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Forever Love – Chen Fangtong, Dai Gaozheng

Forever Love is a romantic drama directed by Lin Qing, starring Chen Fangtong, Dai Gaozheng, Hou Dong, Ma Xinyu, and Hu Xifan.


Forever Love

English Title: Forever Love
Chinese Title: 盲心千金
Genre: Romance, Drama
Tag: Blind Female Lead, Bodyguard Male Lead, Heiress Female Lead, Protective Male Lead, Rich Female Lead, Strong Male Lead
Episodes: 30
Duration: 13 min.
Director: Lin Qing
Writer: Zhang Fen
Released Date: 2023-08-31
Broadcast Website: WeTV, TencentVideo, 腾讯视频



The only daughter of the wealthy magnate Lin Guofu, Lin Xintong, fell in love with the poor young man Chi Shan despite her father's objections. However, on the day of their engagement, Lin Xintong was unexpectedly kissed by a mysterious and highly aggressive man. Before she could recover from her shock, she learned that her father, Lin Guofu, had tragically died under suspicious circumstances!

Qin Moyao, falsely accused of being the murderer, sought out Lin Xintong to clear his name. Before he could explain the situation, he found himself entangled in the Lin family's conspiracy. This marked the beginning of a unique and thrilling relationship between Qin Moyao and Lin Xintong.

As Lin Xintong slowly discovered the affair between her fiancé Chi Shan and Xia Yuwei, misunderstandings grew between her and Qin Moyao. Love, hatred, and complicated emotions swirled within Lin Xintong. She decided to settle scores one by one. However, when she inadvertently harmed Qin Moyao, she realized that he had been silently protecting her all along.


The imposing and grand corporate building was heavily guarded. A black car pulled up, and several bodyguards rushed to stand in front of it. The car door opened, and a sharp-dressed man in black stepped out, exuding an air of sternness that made the bodyguards involuntarily step back. He returned to open the car door, carefully assisting a young lady out. Her name was Lin Tong, the only daughter of the Chairman of the Hongfu Group. The man beside her was Zhou Mo, Lin Tong's personal bodyguard. Due to Lin Tong's blindness, Zhou Mo stayed by her side, taking care of and protecting her diligently.

Zhou Mo's phone rang, and the voice of Lin Tong's fiancé, Chi Shan, came from the other end. He was already under the control of the board members, urgently trying to stop Lin Tong from attending the board meeting. However, Lin Tong was determined to go and save him. The bodyguards prevented Zhou Mo from entering, so he could only put a necklace-shaped alarm device around Lin Tong's neck, instructing her to press it if she encountered danger. Lin Tong was escorted to the meeting room, where the board members forced Chi Shan onto the table, pressuring Lin Tong to sit down and sign a prepared equity transfer document. They sneered, questioning how they could let a blind person manage such a large Hongfu Group after the sudden demise of Chairman Lin.

Lin Tong vehemently disagreed but was forcibly held down to leave her fingerprint on the agreement. In haste, Lin Tong pressed the alarm button. Zhou Mo fought his way to the meeting room, barging in to rescue Lin Tong. He took Lin Tong into an empty room, and his familiar actions triggered memories of her father's murder. She was convinced that Zhou Mo was the one who had killed her father.

After Lin Tong fell into a coma and was rescued by Zhou Mo, she regained consciousness at home. Upon seeing Zhou Mo, Lin Tong strongly rejected his presence, telling him that he had been dismissed. However, Zhou Mo played a recording of Chairman Lin's voice, stating that he had hired Zhou Mo at three times the market rate to protect Lin Tong. To prove her judgment, Lin Tong ordered Zhou Mo to take off his clothes to examine the wounds on his body because they had come into contact during their previous encounter, and she had once stabbed him in a crisis.

Zhou Mo didn't understand what Lin Tong intended and reminded her of the boundaries between men and women, considering she was engaged. However, Lin Tong insisted that he remove his clothes. With reluctance, Zhou Mo took off his shirt, revealing numerous scars on his body. Lin Tong touched one of the scars, becoming even more convinced that he was the one who had killed her father. Angrily, Zhou Mo grabbed her hands and placed them on his body, telling her that having scars as bodyguards was entirely normal.

Chi Shan was released, and Yuwei was helping him clean his wounds. Chi Shan kept his distance from her, but Yuwei got closer, saying that since Lin Tong couldn't see, it didn't matter. Lin Tong fumbled her way to Chi Shan and he hurriedly supported her. Lin Tong expressed her suspicions about Zhou Mo to Chi Shan and asked him to call the police. Chi Shan comforted her, advising her not to worry. He explained that on the day her father died, she had accidentally hit her head, which had led to her blindness. She needed proper rest and medication on time to recover her vision.

Lin Tong couldn't sleep, and she suddenly remembered that her father's study had a surveillance camera. So, she began to fumble her way to find it. At the same time, Zhou Mo was also searching in Mr. Lin's study. Lin Tong entered, and she wouldn't have noticed Zhou Mo initially, but she accidentally bumped into a bookshelf. Concerned that she might get hurt, Zhou Mo reached out to protect Lin Tong. Seeing Zhou Mo in her father's study so late at night, Lin Tong became even more suspicious of him.

At this moment, Yuwei and Chi Shan heard the commotion and came over. Lin Tong quickly asked Chi Shan to take down the surveillance footage from the bookshelf. Chi Shan was shocked when he heard this and hesitated for a while without moving. Zhou Mo reached out, took down the surveillance footage, and handed it to Lin Tong. Yuwei, making up an excuse about needing a card reader, hurriedly took the surveillance footage and left. The expressions on Chi Shan and Yuwei's faces made Zhou Mo even more suspicious.

After watching the video, Yuwei came over to tell Lin Tong that besides Uncle Lin, there was no one else in the footage. She tried to make Lin Tong believe that her father's death was truly an accident. Chi Shan cautiously asked Lin Tong if she knew where else in the house there was surveillance, but Lin Tong shook her head. Chi Shan comforted Lin Tong and told her it was very late; she should rest early. Afterward, Chi Shan took the surveillance footage from Yuwei, and she reluctantly informed him that she had just deleted all the footage that could be harmful to Chi Shan. She couldn't understand why he didn't trust her. Chi Shan quickly reassured her, asking how he could ever doubt her.

Zhou Mo returned home and released the person tied to the sofa. It turned out that this person was the real Zhou Mo, and Zhou Mo's true identity was Qin Moyao. Back in the day, he was a business partner with Lin Guofu, but their business cooperation failed, resulting in the tragic death of Qin's father. Qin Moyao swore to find evidence of Lin Guofu's involvement in his father's death. That's why he borrowed his good friend Zhou Mo's identity to get close to Lin Tong. Zhou Mo was worried that Qin Moyao would get himself into danger, so he tried to stop him, leading to Qin Moyao tying up Zhou Mo at home.

In the morning, Yuwei pretended to be very caring and offered Lin Tong some congee. However, she handed Lin Tong a bowl that was too hot, and Lin Tong nearly dropped it. Zhou Mo quickly caught the bowl and gave Yuwei a subtle look, warning Lin Tong to be careful. Yuwei remembered Chi Shan's instructions and used the excuse of meeting the former Lin family nanny, Wang Ma, to investigate whether Zhou Mo had killed her father. Lin Tong was planning to go and talk to Wang Ma to gather information, and as her bodyguard, Zhou Mo naturally had to accompany her.

Lin Tong tested Zhou Mo, suggesting that if he pushed her when they crossed the road, there would be no evidence, and no one would suspect him. Zhou Mo replied that he wasn't the kind of person who would commit murder for personal gain, and if he wanted to kill Lin Tong, he had a thousand opportunities. When they arrived at Wang Ma's door, Zhou Mo became alert, sensing that something was amiss inside. He asked Lin Tong to wait outside while he went in to investigate. It turned out that there were ambushes both inside and outside the house. Zhou Mo dealt with the assassins inside and, when he couldn't find Lin Tong, he realized she was surrounded by several men in a highly dangerous situation. In a critical moment, Zhou Mo rushed in to rescue Lin Tong.

Due to the outnumbered opponents, Zhou Mo, who was holding Lin Tong, got scratched by the attackers. Lin Tong felt the fresh blood on Zhou Mo's back and knew he was injured. Zhou Mo carried Lin Tong back home and contacted the Lin family's private doctor. Chi Shan blamed Yuwei for allowing Lin Tong to get involved in such a dangerous situation. He emphasized that if anything happened to her, all their previous efforts would be in vain. Yuwei reassured him, saying she had a plan and suggested shifting all the blame onto those debt collectors.

Qin Moyao woke up, and Lin Tong expressed her gratitude to him. Qin Moyao said it was his duty, but Lin Tong mentioned that he risked his life to save her, so she had to thank him. However, she pointed out that it didn't prove he was innocent of her father's murder. Lin Tong sat alone on the sofa, reminiscing about the moments she had spent with Qin Moyao. At that moment, Zhou Mo came to find Qin Moyao, as he didn't want to see Qin Moyao sacrificing everything for Lin Tong. Two years ago, Qin Moyao almost died trying to save Lin Tong, and now he was injured again for her. But Qin Moyao didn't want Zhou Mo to interfere.

When Lin Tong heard the commotion, she groped her way over and asked what was happening. Qin Moyao made an excuse, saying he accidentally kicked a stool, then he helped Lin Tong to rest. Zhou Mo watched his back with growing concern, realizing that Qin Moyao was getting deeper into the situation. Qin Moyao taught Lin Tong to eat on her own, and she quickly learned to gauge the distance of the utensils from herself. Qin Moyao was pleased with her progress.

Seeing that Lin Tong quickly found her way to the cutlery, Qin Moyao was relieved. At least, when he wasn't with her, she wouldn't be easily injured. At that moment, a servant came to report that Chi Shan had arrived with funeral home personnel to discuss Lin's father's funeral arrangements. The funeral home representatives presented three burial sites for Lin Tong to choose from. Qin Moyao chose the one in West Mountain for her, explaining that it had a beautiful view halfway up the hill, convenient transportation, and a glimpse of the sea. Lin Tong agreed to the burial site suggestion proposed by Qin Moyao.

The grand and imposing corporate building was heavily guarded. A black car arrived, and several bodyguards rushed to stand in front of it. The car door opened, and a well-dressed man in black stepped out, exuding an air of sternness that made the bodyguards involuntarily step back. He returned to open the car door, carefully assisting a young lady out. Her name was Lin Tong, the only daughter of the Chairman of the Hongfu Group. The man beside her was Zhou Mo, Lin Tong's personal bodyguard. Due to Lin Tong's blindness, Zhou Mo stayed by her side, taking care of and protecting her diligently.

After Chi Shan persuaded Lin Tong to arrange her father's funeral, she agreed, and Chi Shan seemed relieved. After her father's burial, Lin Tong touched her father's portrait with great sorrow. Qin Moyao brought her a bowl of tofu soup to ease her mood. Upon learning that Qin Moyao's father had also passed away, Lin Tong wanted to ask him about it, but Qin Moyao didn't want to talk about it. He recalled the tragic scene of his father's death and was deeply saddened.

Lin Tong thanked Qin Moyao for everything he had done for her, and he said it was what he should do. Lin Tong vowed to find her father's murderer. Qin Moyao asked if she no longer suspected him, but Lin Tong didn't give a definite answer. The next day, a servant brought Lin Tong a flash drive, saying that someone had delivered it and left immediately. Lin Tong asked if the person had said anything, and the servant replied that the person had only said one inexplicable sentence: "Zhou Mo is not Zhou Mo."

Lin Xintong handed the USB drive to Yuwei and asked her to help see what was inside. Yuwei opened her computer and inserted the USB drive, discovering it contained information about a bodyguard named Qin Moyao. The file provided details about his height, weight, and educational background, but there was no photo. However, it mentioned that he had undergone surgery and had a scar on his lower abdomen. In the evening, Lin Xintong sat on the sofa waiting for Qin Moyao. When he arrived, she invited him to have a drink. Qin Moyao didn't understand her intentions, but Lin Xintong suggested that since they both had lost their fathers, they could share their grief over a drink.

After Lin Xintong regained consciousness and saw Zhou Mo, she strongly urged him to leave, claiming that he had already been fired. However, Zhou Mo played a recording of Chairman Lin offering three times the market price to hire him as Lin Xintong's protector. To prove her judgment, Lin Xintong ordered Zhou Mo to take off his clothes to examine the injuries she had inflicted on him during their previous encounter.

Qin Moyao quickly became intoxicated and lay motionless on the sofa. Lin Xintong fumbled to unbutton his shirt and gradually moved her hand downward. Unable to tolerate it any longer, Qin Moyao grabbed her hand, warning her that it was dangerous. Lin Xintong panicked, only wanting to confirm his true identity. Qin Moyao let go of her and admitted that he was indeed Qin Moyao but had no involvement in her father's death. He also told her that she could dismiss him anytime, but the people around her were not as trustworthy. Lin Xintong asked about the people around her, but Qin Moyao didn't answer and left.

Back at his residence, Qin Moyao angrily confronted Zhou Mo, questioning why he had revealed his true identity. Zhou Mo was Qin's father's adopted son and had been entrusted by his adoptive father to prevent Qin Moyao from seeking revenge. Qin Moyao warned Zhou Mo not to interfere and handed him a set of numbers to investigate. The next day, Qin Moyao came to see Lin Xintong and told her that if she wanted to know about the people around her, she should accompany him to meet someone. Lin Xintong, accompanied by Qin Moyao, met Wang Ma. Wang Ma told her that on the day Lin Xintong accidentally fell and lost consciousness, her father had urgently asked her to accompany Miss Lin to the hospital. When they returned, her father had said he needed to discuss matters with Chi Shan in the study and had Wang Ma serve them tea. Yuwei had also been present at the time. Wang Ma emphasized the importance of Lin Xintong resting and taking medication as prescribed to aid her recovery.

Lin Xintong was shocked by what Wang Ma had said. She could be certain that Chi Shan and Xia Yuwei were both in the study at the moment when her father was not there. But why did they lie and claim that there was only her father in the surveillance footage? Qin Moyao drove Lin Xintong back home, and after a long silence, Lin Xintong apologized to Qin Moyao. He told her she didn't need to apologize, as he couldn't bear it. While Qin Moyao was changing his clothes in the room, Lin Xintong fumbled her way in. She wanted to drink, and since Qin Moyao refused to accompany her, she started drinking alone.

Lin Xintong couldn't sleep, and suddenly, she remembered that there was a camera in her father's study. So, she groped her way to find it. At the same time, Zhou Mo was also in Lin Guofu's study looking for something. Lin Xintong entered the room, and although she wouldn't have noticed Zhou Mo, she accidentally bumped into a bookshelf. Worried that she might get hurt, Zhou Mo reached out and protected Lin Xintong. Lin Xintong noticed Zhou Mo in the study in the middle of the night, which made her even more suspicious of him.

Lin Xintong felt that Xia Yuwei had deceived her. Qin Moyao asked her if she didn't doubt Chi Shan at all. Lin Xintong said that Chi Shan loved her very much, and a few years ago, he risked his life to save her from a car accident, leaving a scar on his body. When she saw that scar, Lin Xintong was convinced that Chi Shan was the person she was looking for. Qin Moyao recalled how he had risked everything to save Lin Xintong back then, only for her to mistake her savior for Chi Shan. He couldn't help but feel helpless and ironic, saying that Miss Lin always recognized people by their scars.

Zhou Mo found out that the set of numbers was actually a property certificate number. He also discovered that the person who had forcibly acquired the Qin family's assets was Lin Guofu's confidant, Liu Yuanshan. Chi Shan and Xia Yuwei were sleeping when Lin Xintong came over, startling them. Xia Yuwei quickly stood in front of Chi Shan and supported Lin Xintong. Lin Xintong asked them for the surveillance footage from the study, and Xia Yuwei and Chi Shan exchanged a quick glance, then replied that they had already thrown it away.

Lin Xintong now understood that Xia Yuwei had been lying. Betrayed by her best friend, Lin Xintong couldn't handle it and nearly fainted. Qin Moyao arrived just in time to support her. Lin Xintong wanted Qin Moyao to investigate Xia Yuwei, so he took her to meet Zhou Mo. Upon hearing that the person opposite them was Zhou Mo, Lin Xintong was eager to approach and feel what he looked like. Qin Moyao pulled her back and asked if she, as a woman, could be a bit more reserved.

Lin Xintong heard that Zhou Mo was sitting across from her, so she eagerly reached out to touch him, wanting to feel what he looked like. Qin Moyao quickly pulled her hand back, expressing his displeasure and asking her to be more reserved.

Lin Xintong explained that she didn't want to confuse the two of them. She handed Xia Yuwei's information to Zhou Mo, asking him to investigate the changes in Xia Yuwei's account funds. When Chi Shan saw Lin Xintong and Qin Moyao leaving, he became very nervous and kept calling her, but none of his calls went through.

Zhou Mo returned home and untied the person who was bound to the sofa. As it turned out, this person was the real Zhou Mo, and the real identity of Zhou Mo was Qin Moyao. They used to be business partners with Lin Guofu, but their business cooperation failed, leading to the tragic death of Qin's father. Qin Moyao swore to find evidence that Lin Guofu had framed his father, so he borrowed the identity of his good friend Zhou Mo to get close to Lin Xintong. Zhou Mo was worried that Qin Moyao was getting himself into danger, so he tried to stop him. Consequently, Qin Moyao tied Zhou Mo up at home.

When Lin Xintong returned, Chi Shan harshly criticized her for trusting Qin Moyao too much and going out with him in the middle of the night without considering his feelings. Lin Xintong was displeased with his attitude and warned him that she had the freedom to do as she pleased. She went back to rest, and Chi Shan pulled Qin Moyao aside, revealing that he was actually the son of the Qin Group, a talented medical student. He questioned Qin Moyao's motives for working as a bodyguard for the Lin family. Qin Moyao casually replied that he, just like Chi Shan, was here to make some money from the Lin family. He had modest demands and was content with a tenth of what Chi Shan would receive.

However, Qin Moyao warned both Chi Shan and Xia Yuwei not to harm Lin Xintong in any way while pursuing their financial interests. Chi Shan sarcastically asked if Qin Moyao was interested in his fiancée. Qin Moyao retorted unapologetically that he wasn't interested but that he wouldn't hesitate to take action if necessary, given his short temper.

Lin Guofu's lawyer found Qin Moyao and transferred 50% of the shares under his name to Qin Moyao because Lin Guofu had been feeling guilty ever since the forced acquisition of the Qin Group. Zhou Mo informed Qin Moyao that he had obtained evidence of Lin Guofu's unlawful acquisition of the Qin Group and could sue them for illegal transactions, which would likely lead to the complete bankruptcy of the Lin family, just as what happened to the Qin Group. However, Qin Moyao didn't want to go through with it.

Zhou Mo openly admitted that he had fallen in love with Lin Xintong and didn't want to harm the Lin family for fear of hurting her. Qin Moyao didn't argue and left Zhou Mo. Determined to prevent Qin Moyao from getting closer to Lin Xintong, Zhou Mo made up his mind.

Due to the crowded situation, Zhou Mo, who was holding Lin Xintong, got scratched by the opponents. Lin Xintong touched the fresh blood on Zhou Mo's back, realizing that he was injured. Zhou Mo carried Lin Xintong back home and contacted the Lin family's private doctor. Chi Shan blamed Xia Yuwei for allowing Lin Xintong to be involved in such a dangerous situation. If anything happened to her, all their previous efforts would be in vain. Xia Yuwei reassured him, saying that she had a plan and suggested pinning everything on those debtors.

Qin Moyao visited Lin Xintong's room, and she immediately recognized him because she could now identify his scent. Qin Moyao claimed he came to check if she was sleeping well. Lin Xintong smiled and said that she felt safe knowing he was outside. The next day, Lin Xintong received a call from Zhou Mo, saying that he had gathered information about Xia Yuwei and wanted to meet her. Since Qin Moyao was busy, Lin Xintong went with Zhou Mo.

Zhou Mo took her to an underground parking garage and had two thugs scare Lin Xintong in the hopes of convincing her to fire Qin Moyao. Unbeknownst to Zhou Mo, after he left, Xia Yuwei intercepted the two thugs and paid them to insult Lin Xintong. When Qin Moyao returned and learned that Lin Xintong was in the underground parking garage, he rushed over. By the time he arrived, the two thugs had already stripped Lin Xintong of her coat. Qin Moyao quickly subdued the thugs and forced them to reveal the woman behind the scenes, a woman wearing a diamond necklace. Lin Xintong realized that the woman was none other than her close friend, Xia Yuwei.


Original Soundtrack


  • 2023-09-29 09:00:05

    Pls, Chen Fantong and Dai Gaozheng Go Dating in Reality

    "Forever Love" is a short drama series with highlights in every episode. The actors deliver outstanding performances, and the male lead's action scenes are natural. The plot is intriguing and doesn't drag.

    The series provides a brief introduction to the story of a bodyguard and a wealthy young girl. The plot is well-structured, and the chemistry between Chen Fangtong and Dai Gaozheng is indeed remarkable. The filming techniques are also well-executed.

    As for "Maid's Revenge", it's addictive despite being a bit cheesy and over-the-top. However, it has some noticeable flaws.

    In "Forever Love", the storytelling becomes more refined, and both the plot and dialogues are much improved.

    Chen Fangtong, your smiling face is truly attractive. I hope you get better scripts and continue to excel in your acting career! Keep it up!

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