaqi had proposed to her, Qiao Qiao felt indignant. Zhang Ke hadn't finished blow-drying his hair and left angrily. Zhao Yuanyuan chased after him and apologized, telling him that he deserved a better girl.

Back at his workstation, Zhang Ke was filled with resentment, and Liu Chunyan happened to confront him and got scolded. Liu Chunyan learned from her colleagues that Zhao Yuanyuan had reunited with her ex-boyfriend and rejected Zhang Ke. She felt even more convinced that Zhao Yuanyuan was a troublemaker. Zhao Yuanyuan took the proposal plan to Tang Shaohuai, who said that he could forgive her as long as she offered herself to him. Zhao Yuanyuan was furious, scolding him as a scumbag, and left without looking back. Tang Shaohuai's joke indeed went too far, and he had someone bring Zhao Yuanyuan back again. After reviewing the plan, Tang Shaohuai and his subordinates all thought it was good. If they could leverage this wave of popularity and raise Dadi Real Estate's visibility, it would be equivalent to saving the company a significant advertising cost.

He Huan went to apply for a job as a preschool broadcasting and hosting teacher at an institution, but unfortunately, the educational institution currently had no teacher recruitment plan. Coincidentally, today's teacher didn't come to class, and several parents were complaining at the door. He Huan took the courage to enter and taught the children. The parents recognized her as a TV anchor and asked the principal to transfer their children to He Huan's class. Seeing this, the principal immediately arranged for the paperwork for He Huan's employment after the class.

Episode 19 Recap

After finishing her class, He Huan took on a part-time job as a designated driver. Unexpectedly, her client turned out to be the parent of her son Ou Zimo's classmate, Zi Han. The three of them recognized He Huan as Ou Zimo's mother, making He Huan feel a bit embarrassed. Zi Han's mother could tell that He Huan didn't want to reveal her identity, so she reminded her husband and son not to expose He Huan's true identity. After dropping them off, Zi Han's mother knew about He Huan's difficulties and gave her a tip. Although He Huan felt a bit awkward doing designated driving for two days, she endured it all for the sake of her life and her child.

Zhou Jiaqi took Zhao Yuanyuan to buy a diamond ring, but he didn't tell his mother the truth. Zhao Yuanyuan asked him when he planned to tell his parents, and Zhou Jiaqi, as before, kept evading her. After finishing work, He Huan returned home, where Jiang Junhao was taking care of Ou Zimo, who had already gone to bed. The next day, He Huan went to pick up her son from school, but he seemed upset. When she asked, she found out that Zi Han, her son's classmate, had told him about her doing designated driving, which made Ou Zimo feel embarrassed in front of his classmates. Ou Zimo didn't want to be poor; he wanted to live the life they had before. He Huan didn't scold him but calmly told him that although they couldn't go back to their old life, they could find happiness like before. He Huan now lived with her son, and though they were struggling, she faced setbacks and difficulties with a positive attitude. She had her own methods of educating her son, so Ou Zimo quickly forgot his unhappiness.

Director Zou persuaded Bai Yang to attend a dinner party tonight. Bai Yang was reluctant, but Director Zou persuaded her with the financial situation of the channel, and Bai Yang agreed to consider it. Leaving Director Qiu's office, Bai Yang overheard people talking about her behind her back. At that time, she wasn't angry because what they said made some sense. Later, she saw many subordinates worrying about money and arguing with each other. Bai Yang messaged Zhao Yuanyuan, saying that she would attend the dinner party tonight. He Huan discussed the problem with Ou Zimo's mother, and the teacher promised to emphasize in the class that the students shouldn't alienate Ou Zimo because of He Huan's designated driving. The teacher also warned that this situation might lead to Ou Zimo feeling inferior.

During the "Happy Reading" activity at the school, He Huan displayed her profound knowledge and helped many of Ou Zimo's classmates with their questions, helping them win many prizes. Moreover, He Huan told stories to the students, and Ou Zimo's classmates listened with fascination, admiring Ou Zimo for having such a mom and thus improving their attitude towards him. Seeing this, the teacher discussed with He Huan and arranged for her to spend an hour every week telling stories or sharing readings with the students. He Huan readily agreed. At the same time, He Huan taught the children not to be confused by money and career choices in life and not to have biases against others based on money and occupation. She wanted them to grow up to be outstanding individuals.

Zhao Yuanyuan took Bai Yang to the dinner party and dressed her up in a dress, earrings, and high heels. To their surprise, Ren Jie was also present. Ren Jie was skilled in dealing with people, and his words made Tang Shaohuai very happy. Whether intentional or not, Zhao Yuanyuan kept praising Ren Jie, which ignited Bai Yang's competitiveness. She also raised her glass to toast Tang Shaohuai and ended up drinking three glasses.

Episode 20 Recap

Fanzong from Da Di Real Estate came over to propose a toast, and Zhao Yuanyuan helped Bai Yang fend off the alcohol. Tang Shaohuai had a bit too much to drink and lost control, leaning on Bai Yang, but Ren Jie immediately came to her rescue. During the meal, Tang Shaohuai enjoyed himself, and they successfully reached a cooperation agreement. Zhao Yuanyuan called for a designated driver, and when Ren Jie found out that Zhao Yuanyuan would be sending Bai Yang home, he felt relieved. While waiting for the driver, Bai Yang woke up. After this experience, Bai Yang realized that dealing with clients was not easy for Zhao Yuanyuan. Today, they received three hundred thousand yuan in advertising fees, Ren Jie also received thirty thousand yuan, and the other ninety thousand yuan was given to other media. The remaining ninety thousand yuan was given to a popular internet celebrity with millions of followers. It was just something they couldn't avoid since that internet celebrity had such a large fan base.

Coincidentally, the designated driver turned out to be He Huan. Zhao Yuanyuan felt sorry for her, while Bai Yang remained silent. During the ride, Bai Yang began to reflect on herself, but He Huan supported her, saying that Bai Yang didn't do anything wrong in exposing Da Di Real Estate. Zhao Yuanyuan showed her diamond ring to He Huan, and He Huan candidly expressed her thoughts, cautioning against building one's happiness solely on a man and marriage as it could be risky. She believed that when she was Ou Kaige's wife, she was just basking in his glory, but now, as He Huan, she is her own light. At home, He Huan saw her own handbag and told Zhao Yuanyuan that she bought it herself. When she put it up for auction, someone bid for it without bargaining. At that time, He Huan found it strange, but now she realized that Bai Yang was the one who bought the bag.

Zhao Yuanyuan also confessed something to He Huan. The extra 150,000 yuan when they bought the car originally belonged to Bai Yang, but they were having a dispute at that time, so Bai Yang asked Zhao Yuanyuan to give the money to He Huan. Zhao Yuanyuan felt that she didn't have much contact with Bai Yang before and thought she was an unapproachable person, but now she realized that Bai Yang actually had a good heart. Zhao Yuanyuan received a call from Zhou Jiaqi, intending to meet him at Xin Guifang, but after listening to He Huan's words on the way, she decided to go back home. The TV station also launched new media, but the effect wasn't obvious. Secretary Huang reminded Director Zou and Bai Yang to conduct in-depth research from various aspects and submit a report to the station.

Ye Wentian took He Huan to the hospital and asked her if she knew that Ou Kaige had returned. From He Huan's reaction, Ye Wentian could tell that Ou Kaige hadn't contacted her since he returned, so He Huan didn't know about it. While He Huan was talking with Teacher Tong about her mother's condition, a woman rushed into Teacher Tong's office, asking for help for her father. He Huan recognized her as Zheng Xuejian from the photo with Ou Kaige. Zheng Xuejian didn't admit that she knew Ou Kaige, and He Huan didn't reveal the truth in front of her father. She even bought expensive medicine for Zheng Xuejian's father. Zheng Xuejian thanked He Huan for her actions and promised to tell her everything after sending her father away. They also exchanged contact information.

Ye Wentian was originally going to take He Huan home, but when he saw Zheng Xuejian, he was afraid of being recognized and immediately asked the driver to leave. Zhao Yuanyuan used a small trick and met Liu Lindu, giving him a big order and two sets of rare books by Haruki Murakami. In the end, Liu Lindu agreed to attend the dinner party and cooperate with Tang Shaohuai. Liu Lindu didn't like Tang Shaohuai's way of talking, but Zhao Yuanyuan's persuasion didn't work, and a conflict erupted between them. The two men felt embarrassed and apologized to each other before sitting down to continue discussing business. Eventually, the deal was successful. He Huan discovered that Zheng Xuejian's father had passed away and went directly to her house to find her. However, she learned from Zheng Xuejian's mother that she was away on a business trip, and her mother didn't know about her daughter's boyfriend.

Episode 21 Recap

He Huan learned from Zheng Xuejian's mother that Zheng Xuejian didn't have a boyfriend; instead, she was dedicated to making money and bought this second-hand house for her parents with a mortgage. He Huan went to the club but found out that Mr. Zhu had already left, and the new person in charge didn't even know Zheng Xuejian. This made Zheng Xuejian's whereabouts even more mysterious. Jiang Junhao made cookies and specially brought them to He Huan, hoping to cheer her up with desserts. Liu Chunyan received a tip-off hotline about a major news story. A 23-year-old girl committed suicide by jumping off a building due to depression, and her parents suspected that it was caused by frequent overtime work. Liu Chunyan immediately informed He Huan, who took the call, made notes, and then informed Bai Yang. Bai Yang promptly assigned everyone to work on the case.

He Huan was responsible for interviewing the girl's parents, while Ma Chao investigated the information on Xing Kong Company and went there together. Wu Yuanjia went to find relevant lawyers to give some compensation advice to the girl's parents. The rest of the team went to relevant departments, asking for their assistance in reinterpreting the incident from the perspective of labor protection. This news was headline-worthy but not exclusive because the girl's parents had also contacted other news media, including reporters from "On the Scene." He Huan arrived at the address of Ren Zhenzhen's parents and interviewed her mother. Ren's mother accepted the interview, tearfully recounting how her daughter was oppressed by the company's boss, who not only made her work overtime frequently but also deducted her wages and physically abused her. He even colluded with a lawyer from Fangyuan Law Firm and only gave Ren's parents a compensation of 20,000 yuan. He Huan requested the complete original chat records, and Ren's mother hesitated for a moment but eventually agreed to provide them.

At Xing Kong Company, Bai Yang encountered Ren Jie downstairs and was deceived by him to the eighth floor, where Ren Jie went into Xing Kong Company ahead of her. The front desk staff promised to help him ask around, and then Bai Yang arrived. She was about to enter, but she was thrown out by a group of security guards. Bai Yang called He Huan and asked her to check if Ren Zhenzhen's family had the contact numbers of Zhang Weimin or Lawyer Lin. He Huan obtained the contact information and went to Fangyuan Law Firm to find Lawyer Lin. Lawyer Lin said they couldn't interview Mr. Zhang, but He Huan guessed that Zhang Weimin was inside the office, so she deliberately played the recording of Ren's mother's interview. When Zhang heard it, he thought Ren's mother was lying and walked into the office, ignoring the lawyers' obstruction, and agreed to be interviewed by He Huan. Miao Zi didn't understand how He Huan knew that Zhang Weimin was inside, but after He Huan explained a bit, Miao Zi understood. It was evident that He Huan not only had a set of skills as a reporter but also had a keen eye for detail. When Bai Yang told Ren Jie that she was going to Zhang Weimin's hometown, Shuangyang, Ren Jie believed her without any suspicion and drove there but ended up being tricked by Bai Yang.

Zhao Yuanyuan used Zhou Jiaqi's phone to post a marriage proposal on Weibo, and Zhou Jiaqi was bombarded with calls from his uncle and mother. A batch of rice packages from Kirin Group was contaminated, and the rice inside was also tainted. Zhou Jiaqi rushed back to deal with it. Zhao Yuanyuan made up her mind and used the gym's phone to call Ren Jie and provide the tip-off. He Huan interviewed Zhang Weimin, and Bai Yang presented Ren Zhenzhen's attendance records at the company, showing that she worked overtime very frequently. Mr. Zhang claimed that it was Ren Zhenzhen's own request. Faced with Bai Yang's persistent questioning, Mr. Zhang became irritated and emotional during the interview and was pulled away by the lawyers before the interview was finished. Kirin Company's leadership was discussing a solution, and Ren Jie brought people for an interview. Mr. Zhou arranged for Zhou Jiaqi to handle the reporters and claimed that the rumors of the contaminated convenient rice were false.

Episode 22 Recap

After watching the interview video of Ren Zhenzhen's mother repeatedly, He Huan felt something was off. The first issue was why Ren Zhenzhen jumped off at a place other than her workplace. The second was that Ren's mother claimed that Ren Zhenzhen left a suicide note stating that she was forced to death by the company's boss, but He Huan didn't see this suicide note. In any case, there is currently no direct evidence to prove that Ren Zhenzhen's death is related to overtime work. Although all of this does not change the fact that Ren Zhenzhen worked overtime, there seems to be something behind this fact. So, before finding out the truth, He Huan felt that they couldn't solely focus on the issue of overtime culture. Bai Yang listened to her advice and decided to conduct further in-depth interviews with relevant personnel.

Facing the reporters' interviews, Zhou Jiaqi insisted that the contamination of the convenient rice was a rumor, and he claimed ignorance about other questions. Mr. Zhou asked his son to find Zhao Yuanyuan, but Zhou Jiaqi couldn't reach her and had to go to "On the Scene" to find Ren Jie, intending to use advertising as a trade-off to stop them from broadcasting the news. However, Ren Jie, who values news the most, brushed off Zhou Jiaqi's request directly. He Huan contacted Zhang Weimin's lawyer and learned that Mr. Zhang was not willing to be interviewed again. She then called Ren's mother, hoping to get the original chat records of Ren Zhenzhen's conversation as soon as possible. Ren's mother stalled for time, citing an ongoing interview.

Seeing that "On the Scene" had already released a preview, Bai Yang couldn't hold back and decided to headline the overtime culture issue that night. He Huan's persuasion was in vain, so she asked Bai Yang to remove her name from the list of reporting journalists. That night, "News Now" achieved the highest ratings in five years, and the official Weibo exploded. At the same time, the news about the contamination of convenient rice by "On the Scene" received relatively less attention. Bai Yang acknowledged He Huan's significant contribution to the success of the news and asked her to take two days off. As a result, He Huan left work early that day. Jiang Junhao noticed that He Huan's mood was not good and took her out to stroll around the neighborhood, singing together, which lifted He Huan's spirits.

After attending his classmate's birthday party, Ou Zimo, He Huan, and Jiang Junhao went to pick him up. Ou Zimo's classmates' parents mistook Jiang Junhao as He Huan's eldest son. Jiang Junhao played a prank by publicly calling He Huan "mom," which made He Huan's face turn black. Just as Kirin Company thought that the matter had passed, some self-media forwarded the news from "On the Scene." Two online influencers also reposted it, causing public opinion to reverse suddenly. Many interviewers flooded into Kirin Group, even the health supervision and law enforcement team came. Zhou Jiaqi had never seen such a situation and couldn't handle it, so Zhao Yuanyuan came with a response plan to help him calm down the media and stabilize the situation.

Zhao Yuanyuan convinced Mr. Zhou to stay for the press conference. After reviewing the plan and hearing Zhao Yuanyuan's handling method, he recognized her abilities and appointed her as the temporary PR director of Kirin Group. The company's management system was opened to her at the highest level. At the press conference, Zhao Yuanyuan provided precise answers for Mr. Zhou and his son. The press conference ended successfully, and the public was satisfied with Kirin Group's apology and acknowledgment of wrongdoing, reducing the news heat significantly. Despite this, Zhao Yuanyuan didn't relax and continued to closely monitor public opinion with the crisis PR team. The company's subordinates knew that Zhao Yuanyuan was Zhou Jiaqi's girlfriend and called her "Mrs. Zhou," acknowledging her identity.

Episode 23 Recap

Zhao Yuanyuan, this time, successfully gained the recognition of Zhou Jiaqi's parents with her abilities. Without her, Kirin Group's crisis might not have been handled so well. He Huan went to see Ren Zhenzhen's parents again, but she saw the three of them packing up their belongings. She asked for the original chat records, but Ren's mother refused with various excuses. She even took out her daughter's photo from the frame, leaving only the frame and discarding the photo of her deceased daughter. Before leaving in a hurry, Ren's mother reminded He Huan to send them more news because the donations in the past few days had obviously decreased. He Huan took back the photo, feeling that this matter was becoming more and more complicated. Zhao Yuanyuan showed the plan to He Huan, and He Huan helped her make a few changes.

Regarding the recent in-depth and strongly reacted series of reports on "News Now," the channel's editorial committee decided to commend the program group of "News Now" and reward them with a bonus of 5,000 yuan. The program group planned to have a dinner celebration tonight, but He Huan didn't go. She was still investigating the true cause of Ren Zhenzhen's death. Jiang Junhao recognized the birthday cake in the photo of Ren Zhenzhen and contacted a friend who made birthday cakes. Unfortunately, this friend had already sold the cake shop. They had the name, phone number, and contact information, but they didn't know when they would find them. Ren Jie resigned from "On the Scene" and decided to join new media. Bai Yang immediately called him and scolded him as a traitor.

Ren Jie saw the future trend, so he made this choice. He hoped Bai Yang would join new media with him, but Bai Yang firmly refused. Even though she knew this was a battle she would ultimately lose, Bai Yang would give it her all. Zhao Yuanyuan went to shoot footage of the Spring Dawn neighborhood's renovation site and happened to see Liu Lindu, who was doing the design work. She pulled him over for an interview. Unfortunately, Liu Lindu had no social skills, and Zhao Yuanyuan had to show several awkward smiles during the interview. While shooting the empty scenes, Zhao Yuanyuan avoided the workers but accidentally fell into a mud pit. Liu Lindu tried to pull her out but ended up falling in as well. Zhao Yuanyuan found it funny that someone as meticulous and germophobic as Liu Lindu fell into the same mud pit with her, and their faces were covered in mud.

He Huan's mother's condition improved again, and her father was happy, taking her out to celebrate. While he went to answer He Huan's call on the side, He Huan's mother saw the chat records on the tablet and realized that she had lung cancer. She disappeared suddenly. Jiang Junhao learned from Ou Zimo that He Huan's mother was an actress and went to Jiangdu Theater to find her. He did find her sitting on the stage, replaying her life in her mind. Throughout her life, she acted in plays but never played the leading role nor stood in the center. Even the end of her life was marked by lung cancer. Many years ago, she finally got the leading role in "Sunrise," but just before going on stage, her voice suddenly went hoarse, and she lost her only chance to play the female lead.

He Huan suggested that today, at this moment, on this stage, they reenact "Sunrise" from years ago to make up for her mother's regret. He Huan's father and He Huan performed together with her, and Jiang Junhao and Ou Zimo watched as the audience. He Huan's mother acted with great authenticity, as if she was truly the Chen Bailing from Cao Yu's pen. Even Jiang Junhao and Ou Zimo in the audience were deeply absorbed in the performance.

Episode 24 Recap

Taking advantage of acting in the play, He Huan encouraged her mother, saying that the best role she played in her life was being a mom. He Huan's words deeply moved her mother, but she thought her time was limited. He Huan informed her that targeted therapy was effective, and the disease was under control, with her condition improving. Jiang Junhao, with Ou Zimo, watched from below and recorded the scene on his phone. Zhao Yuanyuan took He Huan to host the high-level forum, but unexpectedly, the public relations head from Pengcheng PR pulled Zhao Yuanyuan aside, informing her that the organizers had replaced her with a female internet celebrity as the host. Zhao Yuanyuan was angry because He Huan had prepared a lot for the forum. He Huan, however, was not upset, and before leaving, Zhao Yuanyuan asked the PR head for He Huan's share of the remuneration.

As the female internet celebrity passed by them, He Huan and Zhao Yuanyuan stopped to watch her performance. They noticed that she misread the character "藏" (cáng) and appeared very uncultured. Zhao Yuanyuan couldn't help but laugh at the fact that the client preferred to use someone like her instead of the experienced He Huan. Bai Yang's cousin introduced her to a former elementary school classmate, Liu Chunyan, but Liu Chunyan didn't like Chen Zishui and quickly left. After work, He Huan returned home and heard Jiang Junhao doing a live stream. After he finished, He Huan asked for his help to diagnose her program. Zhou Jiaqi's mother took Zhao Yuanyuan to the female entrepreneur fashion awards ceremony and publicly announced that she was her son Zhou Jiaqi's girlfriend and a TV station host.

Jiang Junhao watched He Huan's program video and told her that her program felt like a class to the audience rather than a conversation between friends. As a result, there was an unequal relationship between He Huan and the audience, making it difficult for the audience to accept the format. Then Jiang Junhao recorded a video for He Huan, and right from the start, he saw where the problem was. However, maybe due to unclear wording, He Huan didn't quite understand his meaning. Jiang Junhao used his own video style as an example, and He Huan thought his style and state were excellent. Jiang Junhao indeed had his way of pleasing the audience, so He Huan wanted to learn from him. Zhao Yuanyuan worked hard at the ceremony and drank quite a bit, realizing that her job wasn't easy.

Jiang Junhao provided He Huan with a lot of information to help her better understand the platform's audience. A friend helped him find Eve's contact information and address, but He Huan couldn't reach her on the phone, so she went directly to her place. Eve's real name was An Xiaohui, and at first, she refused He Huan's interview until He Huan showed her a photo of An Xiaohui and Ren Zhenzhen. Only then did An Xiaohui open the door and let He Huan in. From An Xiaohui, He Huan learned that it wasn't Zhang Zong who forced Ren Zhenzhen to her death but rather Ren Zhenzhen's vampire mother. Based on the information provided by An Xiaohui, He Huan found Ren Zhenzhen's former Weibo account. Liu Lindu changed his schedule through his secretary and went to Daye Chunxiao. To his surprise, the live stream host was not Zhao Yuanyuan; she had taken a day off to take wedding photos.

He Huan made a news report but instead of uploading it directly, she sent it to Bai Yang's email for her to review first. He Huan wanted Bai Yang to make the final decision on how to handle this news. Zhang Weimin took Ren Zhenzhen's mother hostage and threatened to jump from a building. As soon as He Huan received the call, she rushed to the scene, followed by Ren Jie, Bai Yang, and various media. He Huan wore a safety rope and approached Zhang Zong, trying to persuade him. A man with no sense of morality tried to provoke Zhang Weimin to jump, but Bai Yang scolded him. Jiang Junhao saw the news online and immediately went to the scene.

Episode 25 Recap

Zhao Yuanyuan also received the news and immediately left Zhou Jiaqi to rush to the scene. At this moment, Zhang Zong's emotions were very agitated, and He Huan tried her best to calm him down, showing him the live news of "News in Progress" on her phone, proving that the program had been investigating the matter and clearing his name. Zhang Weimin eventually calmed down and was escorted away from the scene by firefighters. However, Ren's mother couldn't accept the fact that her true identity had been exposed and argued with He Huan. In the process, she accidentally fell. Instinctively, He Huan reached out to pull her, and the two of them fell together, with the safety rope instantly tightening. He Huan and Ren's mother were left hanging in a precarious state. Jiang Junhao and Zhao Yuanyuan arrived one after the other, seeing this scene, their hearts were in their mouths.

Fortunately, everything turned out to be fine. He Huan and Ren's mother were rescued, and their lives were not in danger. However, when He Huan fell, her arm scraped against the wall, resulting in a soft tissue injury, and she was taken to the hospital by an ambulance. Bai Yang cried; she couldn't forgive herself if something happened to He Huan. Zhao Yuanyuan and Bai Yang rode in the ambulance together, taking He Huan to the hospital. Jiang Junhao later came to the hospital and accompanied Zhao Yuanyuan to send He Huan back home. Bai Yang returned to the station first to deal with the remaining work. He Huan urged Jiang Junhao not to tell Ou Zimo about this incident, and he agreed, but he had conditions. Unfortunately, He Huan couldn't guarantee that the next time wouldn't be as dangerous. After all, she was a reporter, and she would go wherever the news was, and anything could happen.

Jiang Junhao didn't insist further, but he had his ways. He showed Ou Zimo the video of He Huan rescuing someone today, and Ou Zimo cried. He Huan softened and promised her son that she wouldn't let such things happen again. The next day, Bai Yang made it to the trending topics, and public opinion was overwhelmingly negative, scolding her as an unethical reporter. Ren Jie told his subordinates not to follow any news about Bai Yang this time. When a colleague makes a mistake, one should be more tolerant and understanding. He Huan went to work and learned from Dongdong that the station's discipline committee had called Bai Yang for questioning. Faced with baseless suspicions, Bai Yang's attitude appeared uncooperative. After the investigation, Bai Yang went on air. Next, it was He Huan's turn to be questioned. After the inquiry, she wrote a guarantee letter.

Apart from the reporters covering stories outside, everyone in the office signed and stamped their handprints, voluntarily vouching for Bai Yang. In this news incident, He Huan's performance was outstanding and praised, but Bai Yang was suspended from work. He Huan and Zhao Yuanyuan went to see Bai Yang, both wanting to help her out of the crisis. However, Bai Yang told them not to worry and just accompany her for a drink tonight. At the drinking place, someone recognized Bai Yang and took her photo, posting it on Weibo. During the editorial committee meeting regarding Bai Yang's case, Director Zou spoke in her defense, stating that if someone had to be fired to appease public anger, he would be the one to do it. After the drinking session, Zhao Yuanyuan went to drive, and several internet celebrities suddenly appeared, wanting to live-stream an interview with Bai Yang, catching He Huan and Bai Yang off guard.

Zhao Yuanyuan and the designated driver hurriedly protected He Huan and Bai Yang and got them into the car. The next morning, Bai Yang received messages from Zhao Yuanyuan and He Huan, but she still went to the TV station to admit her mistake. Ren Jie wanted to help her, but she refused. Bai Yang proposed to resign to Director Qiu, but he rejected it. Instead, Director Qiu promised to let her apologize on tonight's live broadcast of "News in Progress" in the capacity of the show's producer, and He Huan would conduct the interview. Ren Jie sent her a video that could prove she wasn't an unethical reporter, but Bai Yang deleted it.

Episode 26 Recap

Bai Yang appeared on the program "News in Progress" for an exclusive interview with He Huan. She admitted that she did lack consideration in the Ren Zhenzhen incident. Although she felt there were still doubts about the case, she was afraid of falling behind other media outlets and rushed to present a so-called in-depth investigation. Bai Yang sincerely apologized to those who cared about the matter, the audience, and Zhang Zong, bowing to show her remorse. After the show, Bai Yang handed her resignation letter to Director Zou, hoping to make headlines today with the title "An Apology and Self-reflection from a News Worker." She considered it her final contribution to the program. As for the missing female anchor on the show, Bai Yang recommended He Huan. Director Zou said that if she ever wanted to return, she could do so anytime.

Jiang Junhao called a meeting with the remaining three members of the debt collectors' alliance and announced his decision to quit the alliance from today because he had unilaterally fallen in love with He Huan. The three immediately advised him to turn back, as He Huan and Ou Kai had not divorced. As long as they were still married, Jiang Junhao would be equivalent to being a third party. Their words reminded Jiang Junhao, and he decided to try a different approach. He shamelessly joined the class where He Huan was teaching part-time, trying to make himself more noticeable in front of her. After the class, Jiang Junhao discovered that He Huan was also working part-time as a designated driver. Although she didn't do it every day, it was still quite exhausting. Liu Chunyan had a meal with Chen Zishui and emphasized that he wasn't the type she liked, but Chen Zishui didn't get upset and even prepared some cold medicine for her.

Jiang Junhao sympathized with He Huan's hard work to earn money and repay debts, so he modified the contract, changing the monthly repayment from 3,000 yuan to 5 yuan. He Huan improved rapidly, using her solid anchoring foundation and previous experience to quickly stabilize her position as the female anchor of "News in Progress." Everyone felt that He Huan shone brightly on TV, and Jiang Junhao even watched her news broadcasts on his phone without taking his eyes off. Meanwhile, Ou Kaige remained silent, watching He Huan's news. Zhao Yuanyuan's wedding was approaching, and Zhang Ke was in a very low mood, not being present at work. Liu Chunyan was in charge of handing over the on-air announcements to him and found his voice slurred when she contacted him. Going to the backyard, she saw Zhang Ke, heavily drunk during working hours.

Liu Chunyan liked Zhang Ke and didn't want to see him heartbroken because of Zhao Yuanyuan. So she showed him a video she had taken earlier. In the video, Zhao Yuanyuan and Tang Shaohuai were hugging and drinking together, seemingly without any self-awareness of their male-female relationship. Zhang Ke took her phone and sent the video to himself. Zhao Yuanyuan was dining with Zhou Jiaqi's family, and Zhou's mother was very satisfied with her, specially preparing a red envelope for her. Zhao Yuanyuan declined, and Zhou Jiaqi accepted it on her behalf, planning to use it to buy her a gift. Zhao Yuanyuan raised her hand, showing Zhou Jiaqi's parents the ring on her finger. Zhou's mother agreed to their year-end wedding, but Zhou's father thought it was getting close to the year-end with many things to handle. Zhou Jiaqi and Zhao Yuanyuan persuaded him, and Zhou's mother also chimed in.

Zhao Yuanyuan received a call that someone anonymously uploaded the video of her and Tang Shaohuai on a video website. She immediately contacted He Huan to help her suppress the matter. After hanging up the phone, He Huan immediately started dealing with it. Bai Yang got wind of the situation and asked Ren Jie for help. If they could resolve the video issue tonight, it would be ideal, as they were worried it might spread tomorrow.

Episode 27 Recap

On the other side, Zhou Jiaqi's parents were very satisfied with the sensible Zhao Yuanyuan, and Zhou's mother decided to start preparing for Zhao Yuanyuan and Zhou Jiaqi's betrothal gifts. He Huan, Bai Yang, and others actively contacted people to resolve the matter. Liu Chunyan also saw the video online but didn't dare to let Zhang Ke see that she was browsing it.

Originally, Ren Jie had a way to find a shareholder of Dafeng Chui website, but unfortunately, the person happened to be on a flight to the United States. Jiang Junhao learned from He Huan that it was the Dafeng Chui video website, and he confidently said that he knew someone. He immediately called the person and allowed their website to freely repost his video. But the condition was to take down an indecent video of a female anchor accompanying someone for drinks. The person quickly agreed.

The video was deleted, and He Huan notified Zhao Yuanyuan, who finally felt relieved. However, Qiao Qiao saw the indecent video and deliberately asked directly in front of Zhou's family if it was Zhao Yuanyuan. Although Zhou Jiaqi's phone couldn't find the related video, someone had taken a screenshot and sent it directly to Zhou's father's phone. Zhou's father didn't say anything and left directly with Zhou's mother, no longer looking at Zhao Yuanyuan. Zhao Yuanyuan begged Zhou Jiaqi for a chance to explain to his parents, but Zhou Jiaqi remained indifferent, saying he couldn't do anything because they were his parents.

Zhao Yuanyuan went to work, and everyone at the station looked at her strangely. Xiao Min took her aside and told her that someone had reported the indecent video incident to the disciplinary committee, so Zhao Yuanyuan was suspended, and all her work was temporarily taken over by Qiao Qiao. In her distress, Zhao Yuanyuan confronted Qiao Qiao in the dressing room, but Zhang Ke forcibly took her away. Qiao Qiao took over the Lin Du Home's live program, and the first person to object was Liu Lindu, who directly criticized Qiao Qiao on the spot.

Liu Chunyan suspected that Zhang Ke was the one who posted the video because she had only shown it to him and forwarded it to him. Zhang Ke played the family card and treated Liu Chunyan as his sister, hoping she would help him keep it a secret. He Huan, Bai Yang, and Zhao Yuanyuan had a drink together at a bar. Comparatively, Bai Yang and Zhao Yuanyuan couldn't compare to the He Huan six months ago. Since He Huan could handle it half a year ago, why couldn't Zhao Yuanyuan do the same?

White Yang went on a blind date with Mr. Liu, but her professional habits got in the way. Every question made the other party feel like they were being interviewed, so the blind date didn't work out. Zhao Yuanyuan treated Jiang Junhao and Ren Jie to dinner, wanting to thank them personally, but unfortunately, Ren Jie was on a business trip. Jiang Junhao ordered the dishes very professionally and knew that He Huan had been getting angry lately, so he knew what she could and couldn't eat.

White Yang, who ended the blind date early, also joined them. She bombarded Jiang Junhao with questions, and both she and Zhao Yuanyuan felt that Jiang Junhao had feelings for He Huan. During the weekend, Zhang Ke invited Zhao Yuanyuan out and took her to play at Adventure Island, but Zhao Yuanyuan never felt anything for Zhang Ke. Chen Lishui lied and said that Liu Chunyan's aunt entrusted him with some things, but when Liu Chunyan called her aunt to inquire, she found out that all these things were gifts from Chen Lishui.

Episode 28 Recap

In order to reject Chen Lishui, Liu Chunyan lied and said she had a partner. But when she saw Chen Lishui leaving dejectedly, she couldn't bear it and stopped him to explain that she had lied to him. Zhao Yuanyuan was reinstated, and Xiao Min thanked Qiao Qiao and Liu Lindu. Unexpectedly, Qiao Qiao suddenly submitted a resignation report and wouldn't be in the studio in the afternoon, leaving abruptly. As for Liu Lindu, for some reason, he suddenly went to find Director Qiu and praised Zhao Yuanyuan excessively. The Advertising Center was in need of a female anchor, and Director Qiu fought for it with the Editorial Committee, so Zhao Yuanyuan was quickly reinstated. Before leaving, Qiao Qiao told Zhao Yuanyuan that before the video was exposed, Zhou Jiaqi's father had already arranged for Zhou Jiaqi to go on a blind date, and he never intended to let his son marry her.

Ou Kaige returned to the villa and found that it had become an office. He Huan was originally going to take Ou Zimo to school for a sports event, but she received a call from her father, saying that her mother suddenly started vomiting excessively and her mental state was not good. He Huan rushed to the hospital immediately, leaving the matter of taking Ou Zimo to school for the sports event to Jiang Junhao. Principal Tong told He Huan and her father that her mother's cancer cells had already metastasized to the brain. The metastasis had reached a serious stage, and the patient's life expectancy became very limited. He's father planned to let her mother decide whether to continue treatment, but when he entered the hospital room, he found that her mother's memory had declined and she hardly remembered anything. He's father tried to obtain his daughter's consent and planned to take his wife home to spend her remaining days.

At the school's sports event, which hadn't ended yet, He Huan went to see her son and saw Jiang Junhao and Ou Zimo having a great time together. With Jiang Junhao's help, Ou Zimo won many awards. After the sports event, Jiang Junhao and He Huan took Ou Zimo out of school. Ou Kaige wore sunglasses and took a photo of He Huan and Jiang Junhao together with his phone. The parents of Ou Zimo's classmates called Jiang Junhao "Zi Mo's dad," which surprised He Huan. Jiang Junhao asked He Huan tentatively if she still loved Ou Kaige, and He Huan said it had nothing to do with him. Bai Yang replaced Zhao Yuanyuan to treat Ren Jie to dinner, and he invited her to join Today's Net and become his comrade-in-arms. Bai Yang hesitated because she was unsure whether she wanted to continue working in the news industry.

Zhang Ke put the gift he prepared for Zhao Yuanyuan on her desk. It was an expensive bag and probably cost him several months' salary. Zhao Yuanyuan immediately returned the gift to its original owner and refused to accept such an expensive gift. Zhang Ke, feeling embarrassed, concluded that Zhao Yuanyuan didn't want to be with him because he didn't have money. Ren Jie organized a class reunion, but only Bai Yang showed up, as the other invitees were fake. Ren Jie went to great lengths to prepare many things, trying to awaken Bai Yang's ideals and original intentions in the news industry. Bai Yang broke down emotionally and left crying. After realizing Zhang Ke's true character, Liu Chunyan found him hypocritical and irritating. She went to eat with Chen Lishui and turned off her phone, which was playing Zhang Ke's program.

Liu Lindu came out of the meeting and learned from his assistant that Zhao Yuanyuan had arrived. He immediately said that he should be informed immediately if Zhao Yuanyuan comes in the future. Liu Lindu hurriedly met with Zhao Yuanyuan and learned from her that she had already broken up with Zhou Jiaqi. Since she came to express her gratitude, Liu Lindu took the opportunity to ask her to treat him to a meal, and they went to her favorite place, a roadside stall without even a sign. Liu Lindu's cleanliness obsession kicked in, but he could endure it for Zhao Yuanyuan's sake.

Episode 29 Recap

After dinner, Liu Lindu accompanied Zhao Yuanyuan home. He mentioned Murakami's novels, and Zhao Yuanyuan couldn't bear her guilty conscience, so she confessed to Liu Lindu that she didn't know who Murakami Haruki was and had never read any of his books before she met him. It was He Huan who taught her about Murakami through her earphones, which allowed her to smoothly discuss Murakami Haruki's topics with Liu Lindu. Liu Lindu wasn't angry; he was just surprised that he had been deceived by her. Back at home, Zhao Yuanyuan picked up the book "Kafka on the Shore" to read. He's father and Principal Tong had already discussed, and they would take He's mother home tomorrow. He Huan contacted an immunotherapy hospital because she wanted to give her mother more time to live. He's mother asked about Ou Kaige's whereabouts, and He Huan lied, saying that he went for training.

He's mother didn't believe it; she vaguely remembered that Ou Kaige hadn't visited her since she was hospitalized. Ou Zimo brought photos taken at the parent-child sports event to divert her grandmother's attention. He's mother mistakenly identified Jiang Junhao in the photos as Ou Kaige, and He Huan decided to go along with the mistake. She planned to have Jiang Junhao wear Ou Kaige's suit and pretend to be Ou Kaige in front of her mother. He Huan even made Jiang Junhao change his posture and style to fit the role. During the act, Jiang Junhao took the opportunity to speak from the heart, making He Huan unable to look him in the eye. Jiang Junhao also specially made chicken soup for He's mother, which deeply touched He Huan. Bai Yang went to visit and coincidentally met Secretary Huang, who guided her to understand the relationship between traditional and new media.

He Huan and her son took Jiang Junhao to visit her parents. The neighbors across the hall were people arranged by Manager Chen to monitor He Huan's parents. Manager Chen quickly received a call and mistakenly thought Ou Kaige had returned, so he immediately went with Manager Yang and Manager Pan to confront the person. He's mother complained that he hadn't visited her for a long time, but Jiang Junhao quickly made her happy with a few words. During the meal, He's mother felt that "Ou Kaige" was different from before. He Huan, her son, and her father kept lying, afraid that He's mother would discover something suspicious. The trio of debt collectors arrived, and Ou Zimo went to open the door. Hearing the commotion outside, Jiang Junhao immediately went to explain to the three men. The three men thought Jiang Junhao was hiding something and wanted to barge in to find the real Ou Kaige.

He's mother insisted on inviting them inside, and when they saw He's mother, the three men and Jiang Junhao were clearly flustered. At a critical moment, Manager Yang had a clever idea and said they were here to get Ou Kaige's signature. Manager Chen quickly took out a notebook from his bag, and Jiang Junhao directly signed on the blank notebook. Jiang Junhao and Ou Zimo made He's mother very happy, and without comparison, there was no gap. He's father genuinely felt that Ou Kaige was cold-hearted; when he was around, He Huan's mother wasn't as happy as now. He's father worried, and He Huan explained that she was indeed waiting for Ou Kaige, but not for him to come home but to come back and resolve everything. Under the impact of integrated and new media, traditional media such as TV stations struggled to survive.

Bai Yang tried different lifestyles, such as learning flower arrangement and tea art, but her interest wasn't in these. A fire broke out in the Shaozi River forest area, and all the news reporters were urgently called back to the TV station. He Huan applied to go to Xishan with the fire brigade, but Bai Yang walked in and insisted on replacing He Huan to go to Xishan, ordering He Huan to stay in the studio. The Editorial Committee hadn't revoked Bai Yang's position as the producer of "News in Progress," so she still had the authority to give orders.

Episode 30 Recap

Bai Yang was responsible for covering the forest fire news in Xishan, while He Huan stayed in the studio to host. The station was currently short-staffed, and Liu Chunyan quietly deleted the resignation letter she was about to write. Xiao Min had to attend an urgent task, so Zhao Yuanyuan took over as the executive director and overall coordinator, as well as the host for the fundraising event. Director Zou handed over important documents, including a recommendation letter, to Bai Yang, who rushed to Xishan with Ma Chao. Zhao Yuanyuan was busy and asked He Huan to pass a message to Bai Yang, reminding her to stay safe. Director Qiu also informed He Huan that she was promoted from an information dispatcher to an official reporter, all thanks to Bai Yang's help.

Zhao Yuanyuan contacted Zhou Jiaqi, and he agreed to donate some supplies to the disaster site. Ren Jie didn't have a permit and couldn't enter the site. However, he saw Bai Yang driving over, and the key was that both she and Ma Chao had permits. The personnel from the Information Department told him to get a permit from the Command Center, but the Command Center told him to go back to the Information Department. Ren Jie was anxious and felt like a hot ant on a hot pan. Tang Shaohuai was invited to join the fundraising event, along with other executives like Liu Lindu. Bai Yang arrived at the scene and immediately started reporting live. Meanwhile, the fundraising event began, but the first person to donate, Tang Zong, was nowhere to be seen, and no one started donating voluntarily. Zhao Yuanyuan had no choice but to keep hosting, asking everyone to applaud until Liu Lindu raised his hand and became the first donor, energizing the atmosphere.

Liu Lindu had social anxiety and didn't want to speak, so Zhao Yuanyuan recited a passage from a Haruki Murakami book on his behalf. Liu Lindu took the microphone and continued her words. Soon after, Tang Shaohuai returned and followed with a donation of 1.5 million. The fundraising scene became lively. When Zhang Ke interviewed Tang Shaohuai, Zhou Jiaqi arrived with donated supplies. Zhang Ke was entirely focused on Zhou Jiaqi and Zhao Yuanyuan, making a mess of Tang Shaohuai's live interview. Liu Chunyan took over the microphone to help her, but Zhang Ke scolded her instead. Zhao Yuanyuan couldn't bear to watch and went over to scold Zhang Ke. After the donation from Kirin Group was complete, Zhou Jiaqi wanted to take Zhao Yuanyuan out for dinner in the evening, but Zhao Yuanyuan clearly stated that they had broken up.

Bai Yang and Ma Chao returned from the third team's location, but Ren Jie pleaded with Bai Yang for a permit with no success. In a desperate situation, he directly stole Ma Chao's permit and locked him in the restroom. At this time, another fire broke out at the Hetou Mountain, and the situation was critical. Bai Yang didn't have time to argue with Ren Jie and had to take him to the scene. Bai Yang began reporting live on the scene, but the signal was unstable. When the signal was restored, the wildfire behind Bai Yang suddenly intensified, causing the live broadcast to be interrupted. Everyone watching the live broadcast on TV was on edge. The third team's emergency evacuation route was blocked, and they were trapped in the midst of the fire. Bai Yang bravely continued her report, but some firefighting officers and soldiers had already fallen, and Bai Yang collapsed on camera.

Zhao Yuanyuan, watching the live broadcast on her phone, cried, and He Huan endured the pain to continue hosting in the studio. Shortly after, Director Zou received a call, learning that Bai Yang was safe, but both Bai Yang and Ren Jie were being urgently sent to the hospital for treatment due to smoke inhalation injuries. After the broadcast, He Huan sought Director Zou's approval to go to Xishan and replace Bai Yang. Jiang Junhao cooked a meal and waited at home with Ou Zimo for He Huan to return from work. However, they received a call from He Huan instead, saying she had to go on a business trip to Xishan, and she entrusted him to take care of Ou Zimo for the next few days.

Episode 31 Recap

He Huan will depart in half an hour, and Jiang Junhao rushes in a taxi to catch up with the small bus, delivering some daily necessities to He Huan, who is injured. Jiang Junhao has something to say to her, but he couldn't say it. Liu Chunyan thanks Zhao Yuanyuan for her help today and feels that Zhao Yuanyuan is similar to He Huan; they are both heroic women. Zhao Yuanyuan advises Liu Chunyan that when encountering unfairness or unfair people, she must learn to fight back. Touched by the advice, Liu Chunyan tells her about the video incident in the private room. Although she recorded that video, she didn't upload it online; she only sent it to Zhang Ke. Zhao Yuanyuan immediately goes to the dressing room to confront Zhang Ke, who initially pretends not to know anything.

In a little test, Zhang Ke's reaction proves that he did upload the video online. Zhao Yuanyuan slaps him without hesitation, storms out, and Liu Chunyan thinks she looks extremely cool. He Huan interviews doctors at the Xishan People's Hospital and learns that Ren Jie and several seriously injured firefighters need to continue treatment in the hospital, but they are not in life-threatening condition. As for Bai Yang, due to constant reporting, she suffered severe inhalation injuries and is currently being rescued. The next week is critical for Bai Yang's life and death. Her trachea has been cut open, and she can't speak at the moment. With the doctor's permission, He Huan looks at Bai Yang lying on the hospital bed through the glass.

He Huan speaks through the door of the ward, but Bai Yang can't move and can only look at her with teary eyes. Ou Zimo takes the initiative to introduce a girlfriend to Jiang Junhao, who thinks Ou Zimo is talking about He Huan and gets excited. Later, he realizes that the person Ou Zimo wants to introduce is their class's English teacher and immediately refuses. During He Huan's business trip, Jiang Junhao takes care of Ou Zimo and accompanies He Huan's parents to go fishing and relax, taking good care of them. Zhou Jiaqi donates another batch of supplies and uses this as an opportunity to meet with Zhao Yuanyuan. This time, he has decided to marry Zhao Yuanyuan, but she has already seen the reality that his parents will never allow her to marry into their family.

Ren Jie cannot enter the ICU to see Bai Yang, so he writes a note and asks a nurse to pass it to Bai Yang. Jiang Junhao edits news clips with He Huan's appearance and sends them to He Huan's father's email to ease their longing for their daughter. Jiang Junhao wanted to send a message to He Huan but eventually deleted it, sending a group photo of him with He Huan's parents and Ou Zimo to reassure her. After rescue efforts, Bai Yang finally survives the critical period. At the same time, the wildfire in Xishan Forest has been completely extinguished, and everything is developing positively. Watching Bai Yang on TV, Liu Chunyan suddenly understands that she wants to be like Bai Yang and He Huan, to be a journalist and become a better person. So, Liu Chunyan breaks up with Chen Zishui.

Zhou Jiaqi waits for Zhao Yuanyuan at their usual restaurant and proposes to her in front of their friends. This time, Zhao Yuanyuan firmly refuses and returns the previous engagement ring to him. She has seen the reality and no longer bets her future on Zhou Jiaqi; becoming a better version of herself is the best choice. He Huan and Bai Yang return from Xishan, and Secretary Huang welcomes them with the TV station staff. Jiang Junhao specially prepares a dessert and a table full of dishes. Bai Yang decides to resign, but she has other plans. Her plan is to work at Today's Net, where Ren Jie works, while continuing to study. He Huan recognizes the dessert as "White Lovers," representing unconditional love. He Huan realizes that Jiang Junhao's actions have gone beyond normal boundaries, and she senses that he likes her.

Episode 32 Recap

He Huan is a married woman, and after knowing Jiang Junhao's feelings for her, she cannot accept his kindness towards her as if nothing happened. So, from now on, she wants to keep her distance from Jiang Junhao. Even if Jiang Junhao doesn't ask for anything and only hopes for her health, happiness, and well-being. Learning that He Huan is moving out, Jiang Junhao tries to persuade her and promises to move out within a week. He Huan is actually in a difficult situation making this decision, but she can't afford to let people gossip about her. Zhao Yuanyuan and Bai Yang have different views on this matter. Zhao Yuanyuan thinks that if she were He Huan, she would choose to be with Jiang Junhao. Bai Yang, as straightforward as always, points out that when He Huan allowed Jiang Junhao to stay at her place, she didn't consider avoiding suspicion.

After talking about He Huan, Bai Yang's turn comes. After the Xishan wildfire, He Huan can tell that Ren Jie likes Bai Yang, and Zhao Yuanyuan, who has interacted with Ren Jie several times before, can also see that he has admired Bai Yang for a long time. Zhao Yuanyuan receives a call from Liu Lindu and agrees to meet him tonight. He Huan and Bai Yang tease her, and Zhao Yuanyuan admits that she and Liu Lindu have feelings for each other. However, since graduating from college until now, she has never stopped dating, but now she wants to focus all her energy on work. Jiang Junhao is moving out, and Ou Zimo hugs him and cries, very reluctant to see him leave. He Huan allows her son to visit Jiang Junhao at the studio on Saturdays and Sundays, acting as his little assistant. Jiang Junhao promises to pay him fifty yuan a day, and Ou Zimo smiles happily as he goes to pack his things.

Although Jiang Junhao has moved out, he paid the property and utility fees for He Huan and hired a housekeeping service for her, paying two years' worth of fees in advance. From her son, He Huan receives the keys to Jiang Junhao's home and finds a note he left for her inside. In fact, He Huan does have feelings for Jiang Junhao, but due to their identities, she has to draw a clear line with him. Lao Zou informs He Huan that the Channel Editorial Committee has officially nominated her as the producer and anchor of "News in Progress." As for the reading program she wanted to do, it will have to be put on hold for now. He Huan is considering resigning from her part-time teaching job, but the principal wants to recommend her as the principal of a branch school, with at least three times the income of the TV station job. This job also requires He Huan's full dedication.

After careful consideration, He Huan proposes taking a leave of absence without pay to start her own business, doing the reading and cultural programs she loves. To her surprise, Secretary Huang supports her entrepreneurial plan and advises her not to forget where she started when she makes a name for herself. Zhao Yuanyuan and Bai Yang disagree with He Huan leaving the channel to start her own business, but when Bai Yang sees that He Huan has made sufficient preparations for her venture, she also supports her decision. Zhao Yuanyuan takes the lead and introduces He Huan to General Manager Tang and General Manager Liu. After reviewing He Huan's proposal, Liu Lindu thinks it's good, but he completely rejects the idea of live book sales. In his view, the new media live-streaming room is a place for low-priced sales, and selling books in such a room is no different from setting up a stall.

Liu Lindu bluntly says he won't invest, but General Manager Tang is willing to invest. He Huan provides financial forecasts, claiming that the program will achieve profits one month after its launch, reach a break-even point in six months, and have a tenfold return on investment in three years, with the entire investment amount recoverable. After hearing He Huan's words, General Manager Tang agrees to invest, but he sets very strict conditions. Zhao Yuanyuan asks her if she wants to consider General Manager Liu, but He Huan decides to cooperate with General Manager Tang. Liu Lindu, standing nearby, can't help but say that He Huan is trying to profit from the tiger.

Episode 33 Recap

He Huan decided to collaborate with Tang Shaohuai, but Liu Lindu didn't take it seriously, thinking she was courting danger. Nevertheless, even if the collaboration fails, they will still toast together. Shortly after, Xingchen Bookstore was set up, with each episode lasting eight minutes. Currently, they already have seven episodes in reserve. Bai Yang said Liu Lindu kept looking at Zhao Yuanyuan, and Zhao Yuanyuan reciprocated, saying that Ren Jie was also constantly looking at Bai Yang because his toes were pointed towards her. Bai Yang and He Huan left one after another. Next, "News in Progress" would become more difficult, as Director Qiu had lost both his right-hand man and left-hand man. Someone delivered flowers to the door, and He Huan went to sign for them. It was from Jiang Ge Kitchen, and it was clear that the flowers were sent by Jiang Junhao. Although she hadn't invited him, it seemed like he knew that Xingchen Bookstore was going online today, showing that he cared.

In Episode 33 of "Be Your Own Light," Liu Chunyan was moved by Bai Yang and He Huan's spirits, and she also wanted to immerse herself in the news industry, becoming a news reporter who could shine. She volunteered to work for Director Zou and promised to obtain a university bachelor's degree as soon as possible. Director Qiu, seeing her enthusiasm, agreed to let her bring her resume and application to his office. In addition to sending flowers, Jiang Junhao also ordered a cake, which was delivered with a cartoon character on it, bearing a striking resemblance to He Huan. Bai Yang straightforwardly asked Ren Jie if he was interested in her, and Tang Shaohuai sat calmly on the side, watching the scene unfold before eventually using his phone to record a video. Zhao Yuanyuan and He Huan retrieved the cake and happened to witness the scene. Both of them were full of curiosity, and Zhao Yuanyuan also took out her phone to record.

Ren Jie admitted that he had feelings for Bai Yang since they started college, and he had originally planned to prepare a romantic and cliché confession when they reached eighteen years of knowing each other. But now, Bai Yang had taken the initiative to ask. With He Huan's place as a backdrop, Bai Yang officially announced that she and Ren Jie were in a relationship. Both of them, being from a news background, made their relationship announcement look like a press conference. Director Zou received a notice that he needed to return to the editorial committee for a meeting. It was because Director Qiu had to retire early due to health reasons, and the editorial committee needed to discuss this matter. Zhao Yuanyuan was somewhat excited as she felt she could strive for the position of director of the Advertising Center. "Xingchen Bookstore" had not officially launched yet, but the number of fans suddenly skyrocketed.

Upon investigating the source of the fans, they found out that these fans all came from Jiang Ge Kitchen. He Huan opened Jiang Junhao's live stream room and saw him driving traffic to her bookstore. He Huan was deeply moved, but before finalizing anything with Jiang Junhao, she wouldn't entertain any thoughts as she was still in the process of divorcing Ou Kaige. Ou Kaige called Liang Yong and this time, he demanded a billion yuan. Ye Wentian went to pick up He Huan and tried once again to test if she knew that Ou Kaige had returned, but her reaction showed that she was unaware. Liu Chunyan was promoted to an intern reporter, and Director Zou arranged for her to attend the China Merchants' news conference tomorrow. Coincidentally, Zhang Ke apologized to her for his previous words, and they buried the hatchet. Liu Chunyan warmly invited Zhang Ke to attend the China Merchants' press conference together.

Ye Wentian only agreed to give Ou Kaige 15 million yuan, and he asserted that Ou Kaige wouldn't go to the Securities Regulatory Commission to expose them. He Huan and Jiang Junhao still had unresolved issues, and both of them separately invited General Manager Chen, General Manager Pan, and General Manager Yang to have dinner. However, the three managers went to Jiang Junhao's appointment first. Jiang Junhao unintentionally mentioned that the studio where He Huan recorded videos cost at least several hundred thousand yuan. The "Debt Settlement Alliance" trio couldn't sit still and wanted to go immediately to collect the money from He Huan. Jiang Junhao quickly stopped them and even got punched by General Manager Yang. Jiang Junhao pleaded earnestly, vowing to help He Huan repay the debt. The first week's data for "Xingchen Bookstore" was out, and it wasn't ideal, but He Huan was not discouraged.

Episode 34 Recap

The two of them informed He Huan of the truth. "Xingchen Bookstore" performed exceptionally well, entering the profit phase ahead of schedule within a week. It became the original video self-media with the shortest time to pass the beginner's period since the platform was established. Jiang Ge Kitchen also did well, but Jiang Junhao didn't initially intend to treat everyone to skewers. However, upon seeing the good performance of "Xingchen Bookstore," he immediately changed his mind and not only wanted to treat them to skewers but also to foot baths and karaoke. He Huan passed by the square and saw people singing. She couldn't help but think of the scene where Jiang Junhao used to sing with her on the street. She felt so happy back then. The company's growth rate did not meet expectations, and the Chairman scolded Liu Lindu, who got angry with himself in the office.

In Episode 34 of "Be Your Own Light," Zhao Yuanyuan came, trying hard to please Liu Lindu, but he showed no appreciation. In the end, Zhao Yuanyuan gave up, got upset, and accused Liu Lindu of being pretentious. Her words were a bit harsh, and surprisingly, Liu Lindu cried, making Zhao Yuanyuan feel guilty and apologize to him. Zhao Yuanyuan advised him not to put so much pressure on himself, as there is no standard answer for success in this world. Whether in design or business, Liu Lindu was excellent in Zhao Yuanyuan's eyes. Her words helped Liu Lindu understand a lot. At this moment, he felt the most relaxed in his life. He Huan's mother's condition had reached the end, and Director Tong told them that she could leave at any time. He Huan wanted to talk to her while she still had some consciousness.

He Huan's mother, at her final moments, wanted to see Ou Kaige. He Huan had to ask Bai Yang and Ren Jie for help, but her mother was very clear-headed and recognized them. When He Huan was about to make a call, Ou Zimo brought Jiang Junhao into the room. He Huan's mother wanted to talk to Jiang Junhao alone. Jiang Junhao still called himself Ou Kaige in front of He Huan's mother, but she had already recognized that he wasn't Ou Kaige and insisted on knowing his real name. Jiang Junhao truthfully confessed and admitted that he really liked He Huan. He Huan's mother hoped that he would always like He Huan and entrusted her to him. Besides, she hoped that Jiang Junhao wouldn't tell He Huan and the others that she had regained consciousness. Later, everyone entered the hospital room together to bid farewell to He Huan's mother. Following her mother's wishes, they laughed and sent her off.

Ou Kaige, dressed in black with sunglasses, wanted to go in and place a bouquet in front of He Huan's mother's memorial tablet, but when he saw Jiang Junhao, he immediately gave up. Bai Yang, Zhao Yuanyuan, and Jiang Junhao helped arrange the funeral. He Huan was overwhelmed with grief and refused to eat or drink. He Huan's mother's former colleagues came to mourn, and they were also sorrowful. They had fought throughout their lives, but in the end, they were the best of sisters. Ye Wentian later arrived by car, and Ou Kaige completely gave up on going in. He placed the flowers under a nearby tree and bowed three times towards He Huan's mother's memorial tablet. Ou Zimo was alone, and Jiang Junhao went to accompany him. It was Ou Zimo's first time facing the death of a loved one, which made him fear death. Jiang Junhao said he wasn't afraid of death, but afraid of parting with loved ones.

Ou Kaige had been away for a long time, and Ou Zimo couldn't help but wonder if he had died. Jiang Junhao was kind and comforted him, saying that Ou Kaige was not dead, but he had some matters that kept him from coming back. Ye Wentian looked around and didn't find any flower arrangements with Ou Kaige's name. As soon as Ye Wentian got into the car, Ou Kaige called Liang Yong.

Episode 35 Recap

Ou Kaige was determined to get one billion yuan because he knew Ye Wentian was waiting for the net asset value to reach its peak. Liang Yong was getting anxious since if Ou Kaige reported them, all their efforts would be in vain. Ye Wentian showed the data analysis to Liang Yong, and Ou Kaige accepting 15 million was more probable than reporting them. He Huan arranged a photography group for her father to help him relax. Before leaving, her father advised her to cherish the people around her. Jiang Junhao learned from Ou Zimo that He Huan wasn't doing well. While walking on the street, she would get distracted when she saw others pushing their mothers for a walk, and little things in life and work would remind her of her own mother.

Ou Zimo knew He Huan's taste very well, so Jiang Junhao took him to the supermarket for shopping and then taught him how to cook at home. He planned to leave ten minutes before He Huan arrived home at around 7 o'clock. Ou Zimo was puzzled why he didn't stay and eat together, but Jiang Junhao didn't explain much and just said he had something to do. When He Huan came back from work and saw the meal her son prepared for her, she was deeply moved. Ou Zimo knew that He Huan was upset because of her grandmother's situation, but he, as a child, comforted her instead. Jiang Junhao noticed He Huan's performance in the latest episode of "Xingchen Bookstore" and could feel that she had gradually overcome her gloomy period and was becoming happier.

He Huan also watched Jiang Junhao's videos and would sometimes be amused by his live streams. Lao Qiu completed his early retirement arrangements, and Lao Zou went out for a meal with him. Lao Qiu was reluctant to leave Jiangdu TV, and Lao Zou could understand his feelings well. The account data for "Xingchen Bookstore" was good, but the revenue wasn't ideal. If the revenue didn't show geometric growth in the future, it might not meet the target set by Tang Shaohuai. Therefore, He Huan and her team believed that the upcoming live stream was crucial. He Huan negotiated with distributors and got back "The Puzzle of History" and some other bestselling books. The team calculated that they could make nearly 200,000 yuan by promoting the bestsellers, but He Huan was still hesitant.

For her, books like "The Puzzle of History" were what real books should be. During the live stream, they were initially planning to promote the bestsellers, but He Huan changed her mind on the spot and promoted "The Puzzle of History" instead. Luckily, the sales hit a new high, but the commission for this book was too low, and their income didn't meet expectations. They were still short of over 180,000 yuan from the pre-sales amount, and He Huan was unwilling to promote books she considered tasteless. He Huan met with Zhao Yuanyuan and learned that the recently awarded Chen Xinyuan was going to hold a cultural interview at Lin Du Home Furnishing. She asked Zhao Yuanyuan to contact Liu Lindu and persuade Chen Xinyuan to come to "Xingchen Bookstore" for an interview. Chen Xinyuan was eccentric and immediately rejected Liu Lindu's proposal. He Huan had no choice but to think of another solution.

Zhao Yuanyuan, together with Liu Lindu, arranged a brief conversation between He Huan and Chen Xinyuan in the elevator. He Huan spoke eloquently and treasured Chen Xinyuan's works. Although Chen Xinyuan found their conversation pleasant, he still refused to accept any interviews this time. He Huan had almost given up and returned to the studio when she unexpectedly received an email from Chen Xinyuan's team, stating that they were willing to accept an interview with "Xingchen Bookstore."

Episode 36 Recap

He Huan was very happy and immediately asked Ye Zi and others to arrange the work and make a trailer. That day, they analyzed the information about Chen Xinyuan and outlined the interview questions. The next day, before going for the interview, He Huan saw that the trailer for Chen Xinyuan's guest appearance on the live stream had reached new heights, and she was excited. On the way, the number of fans directly surpassed 500,000, and the trailer's views exceeded 5 million, making everyone excited. However, they discovered a car accident on the roadside, and they prioritized rescuing the injured. While helping, a female driver recorded the scene of He Huan's team rescuing people with her phone. Because of this incident, He Huan and her team were delayed, and when they arrived at the hotel where Chen Xinyuan was staying, he refused to cooperate with them again.

Just three minutes were delayed, but Chen Xinyuan made it clear that he didn't want to work with a media company that was not punctual. He Huan explained the reason for the delay, but Chen Xinyuan remained unmoved and left in the car. He Huan had no choice but to apologize to the audience in the live stream, but this resulted in a wave of criticism with many people accusing her of being a scammer. As a result, her number of fans, which was originally 500,000, dropped to 380,000 and continued to decrease. He Huan and Zhao Yuanyuan drank to drown their sorrows. In a few days, they had to submit the financial statement to Tang Shaohuai, and they were still short of over 180,000 yuan. He Huan didn't know what to do. Zhao Yuanyuan said she would help and convince Tang Shaohuai to extend the deadline by three months, but He Huan declined her good intention.

Tang Shaohuai called, not to reprimand her, but instead praised He Huan. He Huan was puzzled, and then several people asked to take photos with her, even the restaurant owner said the meal was on the house for her and Zhao Yuanyuan. After the owner explained, He Huan learned that the video of her rescuing people had gone viral, and Chen Xinyuan called for a renewed collaboration on Weibo. He Huan's mood was like a roller coaster, going from extreme frustration to excitement. "Xingchen Bookstore" successfully did a live stream with Chen Xinyuan. After the stream ended, He Huan asked Chen Xinyuan why he agreed to the interview last time. Chen Xinyuan candidly admitted that it was because of the internet celebrity chef Jiang Junhao, and as long as Jiang Junhao could cook a dish for him for free, he would accept an interview with "Xingchen Bookstore."

Back home, He Huan asked her son, and Ou Zimo had told Jiang Junhao about this and had been silently helping her. He Huan used the video website's backstage to express her thanks to Jiang Junhao. Bai Yang found internal data from Haichuan Fund and noticed anomalies. He Huan took out the anonymous photo she received earlier, and Bai Yang asked the website staff to help investigate. They found that the place in the photo was in the southeastern mountains of Pengdong City. He Huan went to Pengdong City to confirm the location and then asked around with Ou Kaige's photo. Bai Yang and others went to interview Liang Yong from Haichuan Fund, but Liang Yong's people claimed he was on a business trip. Bai Yang realized that it was just an excuse, so he used the opportunity to go to the restroom and entered the office, catching Liang Yong off guard.

With no other choice, Liang Yong agreed to the interview. Bai Yang was well-prepared, and all his questions were pointed, but Liang Yong was also prepared and presented a series of materials, which temporarily left Bai Yang without any apparent issues to bring up. He Huan saw Ou Kaige's car and followed it to a homestay. The homestay owner said the car owner's surname was Zhang and he had mortgaged the car to him because of unpaid fees for half a year. He Huan checked the room and took all of Ou Kaige's belongings. The three of them had dinner together, and Bai Yang was puzzled why someone asked her to pay attention to a case that had already been resolved. He Huan wanted Zhao Yuanyuan to help and see if she could contact Zhou Jiaqi to find out who the boss of that private equity fund was.

Episode 37 Recap

Zhao Yuanyuan had the highest level of access to the Kirin Company's management system, so even without Zhou Jiaqi's help, she could find out who the boss of the private equity fund was. Bai Yang received the information in his email sent by Ou Kaige. Ou Kaige used the Huashang Innovation incident to send a warning to Bai Yang, as well as to Liang Yong and Ye Wentian. Liang Yong received a call from Ou Kaige, and Ye Wentian signaled him to increase the previous offer from 15 million to 18 million, but Ou Kaige rejected it, planning to give them another "surprise". After Ou Zimo fell asleep at night, He Huan searched through Ou Kaige's belongings and found a cellphone, which had Ye Wentian's contact information in the phone book. At the same time, Zhao Yuanyuan sent a message saying that the private equity fund was called Royal Gold Investment, and the boss was Ye Wentian.

He Huan recalled her previous interactions with Ye Wentian and finally realized that Ye Wentian had wanted to find out information about Ou Kaige from her. She messaged Ye Wentian and arranged to meet him tomorrow. At first, He Huan only suspected, as she didn't have evidence in her hands, but she was good at using known information to create the impression that she knew everything. In addition, Ye Wentian had been pressured by Ou Kaige recently, and when provoked by He Huan, he spilled all the secrets and promised to give 30 million yuan to end everything, from the original Guangxin High-end Manufacturing to AnGuo Agricultural and even the interrupted Kirin Group. He Huan originally just wanted to know the truth behind Ou Kaige's disappearance, but she didn't expect to dig out so many dark secrets from Ye Wentian.

He Huan went to find Bai Yang, and she wanted to know the whole truth, no matter the consequences. Bai Yang decided to help her. As He Huan and Ou Kaige were still related, Bai Yang advised her not to intervene in the matter and focus on managing Xingchen Bookstore. Bai Yang told Ren Jie the situation, and she wanted to resign and investigate as a freelance journalist, but Ren Jie disagreed. In the evening, they went to dinner together, but Bai Yang couldn't leave work behind and brought a lot of materials, proving that Royal Gold Investment managed two funds by buying low and selling high. Ren Jie was familiar with Royal Fund. The previously banned Professor Yang Yuping was related to this fund. Although he hadn't been on stage, the stock market commentator Wang Zuhui had mentioned that these two stocks were good.

The next day, they went to interview Wang Zuhui, but he avoided discussing Guangxin High-end Manufacturing and AnGuo Agricultural matters and later claimed he didn't have time and left. Before leaving, Bai Yang intentionally mentioned Ou Kaige. As expected, after they left, Wang Zuhui immediately called Ye Wentian and left in a car. Ren Jie went back to get his phone he left on Wang Zuhui's table, and the phone had recorded the call between Wang Zuhui and Ye Wentian. Ye Wentian couldn't help but suspect that a journalist was digging deep, and this was the surprise Ou Kaige wanted to prepare for them. Liang Yong discovered that someone had written an article exposing the insider information about Chuangying Fenzin New Energy a few years ago, and there were many comments below. Someone seemed to hide a lot of critical data in the comments, but it wasn't certain if this person was Ou Kaige.

At the self-media summit, "Xingchen Bookstore" and "Chef Jiang's Kitchen" were on the same stage for an award. He Huan wanted to invite Ye Zi on stage, but it didn't work out. Because of this, she and Jiang Junhao had a brief encounter again. He Huan treated the three members of the Debt Collection Alliance to a meal. Since her income was now a little higher than before, she increased each person's repayment to 10,000 yuan per month. She learned from the three that Jiang Junhao had been helping to hold them back, so they didn't bother her.

(Note: The translation for Debt Collection Alliance is a direct translation of the Chinese term, and it may not be a common term in English. The context suggests that these are people who used to pester He Huan for repayment, but Jiang Junhao prevented them from doing so.

Episode 38 Recap

He Huan went to the studio to find Jiang Junhao. She couldn't hide her feelings for him, so she asked him to wait for her. Ou Kaige, who had been following He Huan, saw her and Jiang Junhao hugging, and he was so angry that he almost revealed himself. Jiang Junhao's long-standing unconditional love finally received He Huan's response. Ou Kaige's relentless pressure made Liang Yong anxious like an ant on a hot pan. The heat of the post had not subsided, and netizens were waiting for explosive news. The investigation team from the Securities and Regulatory Commission had not left. Ou Kaige knew he couldn't hide anymore and finally appeared in front of Ye Wentian and Liang Yong. However, he set up an automatic email sending system, and if not canceled within five minutes, all evidence and reports would be sent out. Then, no one could escape the scrutiny of the Securities and Regulatory Commission.

Under the pressure, Liang Yong and Ye Wentian finally agreed to give Ou Kaige ten million yuan. He Huan handed the evidence of Ou Kaige's extramarital affair to her lawyer, which would be helpful for the judge to make a decision on her and Ou Kaige's marriage. After the announcement period, there would be a thirty-day period for gathering evidence. Especially in He Huan's case, it was not suitable for the simplified procedure and had to go through the regular process, so she had to wait for a while, and the trial would be held before the end of the year. He Huan received a call from Mrs. Zheng and learned that Zheng Xuejian had returned. She went to visit Zheng Xuejian, who said she only had a relationship with Ou Kaige as the manager of a club, and they hadn't met in over a year. As for those things and evidence, they were all fabricated by her boss and placed in the rented house.

After hearing what Zheng Xuejian said, He Huan speculated that Ye Wentian was the boss she mentioned, and Zheng Xuejian did not deny it. Before leaving, Zheng Xuejian hoped that He Huan wouldn't divorce because Ou Kaige had never betrayed her. Ou Zimo saw Ou Kaige and excitedly brought him home. Ou Kaige asked his son to leave the room and checked He Huan's room for evidence of Jiang Junhao's presence, wanting to confirm if his wife was with Jiang Junhao. Ou Kaige had prepared a surprise for He Huan for their tenth anniversary, as a compensation for his absence a year and a half ago. He Huan returned home to see this scene but felt bitter. Jiang Junhao received a call from Ou Zimo's taekwondo teacher and learned that he hadn't attended the taekwondo class today, so he came to look for Ou Zimo.

Jiang Junhao and Ou Kaige, two men, officially faced each other for the first time, a scene comparable to a Shura field. Ou Kaige deliberately talked about his marriage with He Huan in front of Jiang Junhao and said he would repay Jiang Junhao 420,000 yuan in interest plus 3.5 million yuan in principal. In addition, as a "thank you" for Jiang Junhao's care for He Huan and her son for over a year, Ou Kaige offered a hundred thousand yuan in cash to Jiang Junhao. Jiang Junhao refused to accept the money and left. He Huan asked her son to go back to his room. She had something to say to Ou Kaige alone. Ou Kaige apologized to her but was immediately slapped by He Huan and angrily told him to get out. After calming down, He Huan pressed for the truth, and Ou Kaige truthfully revealed that he seemed to be playing a helpless role in the whole thing.

Ou Kaige felt that leaving everything behind was a last resort, and he didn't want to do it, but he was forced to by Liang Yong and Ye Wentian. He was very satisfied with the result of his escape in the past year. Ye Wentian and Liang Yong surrendered to him and gave him one billion yuan. He Huan felt even more bitter and helpless because besides her, Bai Yang knew about the malicious manipulation of the fund, and this matter could not be kept hidden forever.

Episode 39 Recap

He Huan advised Ou Kaige to turn himself in, but Ou Kaige felt she couldn't understand the reality. He had one billion yuan, and he could easily leave before everything was exposed and live a carefree life. He Huan's mind was clear; this was illegal, so she advised Ou Kaige to surrender before the matter was exposed and seek leniency. Ou Kaige refused and even turned the tables, saying He Huan didn't love him as before and it must be because of Jiang Junhao's involvement. However, he could understand her loneliness and emptiness over the past year, so he didn't mind. He Huan was furious and kicked Ou Kaige out of the house. Ou Zimo heard the commotion, came out of the room, and asked quietly where Ou Kaige had gone. Unable to hold back her tears, He Huan told him, but whether Ou Kaige would return or not depended on his own choice.

The next day, Ou Kaige went to the nursing home to see his father. There was no affection between father and son, but they were related by blood, so Ou Kaige would always take care of him. After leaving the nursing home, Ou Kaige went to find Jiang Junhao alone, wanting to offer him two million yuan to leave He Huan. In the end, Jiang Junhao couldn't bear it and punched Ou Kaige in the corner of his mouth. Ou Kaige tried to provoke him and sow discord between him and He Huan, but Jiang Junhao stated that he wouldn't leave He Huan, yet he wouldn't actively pursue her either. However, whenever she needed him, he would be by her side. This plan failed, so Ou Kaige tried another one. He used Ou Zimo to call He Huan out, pretended to threaten her, and said if she didn't leave with him tonight, she wouldn't see her son.

Unexpectedly, Ou Zimo passed the "test" in just twenty minutes and came back excitedly. Seeing her son, He Huan finally felt relieved. Ou Kaige begged He Huan for another chance, but she had already given up on him. She took out the divorce agreement from her bag, and Ou Kaige took a glance and tore it to pieces. He Huan then took out another agreement and left with Ou Zimo. Meanwhile, the news editing was completed, and Ren Jie was scheduled to go on air at 8 p.m. He Huan asked her son about his thoughts on their divorce. Ou Zimo took it calmly, as many of his classmates' parents were divorced too, and if life didn't change, he had no objections.

Before boarding, Ou Kaige saw He Huan for the last time. He would wait for her at the airport until 8 p.m. Around 7 p.m., He Huan received a message from Bai Yang, warning her to be prepared. Exactly at 8 p.m., Bai Yang released the news, exposing the insider trading and scandals of the fund and securities companies. Ou Kaige was ready to board the plane, but the personnel from the Securities and Regulatory Commission had already arrived at the airport and took him away. Ye Wentian, Liang Yong, and Wang Zuhui, among others, couldn't escape either. Bai Yang called He Huan, and she said she had been mentally prepared since a few days ago when she learned about the matter. Not long after, He Huan received a courier package containing the divorce agreement with Ou Kaige's signature.

Jiang Junhao prepared a table of dishes and posted it on his social media, thinking that He Huan wouldn't come. But when he was about to throw away the food, He Huan appeared and told him she was finally free. Jiang Junhao was thrilled and embraced her. Liu Lindu couldn't reach Zhao Yuanyuan and asked the front desk girl to contact her, saying it was about work, but the girl saw through his true intentions. Bai Yang waited for He Huan at the entrance of the community and informed her that Ou Kaige had been arrested, then she took her to the studio.

Episode 40 (Ending) Recap

Director Zou announced something to everyone. In order to adapt to the needs of the times and promote media transformation and upgrading, the shows "News in Progress" and "Political Moment" will be merged, and the duration will be adjusted from sixty minutes to fifteen minutes. He Huan and Bai Yang learned about this one after another. Ren Jie said that at this rate, "Live Coverage" probably won't last much longer either. Bai Yang didn't understand. Could it be that traditional media is really going to disappear? Ren Jie said that unless traditional media transforms into something new. Director Zou invited everyone from the news center to have a meal. Everyone looked downcast. Zhang Ke couldn't eat this farewell meal. Bai Yang suddenly appeared before everyone and said that although "News in Progress" may not restart, it will definitely be reborn. After hitting rock bottom, it will surely come back as a champion.

In the 40th episode of "Be Your Own Light" Image Copyright Bai Yang decided to return to the station, and everyone's gloom and frustration were swept away. With Bai Yang's leadership, everyone's morale was boosted, and they were filled with determination and positivity for the future. He Huan watched Jiang Junhao and others playing basketball at night. She wasn't very happy about the merger of the programs and wondered what she could do for the show. But no matter what she does, Jiang Junhao will support her unconditionally. Bai Yang's exposé on financial insider news received high clicks and temporarily ranked first on today's website. However, just when she achieved some success, she submitted her resignation to Ren Jie. Ren Jie was very puzzled and couldn't understand why she wanted to go back to the TV station for so-called multimedia work. Bai Yang was resolute. She handed her resignation letter directly to Ren Jie. Regardless of whether he signs it or not, she will eventually return to the TV station.

Xiao Min told Zhao Yuanyuan that there have been continuous complaints from viewers recently. The reason is that hearing her voice is annoying and unsettling. Moreover, the viewer has already come to the station. Xiao Min suggested that she meet this person and communicate with them, so as to prevent them from complaining to the channel and the station. Zhao Yuanyuan was extremely helpless and afraid that this viewer with issues might physically harm her. So, she asked a few tall and strong male colleagues to accompany her to meet the person. To her surprise, it turned out to be Liu Lindu. Liu Lindu had fallen in love with her. However, after he fell in love with her, Zhao Yuanyuan didn't answer his calls or meet him, causing him to have sleep disorders and become agitated. Zhao Yuanyuan said that she can't accept his confession at this moment because she just came out of another relationship and needs time to sort things out.

After confirming that she also had feelings for him, Liu Lindu said he could wait for her. Zhao Yuanyuan smiled and shook hands with him. In the evening, Jiang Junhao cooked and invited He Huan, Bai Yang, and Zhao Yuanyuan for dinner. Ren Jie and Liu Lindu arrived later, making Bai Yang and Zhao Yuanyuan no longer feel like "loners." There were six people, which could be seen as three couples. Although Zhao Yuanyuan and Liu Lindu hadn't officially defined their relationship yet, they both had feelings for each other. Zhao Yuanyuan applied for the position of Director of the Advertising Center, but unfortunately, she didn't get it. However, she didn't lose heart. He Huan and Jiang Junhao told Ou Zimo about their relationship. At first, Ou Zimo had some difficulty accepting it, but after hearing what He Huan said and asking Jiang Junhao a few questions, he obtained Jiang Junhao's assurance and agreed to their relationship.

In addition to Bai Yang returning to the TV station, He Huan is also about to bring her newly upgraded show "Starry Book House" back to Jiangdu TV. Bai Yang reported her work to Secretary Huang and handed over a well-organized framework proposal for the multimedia center for his review. Secretary Huang called Zhao Yuanyuan to listen to Bai Yang's proposal. Next, He Huan, Bai Yang, and Zhao Yuanyuan will continue to work together on the same front, supporting and uplifting each other.

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