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HOME Forums News / Gossip SNH48 8th Annual Grand Final Ranking, Sun Rui Set Up A Personal Studio


  • SNH48 8th Annual Grand Final Ranking, Sun Rui Set Up A Personal Studio

     Anna updated 2 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 1 Post
  • Anna

    August 8, 2021 at 5:32 pm

    On Aug 7th, 2021, Sun Rui won the first place in SNH48 Group Annual Grand Final.

    Yuan Yiqi and Shen Mengyao Ranked second and third place.❤

    Song Xinran, Duan Yixuan, Xuyang Yuzhuo and Yang Bingyi made it to the top 7!

    Congratulations to them!!!??

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0 of 0 posts June 2018