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HOME Forums News / Gossip Dilraba said to have been pregnant for seven months

  • Dilraba said to have been pregnant for seven months

     oldhuang updated 1 year, 6 months ago 1 Member · 1 Post
  • oldhuang

    January 5, 2023 at 4:59 pm

    As an A-list star, the Xinjiang actress has been absent from public view for more than 7 months, which gives ground for her possible pregnancy, Fans also reveal that she is going to work in Denmark, which means she will not be available for quite some time, which is long enough to be away for making delivery, not of a dramatic work, but of a flesh and blood baby. Her recent photos taken at airports show that she has herself fully wrapped. Her brokerage agency has issued a letter of warning to sue any rumor monger. but from the past experience, such act looks very naive.

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